The many pressures of life make it difficult for us to feel relaxed. However, no matter what your activity, there is always a way to relax and calm your mind. Try to set aside time in between the busyness of everyday life to enjoy the relaxation you deserve.
Method 1 of 3: Relaxing the Mind

Step 1. Do meditation
One way to relax yourself is to meditate. Don't think that you have to learn complicated meditation techniques or that you need to practice yoga. There is an easy way to start a meditation practice by taking a few minutes each day to relieve tension and anxiety. Find a quiet, distraction-free place where you can meditate well. Try to control your mind by focusing your attention and feeling the flow of energy in your body.
- Do progressive muscle relaxation. Wear loose-fitting clothes and remove footwear. Begin to relax by taking long, slow breaths. Once you feel more relaxed, focus on recognizing what you feel in your right leg. Slowly tighten the muscles of the right leg, hold for 10 seconds, then release again. As you relax your leg muscles, feel the tension released as your legs relax again. Relax in the same way for the left leg. Continue this technique by working the other muscle groups throughout the body from the bottom up, left and right sides. Do not tighten muscles that are not being trained.
- Body scan meditation is a stationary relaxation technique. This means, during meditation, you just need to focus on your body while feeling every part of it in a still state. Let go of pent-up thoughts and emotions. Start by lying on your back in bed or on the floor. Focus your attention from the top of your head and then slowly lower your head to your feet. Continue to breathe deeply as you explore each body part. Pay attention to how you feel in each finger, muscle, and specific body part. When you're done, sit quietly for a moment, then slowly open your eyes again.
- Do meditation to calm your mind. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably and focus your mind on where you are right now. Don't think about the future or the past. Decide if you want to pay attention to a feeling, a sight, a candle flame, or a meaningful word. You can close or open your eyes as long as your mind is calm and focused. This meditation can relieve the stress of stress simply by focusing on being aware of where you are right now.

Step 2. Relax by deep breathing
The best way to relax yourself is to relax while breathing deeply. This breathing technique is also used when doing relaxation and meditation in other ways. This exercise is very easy to learn and can be done at any time.
- Start in a sitting position in a quiet room. You can sit on a chair or cross-legged on the floor. Close your eyes and calm the thoughts that keep popping up. Focus on what you are experiencing while feeling your feet touching the floor, your back posture, or your clothes touching your skin.
- Turn your attention to the breath. Try to adjust the rhythm of your breath so that you feel more comfortable. Don't breathe too deeply. Breathe calmly and naturally. Exhale longer than inhale. Make sure you breathe using your diaphragm. Place your palms on your stomach so you can feel the breath. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Your stomach should expand and contract with the rhythm of your breath, while your chest remains still.

Step 3. Listen to soothing sounds
Certain sounds can have a very good relaxing effect. Lie down with your eyes closed and listen to relaxing music. If you're at work or driving, turn on some music and focus on the sound of the music so you can ignore any other thoughts that come up.
- Listen to uplifting music. Play your favorite CDs, collect fun songs, or listen to music in the genres you enjoy the most. Sing along to feel more relaxed.
- Play a CD of recorded nature sounds, such as the sound of waves or rain. If you prefer to listen to music, choose instrumental songs with piano or violin sounds, or listen to Enya's songs.
- Buy a small fountain and place it on your desk. If you want to relax, close your eyes and listen to the soothing sound of water.

Step 4. Keep a journal
Take a few minutes to record your activities each day. Write down whatever you experience, it can be a full page or two lines. Take this opportunity to relieve stress and relax.
- Write down what frustrates you. What's bothering you? Can it still be fixed? If not, leave it alone and do something else.
- Use journaling as a way to improve self-esteem. Write down positive qualities about yourself. Calm yourself down by saying it's okay if you run into problems. Write, "I'm great" or "I love myself."
- Don't relax by jotting down things that make you more stressed.

Step 5. Free yourself for a moment
Set aside time in between your daily activities to be free from the influence of technology. Without realizing it, you will be stressed out if you are constantly distracted from having to reply to emails, social media, and using the internet. Take time to free yourself from these things.
- Put your phone in another room, turn off your phone and TV. Try walking, sitting on the porch while enjoying the birds chirping, bathing, reading books, cooking. Whatever you do, focus on enjoying the activity without the distractions of technology.
- Break free from technology 30 minutes on weekdays and an hour on weekends.

