3 Ways to Study in College

3 Ways to Study in College
3 Ways to Study in College

Table of contents:


Is the exam period coming soon? Are you worried about studying for exams? Maybe you could make it through high school half asleep with your hands tied behind your back, but sadly, college is on a slightly different level. Do you need some good tips? Then you must read this article!


Method 1 of 3: Before Study Session

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Step 1. Create a schedule for all your exams

Arrange by date so that the exam you're about to take will be at the top, then the next, then the next, and so on. Read the syllabus of your classes.

  • When the final exam period comes, your time is precious -- every minute counts. That's why it's important to schedule weeks (em, days) before the exam. So, in order not to be completely exhausted during this stressful time, create a realistic study schedule for yourself as well. Set aside time for breaks -- after all, you'll definitely rest -- and be sure to prioritize which subjects you'll need to study the most.
  • The syllabus is one of the most important materials you will get from a professor. Save it! Use the syllabus as you study for final exams as a kind of outline. The syllabus may also let you know what topics are of interest and importance to the lecturer -- certain topics may come up more often than others and those are the ones you definitely need to master.
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Step 2. Start highlighting with highlighter and create

Do you just need to learn words? If so, type it in a word processor and print it out. Words you already know shouldn't be on the list. Make sure you actually know a word before removing it from the list!

Study your notes and highlight them with a vocabulary highlighter and key concepts (in different colors!). Manipulate the material according to your needs. Make charts and index cards to help you study. Create cards for different categories -- some for terms and/or concepts, some for formulas, and some for quotes from reading assignments

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Step 3. Get a friend to study with you

And if he's in your class, even better (for him and you). However, make sure your friend is someone who is serious about learning -- having fun together isn't going to be very productive. A friend can benefit if you both can stay focused.

Take turns explaining terms and concepts to each other. Chances are if you can explain it to the other person (and he can follow), you have a good understanding of the material and it will show on the exam

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Step 4. Find a good place to study

Study in a quiet place that has a comfortable chair that you can comfortably sit in for a long time. If you find the perfect chair in a not-so-perfect place, move it. The chair wasn't glued to the floor for some reason.

Or, better yet, seek areas (yes, it's plural) good for studying. Believe it or not, some (plural again) studies have found that if you change the environment while studying, retention increases. Somehow, miraculously, keeping the brain surrounded by new stimuli makes information more interesting and therefore easier to remember. So if you start to get restless, listen to your feelings, and find a new armchair to sit in.

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Step 5. Collect all the materials (and some items too)

When leaving your boarding room or house, make sure you have everything you need and a few other things. Bring all the papers, folders, stationery, and books you'll need, but make sure not to forget the almost more important items: a water bottle, money (just in case), headphones, and a snack to chew on.

Miraculously, chocolate began to be judged as the new "superfruit". Chocolate is rich in antioxidants and healthy plant compounds, even more so than most fruit juices. So don't feel guilty when you bring a bar of chocolate to the study. You may actually be helping yourself

Method 2 of 3: During Study Session

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Step 1. Start writing

Whatever you think will work for you, do it. There are dozens of learning tactics out there -- experiment with as many tactics as you can and see what seems to work for you.

  • Write a summary. If you have to study for a science or history exam, you'll need another study system. Summarize each chapter and study it.
  • Use the donkey bridge. Why did the US get involved in World War I? Everyone knows that it's because of SPRENCZ. What is SPRENCZ? Submarine (submarine), Propaganda, Rage, bond Eeconomy with Europe, offense Nneutrality, Ccultural tie with England, and records Zimmerman, of course. With the donkey bridge, it will call your memory, and you can easily expand it into essay form.
  • If you are making study cards, read them aloud. It will help you remember. Reading cards silently is too passive. Always carry the cards with you and study them when you find yourself having a little free time.
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Step 2. Take regular breaks

It won't help if you study continuously for 5 hours. The body (and even the brain) needs rest. Eat something and drink a glass of milk or water. Study for 20-30 minutes, rest for 5 minutes, then study again for 20-30 minutes. You will learn so much more.

According to the Dartmouth Academic Skills Center, you should study in 20-50 minute periods and rest for 5-10 minutes between each session. For best results, study for a whole week

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Step 3. Listen to music

Most people have heard of the Mozart effect. That's when you listen to Mozart and you magically become smarter. Unsurprisingly, most of it was just lies. But there is a thread of truth here, and it is in all music.

The original research on Mozart was done on young adults, not infants (so you're in luck!). And although music didn't make the participants any smarter at all, it did increase brain alertness for about 15 minutes afterward. As the research expanded, it showed that any music (as long as the participants enjoyed it) could stimulate the brain, not just Mozart. And, actually, standing up and running around or doing jumping jacks can do the same. So, whatever it is, find a way to get your brain working

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Step 4. Combine

Not only will your attention span appreciate it, it will also make it easier for your brain to learn the material. Instead of continuing to study vocabulary, close it, then switch to drafts and reading quotes.

You know how musicians practice with a mix of scales intertwined with actual song and rhythm practice? And how come athletes never do the same exercise twice in a row? They do what you're supposed to do: use a full range of skills in one session. Otang will be more impressed

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Step 5. Study in groups

Study groups can motivate you to start studying when it's hard to motivate yourself -- plus, explaining difficult concepts out loud will help you figure out what you understand and what you still need to learn more, and putting together a group will allow you to share and master the definition of terms and explanations of concepts. And if you can get each member to bring a snack, that's an incentive to really get together!

Have each student prepare for the practice session with a few questions or practice hints (perhaps what they find most confusing). Together, the group will work to find the answer, answering everyone's hottest questions. However, don't take the group mentality and get off track! And make sure everyone is sharing accurate information; otherwise, the whole group will accidentally be mistaken

Method 3 of 3: Right Before the Exam

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Step 1. Get some sleep

Staying up late is a risky way. While most students think that studying all night will help them study more for exams, staying up late can actually hurt their grades. Tired students can't concentrate on exams, and speeding the night before final exams can actually reduce the amount of information you remember. On the other hand, students who are well rested are much more relaxed and alert when it comes time to take their exams. Take time to sleep -- you'll thank yourself later.

The overnight speed system is worthless. It's known as the "new student trick," meaning that any good, experienced student quickly learns that the overnight race system is a waste of time. What you might gain from extra study time will not compensate for the loss of alertness and ability to concentrate due to lack of sleep

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Step 2. Breakfast

Breakfast is not only good for the body, but also good for the mind. It will be more difficult to concentrate if you are hungry. However, don't eat anything that might make your stomach hurt.

Avoid the temptation to activate yourself with caffeine. It may only make you more restless. Stick to your normal breakfast menu -- routine will be relaxing

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Step 3. Be confident

It may sound like bullshit, but being confident and thinking that you'll do well on the exam can help calm you down and, in the end, make you do well on the exam. And, let's be honest, you did what you could. So whatever makes you think you're ready, do it. It pays off when you're not sweating, with your fingers twitching with fidget.

When we intend to remember without having the confidence that we can remember, that intention weakens to mere hope. Memories become stronger when you burden them and become trusted when you trust them. Try to form the habit of relying on memory from the start before looking at written reminders


It is important to take 5 minutes of rest on a regular basis! Don't feel guilty -- rest helps you learn
