Food and Entertainment 2024, May

How to Close a Chips Packaging Bag by Folding It: 9 Steps

How to Close a Chips Packaging Bag by Folding It: 9 Steps

If you don't have pocket tongs, there are several options for keeping a bag of chips crispy. The easiest way to do this is to fold the top of the bag a few times after removing the air from the bag. If you do this, store the chips with the folded side of the bag facing down and overlap the fold with a heavy object to keep the bag tightly closed.

3 Ways to Make Sugar Candy

3 Ways to Make Sugar Candy

Sugar is the basic ingredient of most candy types, but there are some types of candy that highlight the distinctive texture and simple deliciousness of sugar. You can cook sugar candy for holidays, birthdays, or as a special treat ready to serve when you want it.

5 Ways to Eat Edamame

5 Ways to Eat Edamame

Soybeans originating from Japan, edamame, are rich in protein and fiber. Because these soybeans are young, unlike the mature soybeans found in tofu, their soft texture makes them the perfect ingredient to add nutritional value to any meal. Once the edamame is steamed or boiled and given a pinch of salt to add flavor, you can eat edamame in a variety of ways, from eating plain edamame, making edamame pasta, or enjoying edamame as a key ingredient in fried rice or salads.

How to Make Jelly: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make Jelly: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Jelly is a delicious side dish with toast, muffins and even scones! Unlike jam, jelly contains fewer fruit seeds. In addition, the color is more transparent and the texture is denser. To make it yourself at home, you only need to prepare fruit, a saucepan, sugar, pectin, and a glass jar.

How to Open a Champagne Bottle: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Open a Champagne Bottle: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

Opening a bottle of champagne is a festive ritual. However, opening a champagne bottle can be difficult if you haven't tried it before. You need to twist the bottle, hold the cork, and gently push the cork until it comes out of the bottle. Make sure you grip the cork firmly, unless you want champagne to rain!

3 Ways to Make Juice

3 Ways to Make Juice

Fruit and vegetable juices contain many vitamins and minerals. Consuming fresh juices will give you extra energy, make your skin and hair look beautiful, and provide all the benefits of eating juices and vegetables in one glass. It's better to make your own juices than to buy them packaged, because packaged juices will lose their nutritional potential over time.

3 Ways to Tip Restaurant Waiters

3 Ways to Tip Restaurant Waiters

If you are visiting the United States and dining in a restaurant, you are expected to tip the waiter even if it is not required by law. Unlike the United States, generally tipping in Indonesia is not commonplace and sometimes some restaurants prohibit restaurant waiters from accepting tips.

How to Serve Food on a Plate (with Pictures)

How to Serve Food on a Plate (with Pictures)

When you serve food on a plate, the goal is to create a dining experience that appeals to all the senses, not just the palate. When food looks appealing, the body actually produces more fluids which help in absorption of nutrients. So, it can be said that attractive foods are healthier than unattractive foods.

3 Ways to Reheat Steak

3 Ways to Reheat Steak

Freshly cooked steaks are tender and delicious, but heating the steak is a different matter, as it can make the meat tough, tough, and make it taste less delicious. If you want to enjoy your steak just as well this second time around, try this method of heating the steak.

How to Make Candy Corn: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make Candy Corn: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Love to snack on candy corn but lazy to make your own because the process is very time consuming? In fact, the time and process that you have to spend is directly proportional to the taste of homemade candy corn which is certainly much more delicious than factory-made products!

3 Ways to Open a Bottle without a Bottle Opener

3 Ways to Open a Bottle without a Bottle Opener

If a bottle opener is not available, there are many other ways to open a bottle cap. If you're at home, try using different tools and equipment to remove the bottle cap. If you're on the go, the stuff in your pocket might work for opening bottles.

3 Ways to Remove Scorched Crust in the Frying Pan

3 Ways to Remove Scorched Crust in the Frying Pan

Have you ever felt frustrated when you saw the bottom of your favorite skillet filled with a scorched layer that seemed impossible to clean? Don't worry, even professional chefs have made this mistake. Heating milk over high heat, not stirring frequently, or not watching the food being cooked can all leave an annoying scorched crust on the bottom of your pan.

