Do you agree that science is one of the most difficult fields to learn? Actually, there is no learning method wonderful which is guaranteed to be effective for everyone. Remember, everyone is unique, so they must have different preferences for learning methods. Therefore, try to find the most suitable and effective method for you. If one method doesn't work, feel free to try another method. Do not give up! After finding the most appropriate study method, refine your study routine and refine the method so that over time it feels more natural to you.
Method 1 of 4: Preparing for Science Class

Step 1. Read the material to be studied before class starts
Every science class must have certain reading materials or reference books. Most likely, your teacher will explain what material you need to read before taking the next class. To strengthen your understanding, try to take the time to actually read and study the material before class starts. Knowing in advance what will be discussed in class helps your brain to absorb the teacher's explanation more effectively when the time comes.
- Mark important terms and concepts in your reading material or reference book.
- Write down all questions that arise regarding the material you read. If the question is not answered by the teacher in class, don't hesitate to raise your hand to ask it.

Step 2. Record the teacher's explanation
Some teachers will only read the information listed in the reference book. Meanwhile, there are also teachers who elaborate on the explanation of the existing material. If your teacher is only repeating information that is already written in the book, it's best to focus on paying attention to the words rather than writing down the entire explanation in the book. However, if your teacher is elaborating on material by providing information that isn't listed in the book, or if he or she is discussing a new concept in class, make sure you take note of the entire explanation.
- Some teachers provide their students with copies of their presentation sheets. The material will actually really help your learning process! If that's the case, just record things that aren't listed on the presentation sheet instead of recording all the information presented.
Some teachers will present material that is likely to appear on the exam. Make sure you take note of that information!
After all, your teacher already gave it for free, right?
- Consider sharing notes with other students to complete your notes. At the very least, make sure you borrow other students' notes if you can't attend class.

Step 3. Reread the material that has been taught at home
Also, read your notes. If necessary, correct your notes or add any necessary information; Also mark information that your teacher explains or discusses more often in class. After doing so, make a list of things you need to ask or consult with your teacher at the next opportunity.
- Summarize your notes. Summarize and condense the information you need to learn.
- Create an information card with all the important concepts and terms you should remember.
- Redraw various important diagrams manually. Generally, science materials involve lots of diagrams, tables, graphs, and other visual explanations. As smart as your memory skills are, memorizing entire visual explanations just by looking at them is ineffective. Therefore, try to redraw all the visual explanations that you find manually. In fact, doing so helps your brain to better understand the meaning of each diagram just by looking at its shape.
Method 2 of 4: Preparing for the Science Practicum

Step 1. Know the format of your practicum report
Generally, a practicum report must contain six important parts, namely the abstract, introduction, methods and materials used, research results and explanations, and a list of references or references. Knowing the rules of report writing will really help you to write a better report and include more complete information.

Step 2. Read the research details before starting the practicum
Understand all parts of the research, the materials that need to be used, and all the information (theories, concepts, equations, etc.) that you need to know before starting the practicum. Re-read the information in the reading book or reference that is relevant to the research, make brief notes on the relevant theories and concepts, and take the notes to the laboratory for reference.

Step 3. Prepare a table or graph to record your research results
Determine what materials you need to prepare before entering the laboratory, and make sure you bring the necessary graphs or tables when conducting research.
Some laboratory instructors provide tables that can be used to record research results. In other words, you don't have to bring your own table

Step 4. Put your safety first
Understand all safety rules in the laboratory, and follow all procedures and instructions correctly. Dispose of chemicals or other materials properly; immediately contact the teacher or laboratory instructor if any of your friends are injured.

Step 5. Do the research and record the results
Always follow the correct procedures in conducting research. In addition, make sure you are able to identify each variable used and how to control each of these variables. Define your initial hypothesis. If the results don't match the hypothesis, find out why.

Step 6. Compile and submit your practicum report
Make sure the report is prepared in the correct format! For that, make sure you know the relationship between the concepts you learn in class and your research process and results. In the report, include all necessary charts, graphs, tables and figures to complete the information. Also write citations in the correct format and according to the rules.
Method 3 of 4: Studying Science Independently

Step 1. Find the right study location
Remember, everyone has different preferences when it comes to learning environments that can help them focus better. Find your preferences! Some locations that you can consider are public libraries, classrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, dining tables, coffee shops, city parks, etc.
- Try studying in a few different locations before deciding on the one that best suits your needs.
- If there are more than one suitable location, try taking turns studying at the locations.
- Do not choose a location that is difficult to reach. Without realizing it, you will be lazy to study and take advantage of these difficulties to justify your actions.

Step 2. Create a study schedule
Determine your study routine and stick to it. In the schedule, also include your study hours at school and make additional study hours at home. Move one step further by defining specific tasks to complete in each study session according to your material syllabus.
- When creating a study schedule, don't just study one topic (for example, Physics) for a very long time non-stop. Instead, study several different topics in one day, and do this for several days in a row with different materials. This technique is known as distributed learning method and powerful to help your brain to absorb more information in less time.
- Be aware of other activities that have the potential to take up your study time. Some of these include working part time, traveling with close friends, working as a volunteer, etc. Although these activities are also important, they should be studied and should not be done excessively. Of course you can have fun, but make sure the activity doesn't cost you your study time.

Step 3. Create your own study rules
The only person who can motivate you to learn is yourself. Therefore, make sure you make your own study rules and stick to them. Some of the rules that may apply are:
- Reward yourself with interesting things (not just food) every time you manage to study for a few hours without distraction.
- Begin each study session by reviewing the material you previously studied.
- Make a list of goals you want to achieve for each study session.
- Ask the closest person for help to check your learning progress every few hours.
- Turn off your phone and don't check your email.

