While undergoing a weight loss program, many women face problems due to sagging arms. As a result, they try to tighten and shape the arm muscles so that they are not flabby and wobbly. You can reduce arm fat by practicing arm strengthening, exercising or doing various movements to build arm muscles, and adopting a healthy diet. Many women experience fat accumulation in the hips and abdomen. Arm muscle building exercises are not too difficult if you practice diligently, especially for those who want to lose weight. You can't lose weight just by training certain body parts. However, you can reduce arm circumference by eating a healthy diet and exercising to lose weight.
Method 1 of 3: Practice Arm Strengthening

Step 1. Do push ups to strengthen the triceps and pectoral muscles
This movement is useful for training the triceps, pectorals, and shoulders. For beginners, do push ups while lowering your knees to the floor so that the exercise is more focused on strengthening your arms.
- To do push ups, place your palms on the mat and spread your fingers apart. Make sure your palms are directly under your shoulders and your weight is evenly distributed in your palms. Contract your abdominal muscles and straighten your legs while resting on the balls of your feet. Activate your leg muscles and press your heels into the floor. The body should be well supported and the lower back should remain straight, not arched or swayed.
- Alternatively, you can modify the push-up exercise by lowering your knees to the floor, straightening your arms, and keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Make sure your head is straight and your back is straight and slowly lower your chest to the floor. Bring your elbows close to your waist as you lower your body to the floor. Beginners may be able to lower the body only 5-10 cm. Exercise will feel easier if you practice often.
- To complete 1 push-up, exhale while lifting your body to its original position. Do this movement 3 sets of 8 times each to enlarge the triceps muscle.

Step 2. Challenge yourself by doing 2-2-2 push ups
If you are already proficient with the above movements, do variations. Push up 2-2-2 consists of 3 sets of push ups 2 times each with different hand positions: medium (shoulder width), narrow, and wide. The narrow hand position is useful for training the triceps muscles and the wide hand position is useful for training the chest muscles.
- Start practicing by doing plank postures. Make sure your arms are perpendicular to the floor so that your wrists are directly under your shoulders. Contract your core and engage your leg muscles to keep your body strong and straight in plank posture.
- Do push ups 2 times with your palms shoulder width apart (medium). Then, move your palms to the sides of the mat and do 2 push-ups. Finally, bring your palms together in the middle of the mat so that your arms form a triangle under your chest and then do push ups 2 times.
- Do this exercise 3 sets. To complete 1 set, do push ups with different hand positions 2 times each.

Step 3. Perform triceps dips using a chair
Even if you only use a chair, this movement is useful for strengthening and shaping the triceps.
- Place a sturdy chair with the back of the chair touching the wall and the seat seat facing forward. You can do this exercise at the edge of a table, on a ladder (using the second or third step from the bottom), or on a bench to do weight training. Stand 30-60 cm in front of the seat. Grasp the edge of the seat behind you while spreading your palms shoulder-width apart. Bend both knees 90° and make sure the knees are directly above the ankles.
- Divide the weight evenly between the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Inhale and look forward as you lower yourself to the floor by bending your elbows 90°. You just need to bend your elbows until you feel your arm muscles contract and work.
- Exhale while lifting the body to its original position. Perform this movement slowly and gently so that the shoulders do not experience excessive extension. Bring the shoulder blades together while keeping the shoulders the same height and stability (not pointing forward or raised). Stop lowering your body as soon as you have trouble keeping your shoulders in position and pull your shoulders back. Do this movement 2 sets of 10 times each. You will feel the triceps working after completing 2 sets.

Step 4. Perform a tricep kickback while holding dumbbells
Prepare dumbbells and benches / chairs to practice. For beginners, use 0.5-1 kg dumbbells so you can strengthen your arms without injuring yourself.
- Hold a dumbbell with your right hand. Place your left palm and left knee on the bench. Make sure your left wrist is directly under your left shoulder for support. Hold a dumbbell with your right hand while bending your elbow 90°. As you practice, make sure your back is straight parallel to the floor and straighten your neck to keep your head straight.
- As you exhale, use your triceps to lift the weight until your right arm is straight behind you. As you straighten your right arm, rotate your wrist inward so that your palm is pointing upwards. You only need to move your forearm without using your left hand and left leg. Stop when your right arm is straight, inhale, then exhale while lowering the dumbbells back to their original position.
- Do this movement 2 sets of 10 times each with your right hand then repeat the same movement with your left hand to work both sides.

Step 5. Do a bicep curl
This movement is useful for training the upper arm muscles in the front, namely the biceps. Before practicing, prepare 2 2 kg dumbbells.
- Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and evenly distribute your weight on the soles of your feet. Hold 2 kg dumbbells with palms facing forward, 1 dumbbell with 1 hand.
- Exhale while bending your elbows to bring the dumbbells closer to your chest. Look forward and evenly distribute your weight on the soles of your feet. Inhale and then lower the dumbbells, but keep your elbows slightly bent. Activate your biceps as you perform this movement. Repeat the same movement 2 sets of 10 times each.

