4 Ways to Celebrate Passover

4 Ways to Celebrate Passover
4 Ways to Celebrate Passover

Table of contents:


Passover is one of the most important holidays in Judaism. The day commemorates the escape of the Jews from slavery in Egypt, and is celebrated in either March or April, depending on the date of the Hebrew calendar. The main themes highlighted in this Passover ritual are freedom, redemption, and gratitude. Here's what to do:


Method 1 of 4: Separation Basis

Celebrate Passover Step 1
Celebrate Passover Step 1

Step 1. Appreciate the importance and meaning behind Passover

Passover commemorates the strength and love that God has shown in His elect. It is a holiday that reminds us to love and value our families, our freedoms, and our blessings. This should remind us of the sufferings we have overcome and the sufferings we will continue to overcome by living lives of faithfulness to God.

Celebrate Passover Step 2
Celebrate Passover Step 2

Step 2. Decide when you will celebrate

Passover will last for 8 days. The calendar used by most people today is different from the Jewish calendar, so the start date will appear to change each year Passover begins (at sunset) and takes place on the following days:

  • 2014:14-22 April
  • 2015: April 3-11
  • 2016: 22-30 April
  • 2017: April 10-18
Celebrate Passover Step 3
Celebrate Passover Step 3

Step 3. Prepare for the Seder

The most important celebration of Passover week is the seder, or grand feast, which is always held on the first night of Passover. There are many rituals attached to food and the 15 traditional steps of the Passover celebration are listed below.

Method 2 of 4: Preparing for the Celebration

Celebrate Passover Step 4
Celebrate Passover Step 4

Step 1. Get rid of the yeast products

Any yeast must be removed before the start of Passover. This does not include products such as baking powder or baking soda. The product in question is one of five types of grain (several species of wheat and barley in the original context, but expanded to include wheat, rye, and oatmeal in modern times). Most families will do their best to thoroughly clean their homes and eliminate any possibility of yeast products in their homes.

Celebrate Passover Step 5
Celebrate Passover Step 5

Step 2. Prepare the seder

The seder, which will play a major role in the Passover celebration, consists of six symbolic meals, plus three unleavened breads that will be placed on separate plates. These six symbolic foods include:

  • Bitter herbs. Traditionally you can use turnips for this one. But parsley, chives, or celery can also be used.
  • Charoset, which is a mixture depicting the mortar used by slaves to build the Egyptian pyramids. This is usually a mixture of apples, nuts, and grapes. Various charoset recipes can be found online.
  • Root vegetables that are not bitter like boiled potatoes. It describes the hard work of the slaves.
  • The shin (The Shankbone), usually of a sheep or goat, symbolizes the lamb for the Passover sacrifice.
  • Boiled eggs were used to symbolize sacrifices during temple times.
  • Lettuce. Usually this is romaine, which is like a bitter vegetable to symbolize the bitterness of slavery life.
  • A bowl of salt water is also necessary.
Celebrate Passover Step 6
Celebrate Passover Step 6

Step 3. Have the Haggadah book ready. This is a book containing the required prayers, as well as the procedures and stories of the Passover

This book is part of the requirement to teach your family about Passover.

Method 3 of 4: Passover Food

Celebrate Passover Step 7
Celebrate Passover Step 7

Step 1. Say Kiddush

Say the Kiddush blessing and drink the first glass of anchor (of four).

Celebrate Passover Step 8
Celebrate Passover Step 8

Step 2. Wash your hands (Urchatz)

Wash hands without reading prayers.

Celebrate Passover Step 9
Celebrate Passover Step 9

Step 3. Eat Karpa (vegetables)

Dip the vegetables in the salt water and eat them.

Celebrate Passover Step 10
Celebrate Passover Step 10

Step 4. Split the unleavened bread (matzah)

Split the matzah in the middle. Larger portions will be returned to the pile as afikoman (dessert).

Celebrate Passover Step 11
Celebrate Passover Step 11

Step 5. Say Maggid (sermon)

Tell the story from Passover, ask the youngest child to ask the four traditional questions, and drink the second glass of wine. The four traditional questions in question are:

  • What has changed, tonight from the previous nights? That on previous nights we ate both chametz (leavened bread) and matzah, on this night, we only ate matzah?
  • What has changed, tonight from the previous nights? That on other nights we eat a lot of vegetables, on this night, only bitter vegetables?
  • What has changed, tonight from the previous nights? That on other nights we don't dip vegetables even though, on this night, we dip twice?
  • What has changed, tonight from the previous nights? On other nights, we eat either sitting or lying down. On this night, we all lay down.
Celebrate Passover Step 12
Celebrate Passover Step 12

Step 6. Wash hands again (Rachtzah)

Wash your hands again, this time a prayer is included.

Celebrate Passover Step 13
Celebrate Passover Step 13

Step 7. Saying the Motzi

Read the traditional prayer for eating bread called ha-motzi on matzo (unleavened bread).

Celebrate Passover Step 14
Celebrate Passover Step 14

Step 8. Eat Matzo

Read the dua to eat matzah and eat small portions of matzah.

