Just when you're just imagining a relaxing and fun day at school, unexpectedly, your teacher administers a quiz or test. Although many people are reluctant to take exams, this has become an integral part of school. If you really don't like exams, try improving your study method so that you don't have to take exam questions without preparation.
Part 1 of 6: Doing the Basics to Prepare

Step 1. Read your syllabus again
Try to find out the full exam schedule and what the minimum score you must achieve. Keep this schedule in your calendar or agenda so you don't get surprised!
Make a schedule to reread the material to be tested at least one week before the exam. The best way to study is to reread the exam material little by little in a few short sessions well in advance of the exam. Don't force yourself to study all the exam material at once

Step 2. Pay attention to the material taught in class
Even though it may sound stupid, paying close attention to the material your teacher is presenting in class will be very helpful during exams. Don't just want to "absorb" knowledge, but try to be an active learner.
Listen carefully because teachers often give hints, for example by saying, “In studying this topic, the most important thing is…” or by emphasizing certain words and ideas. The more information you can absorb from the start, the less material you will have to study. This is the best way to prepare for the exam

Step 3. Get in the habit of taking good notes
It's easier said than done, but learning to take good notes can be very beneficial when you have to study. Take notes or take photos of everything your teacher writes on the board. Try to write down as much of the material as your teacher explains, but don't forget to listen because you're too busy writing.
Reread your notes every day after school. This will make it easier for you to memorize the information you just taught

Step 4. Make studying a habit
Studying is often seen as a trivial thing that can be done overnight by memorizing the exam material all at the last minute. Do not like that! Start making time for study every day. With a study schedule such as making an appointment or going to school, you will stay motivated to do this habit.

Step 5. Ask about the exam format
Try asking your teacher what the exam format is, how it's graded, if there are opportunities for extra grades, and if he or she would like to mark the most important material in general on your notes.
Part 2 of 6: Creating the Most Supportive Environment for Learning

Step 1. Find a clean, quiet, and well-organized study area
Get rid of anything that can distract you. Suddenly reading SMS or checking social media from time to time is not recommended while studying.

Step 2. Turn on the light
Don't study in a dark room. Turn on more lights at night. If it's still bright enough, open the window blinds and windows too. People usually find it easier to study and focus in a room that is bright, well-oxygenated, and not too noisy.

Step 3. Turn off the TV
Many students find it easier to study while taking care of other things, such as studying while turning on the TV or chatting on the internet with friends. However, research shows that this is not the case for most people. To study better, eliminate distractions, such as the TV and loud music with song lyrics. Attention that too often switches between studying and watching TV will interfere with the brain's work to prioritize information storage.

Step 4. Determine if music can help
The effect of music on memory skills varies from person to person. Several studies have shown that music can help memory skills in people with ADD/ADHD, whereas in people who don't have the disorder, music actually reduces this ability. Decide whether you'd be better off studying with or without music. If you enjoy enjoying music while you study, make sure you can really concentrate on the subject matter, not on the tune of the song playing in your mind.
- If you have to be accompanied by music, choose instrumental music so you won't be distracted by song lyrics while studying.
- Try listening to recordings of nature sounds to keep your brain active and prevent other sounds from distracting you. There are white noise recordings on the internet that you can download for free.
- Listening to Mozart's music or other classical music doesn't make you smarter or easier to remember information, but your brain will be more receptive to information.
Part 3 of 6: Deciding How to Learn

Step 1. Focus on the learning objectives
It can be very useful if you can define goals and study plans. Learn first if there are 3 out of 5 subjects that are easy and can be quickly completed. After that, you can use the excess time to study more difficult material without worry.

Step 2. Create a study guide for yourself
Reread your notes and rewrite the most important information. This method will not only help you focus more on studying, but it can be another learning tool! Don't spend too much time just making guides, but you should be able to use them too!

