Leg cramps, which in English are sometimes called “charley horses”, usually appear suddenly and last from a few seconds to a few minutes, and are quite painful. Muscles in any part can be tense or cramped, but generally the muscles that are tensed in cases of leg cramps are the muscles in the lower calf, the hamstring muscles (the muscles along the hamstrings) and the quadriceps muscles, which are located along the hamstrings. quadriceps. Treating the cramping muscle right away can stop the pain, but sometimes you may need to do other things if the leg cramps are frequent enough.
Part 1 of 4: Reduce and Stop Pain Immediately

Step 1. Stretch the cramped muscle
Muscle cramps occur due to sudden and sudden muscle contractions or tensions. To immediately stop the cramp, the muscle must be stretched immediately.
- Stretching a muscle means preventing it from continuing to contract or experiencing tension and cramping.
- Stretching a cramped muscle is best done by holding it in a stretched/stretched position for about a minute, or until the pain from the cramp subsides. You may need to repeat the stretch if the pain from this cramp starts to recur.

Step 2. Try stretching your legs with a towel
Try using a towel to stretch your calf and back of the thigh muscles:
- Lie on your back.
- Place a towel under one ball of the foot. Pull both ends of the towel firmly.
- Straighten your knees and lift slowly until the back of your leg feels stretched.
- Adjust the position of the towel so that your ankles are bent toward your body. This position will help stretch the calf muscles as well as relax the nerves.
- Maintain this position for 30 seconds.

Step 3. Stretch your calf muscles
Lean your weight on the leg that is experiencing the cramp, then bend your knee slightly while keeping your foot flat on the floor.
- Another way to stretch your calf muscles is to face a wall, stand a short distance from the wall, then lean against the wall with your palms supported. Keep the cramped leg straight, and the sole of the foot and heel flat on the floor, as you lean your upper body against the wall.
- You can also try positioning your body with your palms against a wall. Place the toes of the leg that is cramping on the calf muscle so that the tip is against the wall, while the heel remains on the floor. Keep your legs straight and lean your upper body toward the wall to stretch your calf muscles.
- If you can't stand up, sit down while straightening the leg that's cramping. Pull the tops (toes) of the soles of your feet toward your head and chest, keeping your legs straight.

Step 4. Stretch your hamstring muscles
To stretch your hamstrings, perform the above movement in a sitting position, pulling the tips of your fingers and soles of your feet toward your head and chest.
You can also stretch your hamstrings by lying on your back and pulling your knees toward your chest. If someone else can help you, ask them to help you push and press your knees toward your chest

Step 5. Stretch your quadriceps muscles
Use a chair or wall to support your body. Bend the knee of the leg that is cramping, then grasp the sole of your foot. Pull the soles of the feet up towards the lower back and buttocks.

Step 6. Massage the leg that is experiencing cramps
Gently massaging the cramping muscle can help it relax more.

Step 7. Use heat to relieve pain
Hot temperatures can help relax muscles and relieve cramping pain.
Ways that can be done by taking advantage of hot temperatures are for example using hot towels, heating sheets, or taking a bath (bath or shower) with hot water. Most people experience pain relief when heat hits the cramping muscle. In addition, hot temperatures help improve blood circulation

Step 8. Also consider using ice
Some people claim that they actually get benefits when using ice on cramped muscles. Decide for yourself the best option for your condition.
- Do not directly touch the ice on your skin. Place the ice in a small to medium sized bag, then add enough water to cover the ice. Remove the air from the bag, close the bag tightly, then wrap the bag with a damp towel, then touch the area that is in pain.
- Another quick way is to use a bag of frozen vegetables, such as frozen peas or corn kernels. Wrap the bag of frozen vegetables in a damp towel, then touch the area where it hurts.
Part 2 of 4: Preventing Cramps in the Legs

Step 1. Understand the cause of cramps in your legs
To prevent future occurrences, you need to understand the triggering factors that give rise to cramps.

Step 2. Consult your doctor
If you experience frequent leg cramps, if you are elderly, have diabetes, impaired liver function (liver), pinched nerves in the lower back, poor blood circulation in the legs, or thyroid disease, you are at a higher risk of developing this condition. leg cramps.
- Some types of drugs, such as drugs that are diuretics which are commonly used to treat high blood pressure, can cause changes in the balance of minerals and electrolytes in the body. Your doctor may make adjustments to your prescription to address this.
- Your doctor can also help with the core problem that is causing your leg cramps.