Step 6. Enjoy the outdoors
Nature is an excellent carrier of restorative effects. Research shows that being outdoors can improve mental health. Sunlight helps the formation of vitamin D in the body which can improve mood. Fresh air is also beneficial for mental and physical health.
- Do outdoor activities, walking, gardening, playing in open fields, climbing mountains. If you have time, try camping on the weekends.
- You don't need to practice to enjoy the restorative effects of nature. Take your dog for a walk around the house, pluck weeds in the backyard, or tend the flowers in the yard.
Method 2 of 3: Relaxing the Body

Step 1. Relax the muscles
Tension usually builds up in the muscles. If you feel tense and stressed, try relaxing the tense muscles so you can relax again.
- Massage your body. Arms are usually very tense, especially if you work at a computer. Apply a relaxing lotion on your arm, such as peppermint or lavender. Massage your arm using your thumb.
- Relax the lower jaw muscles. Open your mouth wide as if you are yawning. Hold for 30 seconds, then relax again.
- Try acupressure. Acupressure is a body relaxation technique from Asia that is done by massaging and applying pressure to certain points on the body to relieve tension.

Step 2. Repeat the motion
Movement that is usually done can provide a calming effect. Regular activities will make your body feel comfortable. Repetitive motion is especially helpful for people who seem to have a hard time relaxing by being still. Do activities that feel familiar and repetitive while clearing your mind of problems.
Brush your hair, knit, or wash the dishes. Gardening can also be a repetitive activity

Step 3. Enjoy bathing in the shower or soaking in warm water
Instead of taking a hasty shower, let your body linger in the warm water. Your muscles will relax and recover with the help of water.
- If you can soak, add lavender essential oil, bath salts, liquid soap, or some other relaxing aromatherapy.
- Light a candle and play soft music. Let your mind calm and focused again with the help of perfume, water, and music.
- If possible, enjoy relaxation in the sauna room.

Step 4. Get moving
Exercise can improve your mood and relax you. You don't need to practice running, just do physical activity, for example with light movements that increase heart rate, trigger endorphins, and provide a sense of relaxation.
Try walking for 15 minutes around your house. Perform easy yoga postures, neck and shoulder muscle stretches, or head and shoulder twisting movements

Step 5. Prepare your body for sleep
Don't watch TV or browse websites for hours before bed. This activity keeps your mind active, making it difficult to relax. You also can not sleep soundly if you drink alcohol before bed. Instead, take 30 minutes to cool off before bed.
Determine the best way to relax yourself so you can sleep well, such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, journaling for a few minutes, or meditating while practicing breathing techniques
Method 3 of 3: Relaxing Yourself in Other Ways

Step 1. Drink tea
Scientists say that tea can relieve stress. Drinking tea every day can reduce stress and anxiety when facing problems. Try replacing coffee in the morning with plain tea or drinking herbal concoctions at night.
- Drink teas with scents you like, such as peppermint, chamomile, lemon, or jasmine that don't contain caffeine.
- Drink green tea which gives a sense of calm because it contains L-Theanine. Some types of tea that contain caffeine should not be drunk at night. Look for caffeine-free green tea to make L-Theanine more beneficial.
- Add honey to the tea. Honey is also considered to have a relaxing effect.

Step 2. Chew gum
Several studies have shown that chewing gum can reduce stress. Scientists have proven that chewing gum can overcome negative feelings and reduce the stress hormone cortisol.
When experiencing stress, try chewing gum for a few minutes. Take a break to calm your mind while chewing so you feel more relaxed

Step 3. Have someone chat
The best way to relax is to talk about what's stressing you. You will immediately feel better after revealing the things that bother you. Kind words of support from a friend or loved one can make you feel more relaxed.
Invite your friends to meet up to chat, call them, text them or contact them via social media. Talking to someone about your stress can be very beneficial

Step 4. Cross out the tasks in the list
Sometimes relaxing means getting things done because you have less to worry about. Focus on completing one task at a time so that you feel more relaxed, not stressed. After that, try to reach the final result by crossing one task off the list. This way makes your life feel more fun and more relaxed.
- One good relaxation technique is to clean up. Change sheets, clean windows, wash curtains, clean your floors by sweeping or using a vacuum cleaner.
- Clear up piled up stuff. Organizing unused items is as important as clearing your mind. Donate used clothes and shoes to charity. Take out your book collection and donate it to a reading house. Tidy up your desk drawer.
- Pay attention to your financial condition. Do not put off paying bills or other matters to the next day. Cross out what you have done. Give yourself a chance to feel comfortable and relaxed because of what you have done.
- There is no single best way to relax. Try different relaxation techniques to find what works best for you.
- Don't give up if you haven't managed to relax. Try again in half an hour or do it again another time.
- Learning to relax usually takes time. Do not give up. Give yourself time to enjoy relaxation until it works.