Celebrate Passover Step 15
Celebrate Passover Step 15

Step 9. Eat bitter vegetables (maror)

Read prayers and eat bitter vegetables. These vegetables can be dipped in charoset.

Celebrate Passover Step 16
Celebrate Passover Step 16

Step 10. Eat koreich

Make a sandwich out of matzah, bitter greens and charoset, then eat.

Celebrate Passover Step 17
Celebrate Passover Step 17

Step 11. Arrange the table (Shulchan oreich)

This is a great dinner. You can eat whatever you want (as long as it doesn't contain yeast). Gefilte fish, meatball matzah soup, and beef back are the most common foods consumed today.

Celebrate Passover Step 18
Celebrate Passover Step 18

Step 12. Find and eat the afikoman (Tzafun)

Afikoman or pieces of matzah that were previously set aside will be eaten as dessert. Traditionally, children would steal it at mealtime and hide it (for parents to make up for it with candy or toys) or parents would hide it and children would be paid with candy or toys to find and return it.

Celebrate Passover Step 19
Celebrate Passover Step 19

Step 13. Welcoming Elijah (Bareich)

Say a prayer after eating and drink the third glass of wine. Then, pour the fourth glass of wine for the prophet Elijah and open the door of the house briefly to let him in.

Celebrate Passover Step 20
Celebrate Passover Step 20

Step 14. Say Hallel

Read the Psalms, recite the prayer over the fourth wine glass, and drink.

Celebrate Passover Step 21
Celebrate Passover Step 21

Step 15. Ending the night (Nirtzah)

End the celebration with a wish for the next year, a song, a story, or an expression of affection and faith.

Method 4 of 4: Other Ways to Celebrate Passover

Celebrate Passover Step 22
Celebrate Passover Step 22

Step 1. Watch the movie Passover

You can watch Passover-related movies with your family or children. This not only entertains the whole family but can also be useful for reminding everyone the importance of this holiday and opening up a discussion about your story and the story of the Jewish people.

  • One good film is Prince of Egypt, which is appropriate and fun for children but also has music and acting that is perfect enough to entertain parents.
  • Another great movie to watch is Charlton Heston's classic Ten Commandments. This film is very good and interesting for young and old alike.
  • A good and modern movie to watch (especially if your family likes a bit of drama) is The Devil's Arithmetic. In this film, a Jewish girl (played by Kirsten Dunst) who is tired of celebrating Passover is magically transported back in time to a Nazi camp. There he learned the true meaning of struggle, the importance of remembering, and the value of family and inheritance.
Celebrate Passover Step 23
Celebrate Passover Step 23

Step 2. Sing the song Pesah

You can sing Pesah songs, both modern and traditional, alone or with family or friends. On the internet, you can find lots of songs to sing. But here are three good songs:

  • A great traditional song for the whole family is Dayenu, which is upbeat and great to sing along.
  • Shalom Sesame (Jewish version of Sesame Street) is the perfect Passover movie that contains lots of great songs for young children.
  • For fun, take a modern song. Listen to "Dayenu, Coming Home" from The Ein Prat Fountainheads or "Les Misérable, A Passover Story" from The Maccabeats.
Celebrate Passover Step 24
Celebrate Passover Step 24

Step 3. Make Easter crafts with the children

There are many types of crafts you can make with kids that can keep them engaged and excited about Passover, and allow them to feel important and helpful.

  • Make a matzo house. Crafts can be made similar to making a gingerbread house and making a large centerpiece. Make the recipe more fun for the kids by making matzo with chocolate and caramel. Make sure the candy used is halal for Passover.
  • Make a festive Passover plate. You can invite your child to make and decorate plates and bowls for celebration plates. These plates can be easily adjusted in size to suit the abilities of children of all age groups.
  • Make an afikoman pouch. You can also make pockets for afikoman according to your wishes. Sew or buy a basic pouch and let your child decorate it with pictures, knick-knacks, or whatever you see fit.


  • Orthodox and Conservative Jews have 2 celebrations, but the new Jew has only 1 celebration.
  • Try watching some movies based on the scriptures like "The Ten Commandments" and "The Prince of Egypt".
  • "Pesach" is the Hebrew word for Passover. and is also the origin of the English word "pascal."
  • Cooking and baking for Passover can be an initial challenge in celebrating this holiday. Find a recipe that works with Passover instead of trying to adapt your own recipe.
  • Find some good resources for finding the Haggadah which you can download.
  • Judaism is a broad culture and religion of various sects. Different authorities may provide you with different information. Be prepared to sort out conflicting ideas.
  • Think about the themes of slavery, redemption, and freedom. Passover was a covenant between God and the Israelites. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt and God redeemed them and brought them to freedom.
  • Learning some Hebrew can increase your appreciation of Passover. The portion of the biblical scriptures dealing with the departure of many (the Exodus) was originally written in Hebrew, and many people celebrated their celebrations partly or wholly in Hebrew.


  • When you're shopping for Passover, look for labels that read: "Kosher for Passover" "Can be used for Passover," and "Kosher for Passover and all year round."
  • If any of your friends or family members have allergies, look for healthy alternatives for them.