Step 3. Change your exercise routine
Do not exercise excessively. Exercise is important for your overall health, but if you experience leg cramps, it means your body is having a hard time keeping up with the routine.
Change your activity pattern so that there is enough exercise or other activity that uses your muscle parts, because the muscles in your legs will adjust to the intensity level of the activity you are doing

Step 4. Shorten the duration of your sports activities
Muscle cramps are more common when muscles experience fatigue, the body lacks fluids, and the electrolyte content in the body's system is not sufficient. All of these factors can occur together if the duration of your exercise activity is too long.
If you have persistent leg cramps, shorten the duration of your exercise activity. Next, extend the duration again very gradually, so that your leg muscles become accustomed to the activity being performed

Step 5. Make sure that your body stays hydrated enough
One of the common causes of muscle cramps is dehydration that occurs during sports activities, especially those carried out in very hot conditions.
- Drink more water before and during activities. Even drinking water when cramps occur can help relieve the pain.
- Water alone is not enough. During strenuous exercise, your body excretes electrolytes which it then needs to restore quickly. The loss of electrolytes from the body causes muscles to cramp.
- Restore the electrolyte content in your body by consuming isotonic drinks, salt tablets, and foods with electrolytes, such as bananas and oranges.
- Everyone has a different body condition, so there is no way to determine the right amount of electrolytes that need to be consumed to prevent cramps in each person's legs.
- When you exercise, as well as when your body sweats in hot weather, your muscles use (and your body excretes) more electrolytes than under normal conditions.
- If you experience cramps while exercising, this is very likely because your body is running out of electrolytes, so you need to restore these electrolytes.
- The easiest way to do this is to consume isotonic drinks that contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. These minerals, called electrolytes, keep your muscles working in a healthy state.
- Consult your doctor before taking salt tablets. These tablets are usually taken by athletes who need long endurance, so they may not be the right choice for those of you who only do light to moderate sports activities.

Step 6. Change your diet
Eat foods rich in minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.
- Examples of foods rich in calcium and magnesium are milk, fish, meat, eggs, and fruits.
- Also eat foods that contain potassium every day. Examples are bananas, fish, avocados, and potatoes.
- Also make sure that you are consuming enough salt in your diet. If the weather is hot, and you're sweating from the heat, you may want to consider drinking an isotonic drink every day, which is a drink that contains electrolytes, such as sodium or sodium chloride.

Step 7. Stretch before and after exercise
Stretching a muscle before starting to exercise helps it warm up, increases blood flow to that part of the muscle, and improves its overall flexibility.
- Stretching the leg muscles immediately after exercising helps to relieve fatigue and pain. Adequate and proper stretching can help muscle tissue relax, release chemicals that may have built up during sports activities, and promote adequate blood flow to that part of the muscle tissue.
- Stretching after sports activities does not guarantee that muscle cramps do not occur, but it is still beneficial for improving overall muscle tissue health.

Step 8. Anticipate leg cramps while swimming
Swimming is an excellent exercise, but it is also a common cause of leg cramps. Take adequate safety precautions when starting to swim, especially if you are not used to swimming regularly or if you swim in cold water.
Cold water freezes blood flow to the muscles in your legs when you swim. As a safety and precautionary measure, do not swim alone, to avoid cramping in water that is too deep for you to reach, which puts you at risk of drowning

Step 9. Stretch before going to bed at night
Often, leg cramps occur at night. If this happens to you, stretch your leg muscles before you go to bed, and make sure you're adequately hydrated.
Light exercise before bed can also help prevent leg cramps at night. A short walk, or a few minutes of stationary biking, you can do before going to bed

Step 10. Avoid sitting for long periods of time throughout the day
Muscles that are in a static state for a long time are the cause of repeated cramps in the legs.
If your job requires you to sit a lot, try to take a break at least every 60 minutes and take a short walk. Standing up and shaking your body a little is enough and is better than sitting all the time. Take a walk during your lunch break, if possible
Part 3 of 4: Dealing with Cramps in the Legs That Occur During Pregnancy

Step 1. Consult the use of vitamin supplements with your doctor
If you experience frequent leg cramps during pregnancy, consult your doctor to ensure that the pregnancy vitamins you are taking contain sufficient calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.
Do not change your vitamin supplements at all without your doctor's prior advice

Step 2. Stretch the cramped muscle
Stretching cramped muscles will have no effect on your pregnancy.