Step 6. Perform an uppercut while holding dumbbells
This movement is useful for building the upper arm muscles and strengthening the shoulder muscles. Prepare 2 pieces of 1 kg dumbbells before practicing.
- Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and hold 1 kg dumbbell, 1 dumbbell with 1 hand. Bring dumbbells in front of your chest with palms facing each other.
- Inhale and then punch as high as possible with your right hand without moving your left hand. Do not lock your right elbow when punching and allow it to bend slightly. Exhale while lowering your right arm to its original position. Inhale and then do the same movement with the left hand.
- Practice with your right and left hands alternately for 60 seconds. Gradually increase your punching speed up until you reach maximum speed. Do this exercise 1-2 minutes a day.

Step 7. Perform a side plank posture while lifting dumbbells
This movement is useful for training the arm muscles and core muscles at the same time. Prepare 0.5-2 kg dumbbells before training.
- Lie on your side while resting on your right elbow and make sure that your right shoulder is over your right elbow and that your feet are on top of each other. Hold a dumbbell with your left hand.
- Lift your hips off the floor so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Grasp the palm of your right hand to maintain balance and activate the arm muscles. Inhale while straightening your left arm up so that it is perpendicular to the floor. Grip the dumbbell firmly as you lift your left arm.
- Exhale while lowering your left arm until it is parallel to the floor in front of your chest. The hips should remain elevated while lowering the left arm. Do this movement 10 times with your right hand and 10 times with your left.
Method 2 of 3: Doing Sports Activities

Step 1. Exercise by playing tennis and other activities that use a racket
Sports that use rackets, such as tennis and skuas, are very beneficial for building arm muscles and training the whole body. Start practicing tennis as a means of recreation or take a course under the guidance of a professional tennis coach. If a friend or family member likes to play soccer or badminton, ask him to teach you and practice together. If you practice regularly, this method will help you strengthen and tone your arm muscles.

Step 2. Practice rowing or kayaking
Sports activities that use the arm a lot are beneficial for building arm muscles. Do hobby activities that require arm strength and core activation, such as rowing or kayaking. To get started, practice rowing at the fitness center using the available equipment and then take a rowing or kayaking lesson. In addition, you can join a rowing team as a means of recreation to improve your abilities and have regular activities every week.

Step 3. Take a boxing course
Boxing is a high-intensity sport that really requires arm muscle strength and excellent physical health. Start training by taking boxing lessons at the gym or using a large bag of seeds as a homemade boxing target. This will help you strengthen and build your arm muscles.
Method 3 of 3: Adopting a Healthy Diet

Step 1. Monitor your daily calorie intake
Regulate the consumption of calories so as not to overdo it and avoid nutritional foods that make fat accumulate in the arms. After knowing the number of daily calorie needs based on age, weight, and fitness level, start consuming calories as needed, including for exercise.
- Increase consumption of vegetables, healthy fats, and lean meats. The menu for each meal should consist of 1 serving of protein, 1-2 servings of vegetables/fruits, and 1 serving of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains. Make sure you eat 20-50 grams of carbohydrates a day according to the recommended amount of intake.
- Reduce consumption of carbohydrates, sugar, and animal fats. Consumption of foods that contain lots of carbohydrates and sugar causes the body to produce insulin, a hormone that makes the body store fat. When insulin levels drop, the body is able to burn fat and help the kidneys get rid of excess sodium and fluids thereby reducing weight caused by fluid in the body.
- Do not eat foods that contain lots of starch and carbohydrates, such as french fries, potato chips, and bread made of wheat flour. Avoid foods/drinks that contain sweeteners, such as packaged drinks, cakes, candies, and fast food.

Step 2. Implement a weekly food menu consistently
Arrange a meal menu for a week consisting of 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 2 snacks (between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and dinner) on the same schedule every day. The plan ensures that you eat at the same times each day and that you don't skip meals. Consuming approximately 1,400 calories per day and exercising regularly will help you lose weight in a healthy way.
Write down the ingredients according to the weekly meal plan and buy them at the beginning of the week. Store in the refrigerator all the ingredients you need to eat for the week so you can prepare meals easily and don't neglect your meal schedule

Step 3. Get enough fluids by drinking water, not sugary drinks
A hydrated body with water is able to maintain the immune system and ensure the body remains hydrated during exercise.
- Replace sugary drinks, such as soda, with water and a slice of lemon or lime for a refreshing taste.
- Drink unsweetened green tea to replace sugary drinks. Unsweetened green tea contains antioxidants and is beneficial for improving body health.

Step 4. Get in the habit of eating as needed before and after exercise
In order to maintain weight loss, make it a habit to eat healthy foods before and after exercise. Eat a light snack 1-2 hours before exercising as a source of energy during exercise.