Step 3. Reorganize your notes in a different format
Copying notes is especially useful for those who learn more kinesthetically. Mind mapping is the best way to do this. Also, when you copy, you can think about what you are writing, what it is about, and why you are writing it. And most importantly, this method will refresh your memory again. If the notes you wrote down a month ago turned out to be useful for the exam, you can recall them by copying them as needed to prepare for the exam.
Don't just copy over and over. This method tends to make you only memorize notes word for word rather than understanding the concept. Instead, try to read and understand the contents of your notes (such as remembering examples), then write them down again in different words

Step 4. Ask yourself questions about the material you are studying
This will help make it easier for you to remember what you just learned. When answering questions, don't use the exact same words as the notes, but it will be more helpful if you answer by reprocessing this information.
Try to answer the question by speaking as if you were explaining something to someone else

Step 5. Review your past test results and assignments
If there's a question you can't answer, look for the answer and try to figure out why you couldn't answer it at the time. This method will be very useful if the material to be tested is cumulative or comprehensive, including the material discussed in previous sessions.
Part 4 of 6: Applying Good Study Patterns

Step 1. Determine the right study time
Don't study when you are very tired. You should sleep first after studying for a while, rather than forcing yourself to study at 02.00 in the morning. As a result, you can't memorize much and your performance will decline the next day.

Step 2. Start learning as early as possible
Do not be stacked. Memorizing lessons all at once will not be effective because you will not be able to memorize if the information you want to learn is too much. In fact, you can't even remember any information. The best way to memorize lessons is to study as early as possible and read them over and over again, especially for history lessons and theoretical material.
- Get in the habit of studying when you get the chance, even if it's only 15 to 20 minutes. Start learning little by little, soon it will be a hill!
- Try learning in stages of 25 minutes each with the Pomodoro technique. After resting for 5 minutes, study for another 25 minutes. Repeat this step 3 times, then increase the study duration to 30-45 minutes.

Step 3. Find your own learning style
If you find it easier to learn visually, use pictures. People who learn more auditory easily should record their own voice reading notes, then listen again. If you prefer to use physical activity, teach yourself (aloud) while moving your hands and walking to make it easier for you to memorize.

Step 4. Adjust the way of learning with the material you are studying
When learning math, for example, you have to practice more on problems to better understand how to solve the problem. Studying humanities, such as history or literature, must be done by processing and remembering information such as terms and dates.
Whatever you do, don't just read the same notes over and over again. In order to study well, you must play an active role with create knowledge and conduct information reviews. Try to find the big picture of all your notes or organize them by theme or date.

Step 5. Try to think of your teacher
Ask yourself the following questions: What will be asked in the exam? What material should I prioritize when studying so that I can master it well? Is it a trick question or complex problem that I'm having trouble with? By answering these questions, you can focus on the most important subject matter instead of feeling stuck on things you don't need.

Step 6. Ask for help
If you need help, try asking someone who is well versed in the material you need to study, such as your friends, family, tutor, or teacher. If you don't understand what is being discussed, don't be afraid to ask for more explanation.
- By asking the teacher, you show a commitment to studying and this is very useful if you are going to take an exam later on. Ask your teacher questions if you don't understand the explanation or need more information. Your teacher will probably be happy to help.
- Schools and colleges usually have sources of information that can help you deal with stress, answer study-related questions, and provide advice and guidance in a variety of forms. Try asking your teacher about this or visit the school's website to learn how to use this resource.
Part 5 of 6: Keeping Motivated

Step 1. Take a break
Sometimes you need to have fun and it's best if you study in a relaxed state. Don't study all day until you're too tired! Take breaks and study well. Usually, studying for 20-30 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break is the most effective way of studying.
- If you have trouble studying, don't force yourself to study for long periods of time without taking a break. Try doing it in stages for 20 minutes each and resting for 10 minutes each time you finish.
- Make sure you organize each stage well so that the concepts you are learning are not interrupted by breaks. If you get disconnected, you'll have a hard time remembering this concept completely.

