Diamond back terrapin (diamond back terrapin) is often found and sold in pet stores. This species is one of the types of terrapin most often kept by humans. The maintenance of terrapins is carried out by maintaining a clean and friendly environment, regular check-ups with the veterinarian, and providing your terrapin with a healthy diet.
Part 1 of 3: Provision of Good Housing

Step 1. Prepare a cage for your terrapin
Terrapins will grow big, although now they may look small. Terrapins can grow up to 22.5 cm so they need a large place to live and meet several requirements.
- Terrapins are not only large but also quite active and require a lot of space to move around. Look for an aquarium that is 378 liters in size and has several sections.
- Your aquarium should have both water and land parts. Terrapin is not suitable for cold temperatures, so add a water heater. Terrapin water temperatures range from 24-27 Celsius. Also, add a water filter because terrapins are very dirty. A good filter will keep the water clean and free of bacteria.
- Choose stones with a flat surface to be placed sticking out of the water. Terrapins love sunbathing and need an ideal place to do their hobby.

Step 2. Purchase a heating lamp for the aquarium
Terrapins cannot regulate their body temperature in the wild and depend on the heat of the sun. You need to install heating lamps for terrapins.
- Look for a 40-watt light bulb that contains both UVA and UVB waves. This bulb is installed approximately 25 cm from the terrapin basking area.
- The overall temperature of the aquarium is between 25-30.5 Celsius, but the area near the bulb will be warmer. Therefore, make sure the bulb shines on a specific area so that the heat doesn't spread throughout the tank.

Step 3. Clean the aquarium regularly
You have to clean the terrapin's cage to keep it healthy.
- Drinking water should be changed daily to prevent bacterial deposits.
- A good water filtration system will prevent the terrapin's swimming water from being changed too often. However, use nets to pick up litter regularly and replace the terrapin's swimming pool with fresh water every week or two.
- To keep a terrapin's basking area clean, purchase a product designed to clean turtle aquariums. You can buy it at a pet store. Do not use soap and water, because it will hurt the terrapin.
- Always transfer the terrapin to a separate container when the cage is cleaned. Wash hands thoroughly after handling a terrapin.
Part 2 of 3: Doing Daily Maintenance

Step 1. Give the terrapin a healthy diet
Terrapins are omnivores, meaning that a terrapin's diet consists of both meat and plants.
- Most pet stores sell tortoise food pellets that are also terrapin safe. Ask a store employee if you have any doubts.
- The meat of the terrapin's diet consists of snails and earthworms, as well as chicken or pork. Terrapins also really like tuna and other oily fish. Meat is given raw in the form of small pieces.
- Plants terrapin diet consists of berries, and leafy vegetables such as celery and spinach.
- Some stores sell vitamin and mineral supplements to promote the health of a terrapin's shell and skin. If the terrapin's health is in trouble, consider giving this supplement.

Step 2. Don't hold your terrapin
Terrapines are notoriously aggressive and should not be touched or handled too often.
- You need to earn the terrapin's trust before it can be touched. Never touch a terrapin if he looks shy or timid. terrapins will bite and the bite requires medical treatment. Feeding food by hand is a great way to bond with the terrapin and make the terrapin feel comfortable around you.
- If the terrapin seems calm around you and allows you to touch or pet his body, the terrapin can be held very gently once in a while. In fact, terrapins need to be picked up regularly to clean their cages. However, limit your contact as terrapins like to be alone and being held too much will cause stress.

Step 3. Keep the terrapin's aquarium clean of dirt and food debris
terrapins are very dirty. When eating, the food will be scattered and usually do not defecate in a special area of the cage. You'll need to wash off any terrapin's dirt and food debris on a daily basis, especially if it's mixed with water. You can use a cat litter shovel or net so that the terrapin doesn't have to be removed from the cage every day. In this way, you can prevent stress for the terrapin and yourself.
Part 3 of 3: Monitoring Terrapin's Health

Step 1. Understand what a healthy terrapin looks like
To assess whether a terrapin is sick, you need to know how a terrapin looks when he is healthy.
- A healthy terrapin's eyes appear bright and clear. The shell is shiny and doesn't appear cracked. The beak is also closed symmetrically.
- Healthy terrapins are very active. A healthy terrapin will move around a lot without straining his legs.

Step 2. Bring your terrapin for an annual medical check-up
These checks are important for the health of all pets. The vet will be able to check for symptoms of illness and suggest treatment options if needed.
- Contact the vet clinic beforehand to make sure the doctor is able to treat the reptile. Many veterinarians focus primarily on cats and dogs and have no experience with turtles or terrapins. Call several vets until you find the right one.
- Your veterinarian will measure the terrapin's height and weight and perform a brief physical examination. The doctor will listen to the sounds of the heart and lungs and request a sample of terrapin feces for parasite testing.
- It's a good idea to discuss any existing behavior changes with your doctor. Also, tell them about your terrapin's diet, cage size, lamp heat, and cleaning schedule. Your doctor will likely give you advice regarding the maintenance of your terrapin.

Step 3. Recognize the symptoms of the terrapin's deteriorating health
Bacterial infections, upper respiratory problems, and parasites are common in terrapins. Know the signs when terrapin needs to be taken to the doctor.
- Any problems with the shell, such as peeling, waxy slick, or improper shape are symptoms of a vitamin deficiency or the presence of parasites. If you notice any changes in the terrapin's shell, take it to a doctor immediately.
- The turtle's mouth should be free of sores and pain. If you notice it, consult a doctor.
- Upper respiratory infections are common in terrapins. Therefore, pay attention to wheezing, coughing, and discharge from the mouth.
- The presence of parasites can usually be recognized by weight loss, changes in appetite, and bloody stools.
- Always wash your hands after handling a terrapin or cleaning its cage.
- If the terrapin's bite is severe enough to tear the skin, seek immediate medical attention. The wound may need stitches and there is a risk of infection.
- Hold the terrapin by the sides to prevent scratching. This grip position is more comfortable for the terrapin.
- Feed the terrapin in a separate area so the tank doesn't need to be cleaned too often.