Pets and Animals 2024, June

How to Feed a Betta: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Feed a Betta: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Betta fish are great animals to keep in a home or office aquarium because they are easy to care for, more active than most ornamental fish species, and beautiful. Bettas are carnivores and should be fed a meat-based diet and should not be fed the dry, vegetable-based pellets that most tropical fish provide.

How to Treat Fin Rot Disease: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Treat Fin Rot Disease: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Fin rot is a common symptom of bacterial disease that can attack a variety of fish, from betta fish to ornamental goldfish. This disease is often caused by dirty aquarium conditions, poor quality of care, or exposure to other fish with infectious diseases.

How to Spawn Molly Fish (with Pictures)

How to Spawn Molly Fish (with Pictures)

Molly fish (Poecilia sphenops) is a type of fish that reproduces by giving birth (not laying eggs). This fish is also suitable to be kept in an aquarium or tank. Molly fish are also quite easy to mate. Each time she gives birth, the female molly fish can give birth to more than a hundred fish.

3 Ways to Make Your Own Aquarium Filter

3 Ways to Make Your Own Aquarium Filter

Filters can be quite expensive. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the right type of filter, especially if you have a large tank, or fish that are vulnerable (eg betta fish). Therefore, many aquarium enthusiasts choose to make their own filters.

How to Treat Pineapple Scales Disease on Goldfish: 15 Steps

How to Treat Pineapple Scales Disease on Goldfish: 15 Steps

Pineapple scales disease (dropsy) occurs when the fish's kidneys do not function properly, resulting in fluid retention which makes the stomach swell. In the later stages of the disease, goldfish scales will bulge out. When you see these symptoms in a sick goldfish, the chances of survival are slim.

7 Ways to Find Out How Many Fish You Can Keep in an Aquarium

7 Ways to Find Out How Many Fish You Can Keep in an Aquarium

As with many other things in life, the key to managing a fish tank is balance. Too many inhabitants in the aquarium will affect the health and happiness of the fish. Luckily, you can actually find out how many fish you can fit in your tank easily.

3 Ways to Keep Aquarium Water Clean

3 Ways to Keep Aquarium Water Clean

An aquarium can be said to be healthy if the water in it is clear. Fish need clean and healthy water to survive. Uneaten food, fish waste, and plant debris can raise the pH level of the tank water making it unsafe for fish. There are several ways to keep your aquarium water clean Step Method 1 of 3:

3 Ways to Lower Ammonia Levels in a Fish Aquarium

3 Ways to Lower Ammonia Levels in a Fish Aquarium

Ammonia is a chemical compound that can enter your aquarium. Ammonia can enter the aquarium through water from outside or decay from fish or other natural materials in the tank. Ammonia can be very harmful to fish. Therefore, it is important to keep the ammonia level as close to zero as possible.

How to Save a Dying Gold Fish (with Pictures)

How to Save a Dying Gold Fish (with Pictures)

If you have gold fish and enjoy keeping them, it's really sad when they show signs of dying. Goldfish can die for many reasons, from illness to depression. However, by taking the first steps, you may be able to save a dying goldfish and even keep it for 10-20 years.

How to Feed a Goldfish: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Feed a Goldfish: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Goldfish must be fed properly in order to live a healthy and happy life. Overfeeding, or incorrect feeding and preparation are common mistakes that goldfish owners often make when feeding their fish. Understanding goldfish eating habits and knowing the right types of food will help you to feed your goldfish properly.

3 Ways to Feed Broom Fish‐Broom

3 Ways to Feed Broom Fish‐Broom

Broomfish are pets that can keep your aquarium free of moss. The broom fish is a type of catfish that usually lives in aquariums. These fish are moss eaters, but the moss in the aquarium will not fill them up. You have to give the fish moss wafer brooms.

3 Ways to Attract Dragonflies

3 Ways to Attract Dragonflies

Dragonflies are large insects that are attractive, attractive, and fun to look at. These animals can control the mosquito population well so it is beneficial for your garden. Dragonflies are attracted to areas with water, so the best way to attract a flock of dragonflies to your yard or garden is to add a water source.

How to Make Friends with a Horse (with Pictures)

How to Make Friends with a Horse (with Pictures)

Horses have many traits; cheerful, dashing, strong, curious, gentle, and reliable. Plus, horses are affectionate and loyal-once you bond with a horse, it will be your friend forever. However, building a relationship like this requires dedication and effort.

How to Use an Incubator to Hatch Eggs (with Pictures)

How to Use an Incubator to Hatch Eggs (with Pictures)

An incubator is an artificial way to incubate eggs. In essence, the incubator allows you to incubate eggs without a hen. The incubator mimics the conditions and skills of a hen incubating a fertilized egg, including proper levels of temperature, humidity and ventilation.