Step 2. Get in the habit of positive thinking, but keep working hard
Confidence is important, but dwelling on how poorly you studied or how poorly you did on exams will only distract you from your pursuit of success. However, you still have to learn, even if you are confident enough. Self-confidence can only keep obstacles away on the way to success.

Step 3. Invite others to cooperate
Make an appointment to study with friends so you can compare notes or help explain what your friend doesn't understand. By studying together, your knowledge will increase. In addition, you can remember more information because you have to explain to friends or discuss the subject matter with other people.
Don't joke too much when you're being helped by someone else. Focus on what you are doing

Step 4. Call for help
If you feel stuck while studying, don't be afraid to call a friend and ask for help. If your friend can't help, try asking your tutor.
If there's still time before the test and there's a lesson you don't understand, try asking if your teacher would like to explain again
Part 6 of 6: Preparing for Exam Day

Step 1. Try to get enough sleep the night before the test
Elementary school-age children should sleep an average of 10-11 hours a night for optimal performance. Teenagers generally need at least 10 hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation accumulates (also known as “sleep debt”). Long-standing poor sleep habits can be reversed by getting enough sleep every night for a few weeks until you return to optimal conditions.
Do not consume caffeine or other substances that can stimulate 5-6 hours before bedtime because it can reduce sleep quality. So, even if you get enough sleep, you will still feel like you haven't had enough rest when you wake up in the morning. However, if you are taking a stimulant according to a doctor's prescription that must be taken at a certain time, take it, even if you are asleep. Consult your doctor first before you change anything

Step 2. Eat healthy foods
Choose foods that are low in protein, vegetables, contain omega 3 fatty acids, and antioxidants for a balanced breakfast. Examples: spinach omelet with smoked salmon, whole wheat bread and bananas.

Step 3. Bring snacks
If you will be taking a long exam, bring a snack, if allowed. Prepare snacks that contain complex carbohydrates and protein, such as whole wheat bread with peanut butter or Soyjoy which can restore concentration if it starts to decline.

Step 4. Enter the exam room early
Take 5-10 minutes to calm your mind before starting the exam. You can prepare well and there is still time to relax before the exam starts.

Step 5. Start by answering questions you know
If you don't know the answer, try to continue answering the next question and come back to answering this question. You will run out of time if you only try to answer difficult questions, it could even reduce your grades.

Step 6. Make notes using small sheets
If you are taking a grammar or English test, make notes on small sheets to make it easier to remember word definitions. Bring these notes to school and look at them occasionally before the test.
- If you want to start studying at a certain time, for example at 12:00 noon, but you miss it and it's already 12:10, don't wait until 1:00 p.m. to start studying. It's never too late to learn and get used to studying according to a schedule.
- Copy your important notes in bullet points to make them easier to remember than long paragraphs.
- If there's a question that might come up on an exam and you're having trouble memorizing the answer, write this question on a small sheet with the answers on the opposite page. Try to link the question to the answer to make it easier to remember the answer.
- Try to get enough sleep and rest regularly while studying. By resting, your brain can relax more and more easily absorb the information you just learned, but don't study lying down because you can fall asleep.
- Read your subject matter aloud to memorize it faster. Study one main chapter well until the end, instead of studying all the chapters at once.
- Turn off cell phones, social media sites, and TV. Tidy up the room where you study because a tidy room can help the brain work.
- Get used to a healthy breakfast. Do not eat too much before starting to study because you will feel lazy or sleepy.
- By doing an activity (running, cycling, etc.) before studying, it will be easier for you to concentrate and think about your answers carefully.
- Calm your mind and focus only on the lesson. Make funny pictures (doodle) while learning. Research has shown that people are more focused by creating funny pictures.
- Reread past tests and homework because the same questions may appear during the exam.
- Avoid other people's stress, if possible. You will not like to study in a negative and stressful environment.
- Don't study only the night before the exam. Get used to studying every day little by little after school. There is no point in studying all at once overnight.
- Cheating won't help you with your exam questions and will only make you fail. Usually, there are penalties for cheating, such as having your grades reduced on a report card or even expulsion from school.
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