3 Ways to Roll Marijuana Papir

3 Ways to Roll Marijuana Papir
3 Ways to Roll Marijuana Papir

Table of contents:


Have you mastered how to roll ordinary papyri and want a new challenge? Try rolling with the following tricks!


Method 1 of 3: Rolling Papyri Into Tulips

Papir tulips are common in Europe. Although it looks complicated, it is actually easy to roll. This roll would make a great gift to impress your “drunken” girlfriend.

Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 1
Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 1

Step 1. Make a pencil-sized filter

Cut out the sticky parts of some of your papyri to use on your filter.

Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 2
Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 2

Step 2. Make a cone by sticking two papyri together to form a rectangle or rectangle

Fold the bottom corner of the square diagonally towards the opposite top end just under the sticky side. Fold down the sticky part of your papyrus until it sticks and forms a flat cone. Trim excess papyrus if you wish.

Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 3
Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 3

Step 3. Fill your cone

Open your cone and fill it with the cannabis of your choice.

Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 4
Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 4

Step 4. Grasp the sides of the open cone and join the two halves together, as if you were closing a liquor bottle

Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 5
Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 5

Step 5. Place the filter on the exposed part of the cone, then tie it with rubber, or with the sticky part of papyrus, or with dental floss

Method 2 of 3: Rolling the Sunday Night Special (Saturday Night Special)

The Saturday Night Special is a great basic roll, especially if you're not getting "drunk" with just one roll of weed. The size of the Satuday Night Special is twice that of a regular roll of marijuana, but you have to remember that: the length of the roll makes it more brittle. So be careful.

Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 6
Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 6

Step 1. Glue the two papyri together, the widest part with the widest part, so that the sticky part of the papyri forms a long straight line

Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 7
Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 7

Step 2. Glue the third papyrus in the center, covering the long straight line

This third papyrus will make your roll stronger. Or, for less paper on your roll, fold the third papyrus in half until the sticky side is on the outside of each side. Lick the sticky part, then place it vertically over the overlapping part of the two papyri. Use the sticky part of the papyri to stick them together and make them stronger.

Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 8
Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 8

Step 3. Roll the rest of your papyri like you would roll regular marijuana

Either straight or conical.

Method 3 of 3: Roll the Nose Cone

If you want to roll marijuana that looks like a cartoon, Nose Cone is the answer. Nose Cone is a regular rolled cone filled with marijuana that is placed at the end of a filter shaped like a regular rolled cone to make it look impressive.

Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 9
Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 9

Step 1. Make a cone as described in how to roll it like a tulip

Just don't cover the exposed side.

Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 10
Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 10

Step 2. Make a conical roll by wrapping the papyri around the filter tightly and at a good angle

However, don't turn too far. You may need practice for this. The width of the rolled end of this cone should be the same as the width of the cone you made earlier.

Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 11
Roll Trick Marijuana Joints Step 11

Step 3. Glue the rolled cone to the cone using the sticky part of the other papyrus


  • When you fill marijuana in a tulip cone or nose cone, it may be easier to place it on a tall, slim glass, rather than holding it in your hand to fill it with marijuana. The important thing is that you don't drop the glass,
  • When you roll a tulip or nose cone style, you can trim off any excess papyrus so that the ends are even.


  • Never smoke marijuana while driving. Just like alcohol, marijuana can reduce your reaction. You don't want an accident because of this.
  • Follow the marijuana laws in your location. Marijuana is more legal in some places than in others, but even where it is legal, there are still complex laws about it.