Step 3. Stretch your calf muscles before you go to sleep
In most women, especially during the second and third trimesters, leg cramps that occur at night become more frequent.
- The calf muscles are the muscles that are most often/tends to cramp at night during pregnancy.
- Stretch your calf muscles every night before bed, by standing at an arm's length from the wall, placing both palms on the wall, then positioning one foot in front of the other.
- Gently bend the knee of the cramping leg toward the wall, keeping the other leg straight with the heel on the floor. Make sure that your back and soles of your feet remain straight. Hold this position for about 30 seconds.
- Repeat this movement with the other leg.

Step 4. Stretch the hamstring muscles
You can stretch your hamstrings by lying on your back and pulling your knees toward your chest. If someone else can help you, ask them to help you push and press your knees toward your chest. However, make sure that your stomach is not compressed.

Step 5. Stretch your quadriceps
Use a chair or wall to support your body. Bend the knee of the leg that is cramping, then grasp the sole of your foot. Pull the soles of the feet up toward the lower back and buttocks.

Step 6. Wear good quality footwear
Wear shoes that are comfortable and adequately support the weight of your legs and body, especially on the back of the shoe.
- According to the "American College of Foot and Ankle Surgery", a woman's feet grow about the size during pregnancy, and are very likely not to shrink back after delivery.
- The recommended shoes to wear during pregnancy are shoes that have good weight support throughout, including sufficient cushioning at the heel, to support your ankles.
- Consider buying sports shoes to wear while you're pregnant.
- Don't wear high heeled shoes.

Step 7. Drink plenty of fluids
Keep your body well hydrated during pregnancy.
Talk to your doctor about drinking electrolyte-containing drinks, such as isotonic drinks, if you are in the second or third trimester of the summer or when the weather is hot
Part 4 of 4: It's Time to Seek Medical Help

Step 1. Call a medical professional if your cramps don't go away
Muscle cramps that are severe, recurring, last for more than a few minutes and cannot be relieved by stretching require special medical attention.

Step 2. Be prepared to answer the doctor's questions
Your doctor may ask you various questions to determine the cause of your cramps.
- Some basic questions include when did the cramps start, how often they occur, how long they last, which muscles are cramping, and any changes you make to the pattern or intensity of your activity or exercise.
- You may also be asked to provide information on medications you are currently taking, alcohol consumption patterns, and whether you have other symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, or excessive urine production.
- Medications can cause changes in your body, making you more susceptible to leg cramps. For example, some medications used to treat high blood pressure can change how the body processes electrolytes and minerals.
- Your doctor may draw your blood to check for other medical disorders. Blood tests that are usually done when treating muscle cramps, for example, are checking levels of iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, as well as checking how the body processes these substances. Other tests that are also commonly performed are kidney function tests and thyroid function tests.
- This examination can also be accompanied by certain measures to ensure good blood circulation in your legs.

Step 3. See a doctor if you experience other symptoms
If your leg is swollen, has redness, or the surface of the skin shows a change in the appearance of the area affected by the muscle cramp, you should see a doctor immediately.

Step 4. Tell your doctor if you have any medical conditions
Medical conditions can put you at higher risk for leg cramps, especially if you have recently made changes to your physical activity pattern.
Some examples of these medical conditions are diabetes, impaired liver function, thyroid disease, obesity, or pinched nerves
- Avoid clothes that are too tight, especially for the legs.
- Wear shoes that are comfortable and enough to support the weight of your legs and body.
- If you are overweight, consider joining a weight loss program.
- Sitting comfortably is very important, especially if your job requires a sitting position. Study the condition of your chair to see if it's good enough to support your body and doesn't impede normal blood circulation to the muscles in your legs.
- Consult your doctor if you experience recurring leg cramps. Everyone can experience leg cramps from time to time, but if you experience them too often, talk to your doctor about this problem to see if there are certain medical conditions that trigger it.
Related article
- How to Get Rid of Cramps (article for women)
- How to Cure Cramps in the Legs that Occur at Night