How to Prepare Creme Anglaise: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Prepare Creme Anglaise: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Crème anglaise is a dessert sauce made from eggs, cream and fresh vanilla. Crème anglaise is commonly served in fine restaurants to decorate and beautify cakes or other desserts, by enriching or contrasting flavours, enhancing flavors and enhancing the appearance of a dish.

4 Ways to Make Pineapple Juice

4 Ways to Make Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is a healthy and delicious drink. Pineapple juice contains bromelain which aids digestion, making it ideal for desserts. Pineapple juice is also full of vitamin C. It's easy to prepare pineapple juice, but sometimes peeling and chopping a pineapple isn't the case.

7 Ways to Use Fondant

7 Ways to Use Fondant

Fondant is a type of decorative icing that can be easily rolled and shaped into all shapes as an addition to the cake. Fondant can be used just to line a cake, or it can be shaped into small figurines, figures, designs, and anything else you find artistic enough to try!

3 Ways to Make Gummy Bears

3 Ways to Make Gummy Bears

Gummy bears are one of the simplest candies you can make at home. There are only four basic ingredients: water, sugar, gelatin, and flavorings. When water and gelatin are mixed, heated, then cooled, the result will naturally form a chewy candy, so you don't need expensive equipment or complicated ingredients to make.

3 Ways to Fry Shrimp

3 Ways to Fry Shrimp

Shrimp that have been peeled and cleaned can be fried quickly and easily. You can fry or sauté prawns in a little oil or butter, or fry them in bread crumbs or seasoned flour. Read the guide below to learn about each of the different frying method options.

5 Ways to Cook Green Scallops

5 Ways to Cook Green Scallops

Green scallops are delicious shellfish, which can be steamed, boiled, grilled, grilled, or cooked in a variety of ways. Green mussels taste delicious when eaten alone, accompanied by french fries or crusty bread or mixed with other seafood dishes.

How to Prepare Fish Fillets: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Prepare Fish Fillets: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Catching fish may be easy because you just have to throw the hook and wait patiently. On the other hand, you need a bit of finesse to file fish. By knowing the correct way to filet fish, you can serve enough fish meat for a side dish, and get more meat for a fish feast.

3 Ways to Cook Steamed Fish

3 Ways to Cook Steamed Fish

Is there anything more delicious than a perfectly cooked piece of fish? Steamed fish is a dish that is both easy to cook and healthy and perfect for any time of the day. Starting with fish filets, or whole fish that has been cleaned and scaled off, plus the right vegetables and spices, you can serve up a very tasty meal for a few or many people.

4 Ways to Cook Tilapia

4 Ways to Cook Tilapia

Fish is a great source of healthy protein and omega 3 fatty acids that are healthy, cook quickly, and don't require much preparation. If you tend to avoid eating fish with a sharp taste, there are several types of dishes, one of which is tilapia, which is soft and not fishy.

3 Ways to Know Rotten Salmon

3 Ways to Know Rotten Salmon

Salmon is a delicious and healthy fish when cooked and stored properly. Always watch for signs of spoilage in raw salmon before cooking. Discard any leftover salmon that doesn't store well in the refrigerator, or that has been stored for more than two days.

How to Make Fish and Chips: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make Fish and Chips: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Who does not know a snack called fish and chips? In fact, this dish consisting of deep-fried fish and chips is a fast food that is very popular in the United Kingdom. If you've always been buying them at high prices at restaurants, why not try making your own?

3 Ways to Process Squid

3 Ways to Process Squid

Although it seems luxurious, squid is basically a food ingredient that is easy to find, cheap, and in fact very easy to prepare. Trauma from ever eating squid that has an unusually tough texture? Don't worry, this article explains various ways to process squid properly so that the texture is not too tough and certainly shakes the tongue!

4 Ways to Fry Fish

4 Ways to Fry Fish

Salt and pepper seasoned fish is a delicious Cantonese dish in which fresh fish is cooked in a sweet and spicy batter, fried in oil and served with fresh chilies and shallots. Find out how to prepare fish, make batter, fry it to perfection and serve your salt and pepper fish in the traditional way.

How to Skin and Clean Catfish: 8 Steps

How to Skin and Clean Catfish: 8 Steps

Catfish are tough fish and the hardness of their skin reflects this. However, the succulent meat is well worth the effort it takes to clean and skin it. There are several ways to clean catfish, but the method mentioned in this article is the easiest.