Step 4. Rest
Take short breaks every hour to rest. Also, always try to learn a new topic after taking a break.
In between breaks, take time to get up from your seat, do short stretches, take a walk around the room, go to the bathroom, etc

Step 5. Take care of your health
Eat a healthy, balanced diet on a regular basis. Also, make sure you exercise regularly, and always go to bed and wake up at the same time (even on weekends). Make sure you also get enough sleep, around 6-8 hours every night and always maintain your positivity. If you start to feel anxious or depressed, try to seek help from a relevant health professional.

Step 6. Reread the material notes that you learned in the previous session
Start today's study session with whatever material you last studied. Reread your notes and review all the problems you've had to get your memory back.

Step 7. Set your study goals
By referring to the material syllabus, try to write down the various goals you want to achieve in the study session. Make sure you list your goals by priority, deadline, or a combination of the two.

Step 8. Don't memorize everything
Trust me, simply memorizing material won't do you any good, unless you have a super memory like Sheldon Cooper on the television show Big Bang Theory. Remembering the concept of science is important; However, understand how it works much more important. In fact, it's much harder to forget the things you learn than the things you just remember.
If you really need to memorize information (like the history of the invention of the telephone), try using proven memorization methods like mnemonics and repetition

Step 9. Understand the meaning of each concept or equation
The best way to learn a scientific concept or equation is to understand its meaning. In other words, try to break the concept into smaller parts and understand the relevance of each part so that it can be combined into a concept or equation. For each new concept, make sure you study all the technical definitions, work procedures, and related sample questions.
- Use your own words to describe a concept, equation, problem, etc. Also use your own words to describe how to solve a concept, equation, or problem.
- In your own words, try to explain why a concept, equation, or problem is true, or why a concept, equation, or problem has a certain outcome.
- Associate new concepts and equations with things you already understand. In fact, what you've just learned will likely help broaden your understanding of a new concept.

Step 10. Try to answer all the questions and problems at the end of the chapter
Most textbooks have a review column with relevant questions and issues at the end of the chapter. Try reading and working on it as part of your learning process. Remember, do always better than just read. Therefore, make sure you go through each question in detail and write down the complete formula, instead of just listing your answers.
- Also work on all the examples of questions that you find. If you want, you can even go back to working on the questions that have been done without seeing the answers.
- If you're having trouble, take a deep breath and don't panic. Give your brain a break and come back trying to do it once your mind is clear. On that second chance, go back to reading the problem slowly, rework it with the complete formula, and check your answers again to make sure your solution has a neat and logical flow.
- For every correct answer, pat yourself on the shoulder for a great job!
- Every day for some time, work on a few questions on a specific topic. In other words, don't force your brain to solve all the problems in one day!

Step 11. Complete all the assigned tasks
Although it sounds cliché, you really shouldn't ignore this step! Remember, all teachers give assignments or homework with good reasons. Therefore, make sure you always complete all the assignments given, regardless of whether the assignment will be graded or not. If your assignment is returned after being graded, try to analyze each of your mistakes (if any) and try to correct them.
If you're still having trouble figuring out what's wrong, try consulting your teacher. Ask them to help pinpoint your mistakes and help you fix them

Step 12. Create an information card
Information cards cannot be used to study all materials. However, information cards are actually the perfect tool for memorizing definitions, diagrams, graphs, and equation formulas. The first method, try writing the questions on the front of the card and the answers on the back to help you memorize the material. The second method, simply write the desired information on one side of the card to help you review the material.
No need to make cards with actual designs and sizes. Remember, the actual science material is too complex that it won't be enough to write it down on a small card. If you want, you can even use large plain paper as an “information card”

Step 13. Do as many practice questions as you can
Don't wait until it's time for the exam to do the practice questions. Instead, try to do it every day of the semester. Ideally, these practice questions should be relevant to the material you learn in class. However, there's nothing wrong with working on material or concepts that you haven't learned in class to broaden your understanding.
Method 4 of 4: Form a Study Group

Step 1. Select group members who have similar goals
Supposedly, a study group is a place for its members to learn, not socialize. In other words, instead of choosing people you are personally close with, try choosing people who are genuinely interested and serious about improving their grades in science class.
The ideal number of members for a study group is 3-5 people

Step 2. Hold regular group meetings
At the very least, make sure all group members are willing to meet once a week throughout the semester. Discuss a meeting location that is convenient for each group member and at least has a sufficient number of tables, chairs, and power outlets for all members. If possible, choose a location that has a chalkboard and marker or chalk. Ideally, one study session lasts 2-3 hours and is interspersed with several breaks.

Step 3. Choose your study group facilitator (optional)
A facilitator's job is to arrange a meeting schedule and location, ensure that all members start and end learning activities according to schedule, and ensure that the day's activities go according to plan (if any).
Choosing a facilitator is optional, but there's nothing wrong with doing it. Make sure the selected facilitators know their responsibilities well, namely to ensure that learning activities run smoothly according to the predetermined schedule

Step 4. Define clear group goals (optional)
You and your friends can set short-term goals for each study session, or long-term goals for the entire learning process. If you prefer to set short-term goals, try to determine what materials or chapters each group member must master by the end of the session, and what all group members must prepare before joining the study session.
Having clear goals can help you and your friends stay focused throughout your study session

Step 5. Encourage each group member to take turns teaching the material
When it's your turn, try to summarize the material and teach it in your own words. This method is effective in helping you understand the material better, as well as facilitating each group member to evaluate your understanding. Don't just teach new materials! Instead, use this method to review concepts you've already learned.

Step 6. Support each other
Remember, study groups are not a place for you and your friends to learn the material, but also a place for you and them to motivate each other and provide moral support. Therefore, do not hesitate to congratulate a group member who achieves maximum marks, turns criticism and suggestions into constructive motivation, and creates interesting learning methods for all group members.