How to Feed Squirrels Straight from the Hand: 11 Steps

How to Feed Squirrels Straight from the Hand: 11 Steps

Have you ever tried hand-feeding squirrels in your yard, but they just ran away? Since squirrels are wild animals, they are naturally afraid of large, dangerous-looking animals. Luckily, you can make friends with squirrels through food and train them to eat right out of your hands.

How to Approach a Shy or Fearful Dog (with Pictures)

How to Approach a Shy or Fearful Dog (with Pictures)

Street dogs, runaway dogs, or dogs that have experienced violence may show signs of fear or anxiety. Sometimes gentle dogs will also act violently if they are embarrassed or afraid. Compared to frightened dogs, shy dogs tend to be easier to calm down.

4 Ways to Deal with a Dying Hamster

4 Ways to Deal with a Dying Hamster

Hamsters can be fun and loyal pets. However, his life span of only 2-3 years can seem very short. If your pet hamster is suffering from old age or disease, find out how to reduce the suffering for you and the hamster by reading this article.

How to Cultivate Hong Kong Caterpillars: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Cultivate Hong Kong Caterpillars: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Hong Kong caterpillars are widely used as feed for birds, fish, reptiles and other pets. If you have several pets that eat Hong Kong caterpillars, it makes sense to raise them yourself. Starting a Hong Kong caterpillar farm isn't as expensive as you might think, and you can get it up and running in no time.

3 Ways to Take Care of Captured Wild Frogs

3 Ways to Take Care of Captured Wild Frogs

If you find a lot of frogs in your yard or around your house, you might be interested in catching one and keeping it. Although wild frogs are not suitable as pets in the long term, they are very cheap to care for and caring for them is quite a fun activity.

How to Stop Your Dog from Biting Others: 12 Steps

How to Stop Your Dog from Biting Others: 12 Steps

Cases of death due to rabies, mainly caused by dogs, in Indonesia are said to have reached more than 84 thousand people (Kemenkes data in 2012). While a dog biting lightly or biting hard may not seem like a serious problem, it can still be a dangerous creature.

3 Ways to Track Pets Using a Microchip

3 Ways to Track Pets Using a Microchip

For most people, losing a pet is quite a scary thing. However, a microchip can help you find your pet faster. While they can't perform real-time tracking, pets with microchips are generally able to regroup with their owners. Therefore, the microchip is quite a worthwhile purchase.

How to Approach Your Horse (with Pictures)

How to Approach Your Horse (with Pictures)

Horses are intelligent and hardworking animals that make great companions. However, it is easy for us to forget that horses are also large and powerful animals that can become dangerous if startled or provoked. By following a few simple rules regarding horse safety, it will be easy to show you care and respect for your animals without much extra effort.

How to Give a Puppy to Someone Else: 14 Steps

How to Give a Puppy to Someone Else: 14 Steps

Do you have a puppy that you can't afford to raise? Or maybe your landlord doesn't allow tenants to keep pets, your financial expenses are too big, or you don't have enough time to properly care for your puppy. Whether it's hard on you or not, you have to make sure that your puppy finds a good home so that your sweet one can be a happy and healthy puppy.

How to Inject a Horse (with Pictures)

How to Inject a Horse (with Pictures)

Horses need a variety of injections-from annual vaccinations to routine medications. There may be times when you have to do the injection yourself instead of calling the vet. If you have to give your horse an injection, do you know what to do?

3 Ways to Care for a Dachshund

3 Ways to Care for a Dachshund

The Dachshund (pronounced DAK-sen) is a dog breed with shorter legs and a longer back than other dog breeds. Dachshund was originally a hunting dog originating from Germany. The name "dachshund" literally means "badger (hunter) dog"

How to Take Care of a Baby Wild Rabbit (with Pictures)

How to Take Care of a Baby Wild Rabbit (with Pictures)

As the wild rabbit population in urban areas increases, the chances of finding a nest for baby rabbits are higher than ever. Unfortunately, visible nests are often abandoned, and baby wild rabbits are taken from their nests by humans and may not survive without the care of a veterinarian or wildlife rehabilitation specialist.

How to Perform an Enema on Your Cat at Home: 11 Steps

How to Perform an Enema on Your Cat at Home: 11 Steps

If your cat can't pass stool or has dry, hard stools, your cat may be constipated. Constipation may be uncomfortable for your cat, and you will be frustrated to see him trying to have a bowel movement. If your vet agrees, and your cat tends to cooperate, you can try giving him an enema at home to ease the problem.