3 Ways to Grill Fish

3 Ways to Grill Fish

Grilled fish is a healthy and delicious dish that can be cooked in minutes. To grill thick, strong fish, you don't need to use aluminum foil, a grill basket, or any other special equipment. With a little preparation and seasoning, you can become a professional chef in no time.

How to Boil Lobster: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Boil Lobster: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

The most popular and easy way to cook lobster is to boil it. While lobster was originally a food for the poor in the early 19th century, this has changed over the years, and today lobster has become an expensive dish all over the world, especially in the Northeastern Americas.

3 Ways to Cook Shrimp

3 Ways to Cook Shrimp

Shrimp is a seafood that can be eaten with a variety of spices and sauces. Shrimp cooks quickly, making it a great choice for dinner or any other meal you need to prepare quickly. Shrimp is delicious boiled, sauteed or grilled. Step Step 1.

3 Ways to Cook Salmon Fillets

3 Ways to Cook Salmon Fillets

You will agree that salmon fillet is a very tasty, healthy, and easy to prepare food. After being cooked with a variety of favorite spices, salmon can be directly served with various complements and then served as a filling lunch or dinner menu.

4 Ways to Separate Egg Whites and Yolks

4 Ways to Separate Egg Whites and Yolks

Many recipes require only the yolk or egg white. There are also people who cook using only egg whites to lower cholesterol. Whatever your reason, there are many tips that can help you to easily separate the yolks from the whites. Step Method 1 of 4:

How to Get Rid of Flour Lice: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Get Rid of Flour Lice: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

When you open the flour storage bin and find tiny insects crawling inside, it's most likely flour bugs. These lice are usually small, brownish red in color, and can fly. Since mealybugs can lay large numbers of eggs each day for months, you'll have a hard time dealing with them.

4 Ways to Cook Omelettes

4 Ways to Cook Omelettes

What kind of omelette do you like? Omelettes are a quick, healthy option for breakfast or other meals. Omelettes consist of the main ingredient, namely beaten and cooked eggs, but the method for cooking them varies. This article provides ways to cook classic stuffed omelets, plain french omelets, steamed omelets, and baked omelets.

How to Make a Crepe (with Pictures)

How to Make a Crepe (with Pictures)

Crepe is a lighter French pancake. It tastes delicious with or without filling. You can fill it with butter, sugar, jam, chocolate, even ingredients that taste savory. This article explains how to make dough, cook and serve crepes along with various filling ingredients.

4 Ways to Eat Peanut Butter

4 Ways to Eat Peanut Butter

Goober nuts, peanuts, or arachis hypogaea - however you call them, these nuts belong to the legume family and taste delicious when mashed into peanut butter. Delicious, versatile, and perfect in its simplicity, peanut butter is one of the United States' biggest export commodities and is popular throughout the west.

How to Make Fondant: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make Fondant: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Running out of fondant (fondant in English) while you're busy decorating your cakes and don't want to drive to the grocery store afterwards? Why not try making it yourself? In fact, the classic fondant recipe consists of only a few simple ingredients that can be easily found in major supermarkets, such as gelatin, corn syrup, and white butter.

3 Ways to Make Fondant from Marshmallows

3 Ways to Make Fondant from Marshmallows

News bulletin: fondant can be delicious and fun! Many people like the look of fondant, but not with the taste and price that is so expensive. This recipe that uses marshmallows as a substitute provides a cost-effective solution that tastes better than real fondant.

How to Decorate a Cake with Fondant: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Decorate a Cake with Fondant: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Who says decorating cakes with fondant can only be done by a professional cake maker? With a little practice and some of the specific tips you'll find in this article, making your cake even more spectacular is no longer just a dream! Ingredients Buttercream Fondant Fine granulated sugar cake Step Part 1 of 2:

How to Make Fresh Mango Juice: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make Fresh Mango Juice: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

If you have fresh mangoes, make your own mango juice! You can easily adjust the taste and texture of the juice. If you want a thick, creamy juice, mix the mango with a little sugar and milk. If you want a strong, original mango flavor, just add some water to the mango chunks.

How to Boil Peanuts: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Boil Peanuts: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Boiled peanuts are a snack that many people like. Freshly harvested beans can be boiled easily, and they will taste delicious if you add salt and other seasonings. Whether you're boiling fresh or dried beans, try following some of the tips in this article for a salty snack to go with your favorite drink!