How to Stop a Cat Biting and Scratching Kebiasaan

How to Stop a Cat Biting and Scratching Kebiasaan

Most cats are docile and obedient animals. Cats rarely bite and scratch, and try hard to avoid situations that force them to behave in this way. However, there are times when the cat will fight and injure the owner. Besides being painful, a cat bite or scratch can trigger an infection, so it's best to avoid it.

How to Feed Chickens (with Pictures)

How to Feed Chickens (with Pictures)

Chickens are known as our yard waste cleaner. They will eat kitchen waste, grain, and ready-made feed that can be purchased at the store. However, the nutrients they need must be properly balanced. Laying hens need high levels of calcium, while broilers need more protein.

How to Keep a Mini Lop Rabbit (with Pictures)

How to Keep a Mini Lop Rabbit (with Pictures)

Mini lop rabbits are known for their sweet nature and strong build, qualities that make them excellent pets. Mini lop rabbits, like all rabbits, need a clean cage, nutritious food and gentle handling in order to survive and be happy. If you want to know how to take care of your mini lop, see Step 1.

How to Train a Puppy to Lie down: 12 Steps

How to Train a Puppy to Lie down: 12 Steps

Teaching a puppy to lie down can be useful in many situations, from visiting a new home to waiting at the vet's clinic to keep the puppy calm when meeting other dogs. Dogs can be said to be controlled and calm if they can lie down on command, because they don't jump around or run without their master's permission.

How to Take Care of a Hamster (with Pictures)

How to Take Care of a Hamster (with Pictures)

There are several types of hamsters in the world and most of them can live for about 2-3 years. Hamsters are nocturnal animals, so they usually sleep all day long. Unlike other types of hamsters, dwarf hamsters are crepuscular animals that are active, especially, in the morning (dawn) and in the afternoon, before sunset.

3 Ways to Cool Down a Dog

3 Ways to Cool Down a Dog

When it's hot, we usually want to go out and enjoy the sun as much as possible. Of course you'll want to take your dog on your summer adventures, but you should know that dogs don't respond the same way we do to heat. Dogs may also have problems cooling down after exposure to temperatures above 28°C.

3 Ways to Clean a Kitten

3 Ways to Clean a Kitten

Cats have a habit of cleaning themselves by licking their bodies, so you don't have to do much to clean their bodies once they're adults. However, kittens have difficulty cleaning certain body parts: the head, back, and hindquarters. Usually the mother cat helps the kittens, so it's your job to take the place of the mother cat in helping the kitten clean up until he is old enough to do this on his own.

3 Ways to Stop Unwanted Dog Behavior

3 Ways to Stop Unwanted Dog Behavior

Has your dog ever bitten your favorite sandal? How often does your dog bite the postman or newspaper delivery guy? Has your dog ever refused to play cards no matter how often you sat him in a comfortable chair, put on a cool jacket, and put a full house set in his paw?

How to Care for a Russian Dwarf Hamster (with Pictures)

How to Care for a Russian Dwarf Hamster (with Pictures)

The Russian dwarf hamster (also known as Campbell's dwarf hamster) is still the 'brother' of the Syrian hamster. Although not as popular as the Syrian hamster, the Russian dwarf hamster is starting to become quite a popular pet because of its easy maintenance and relatively low cost.

How to Raise a Hermit Crab (with Pictures)

How to Raise a Hermit Crab (with Pictures)

The hermit crab/hermit crab (which is affectionately called hermies) is a good pet. They may not be as cute and adorable as puppies, but they are fun to play with and will teach kids how to care for other living things. Follow these steps to build a crab habitat and raise your hermie.

How to Train a Puppy to Pee in its Place in the Apartment

How to Train a Puppy to Pee in its Place in the Apartment

Training a puppy to urinate in its proper place can be quite difficult if you live in an apartment, as you can't install a small door for the dog to go in and out on its own and it's not easy to get your dog outside. The key is to start training as soon as possible and stay consistent.

5 Ways to Stop Destructive Behavior in Dogs

5 Ways to Stop Destructive Behavior in Dogs

Destructive behavior in dogs is not normal. This tends to happen when a puppy or adult dog feels bored or lacks appropriate exercise. Dogs who experience this usually tend to exhibit excitable or frustrated behavior, such as chewing and digging.

How to Calm a Cat: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Calm a Cat: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Whether you're a cat lover or not, no one wants to deal with an angry and upset cat. Cats can get irritated for a variety of things: a car trip, a visit to the vet, the sound of a thunderstorm, a stranger in the house, a foreign cat outside, or something else.