How to Open a Flower Garden: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Open a Flower Garden: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Open a Flower Garden: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

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Flower gardens always beautify the surrounding environment. The flower garden also provides lots of flowers and invites pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.


Start a Flower Garden Step 1
Start a Flower Garden Step 1

Step 1. Start with a small garden

At first, your enthusiasm for flower gardening is great. However, this enthusiasm will wane over time due to the sheer amount of work. It's a good idea to start with a small garden, about 7.5 square meters in size, that can accommodate 20-30 plants consisting of three types of annuals and one or two perennials. You can always add plants as your experience increases.

Even if 7.5 square meters of land is still too big, build a small fence or plant your first flower garden in a container. Two or three plants sharing a container can look stunning and set you up for bigger jobs

Start a Flower Garden Step 2
Start a Flower Garden Step 2

Step 2. Create a detailed planting plan and dig flower holes that fit into your scheme

On the other hand, if you're not used to writing down work plans, or you know exactly where and how big the flowerbed will be, feel free to make one right in your garden.

Spread the hose on the ground to mark or plan the curved edges of the garden. If your lawn is adjacent to the garden plot to be excavated, don't forget to set aside a path for mower access


Step 3. Choose a park location

The amount of sunlight your land gets will be a major consideration. Supposedly, 6 hours of sunlight a day is sufficient to care for most varieties of plants. Stay away from underground utility lines and keep at least 1 meter away from buildings or fences.

  • In hot climates, the garden should receive shade so that the flowers are protected from the scorching heat. Therefore, the ideal flower garden is to the east of the building or fence. Thus, the park is also protected from dry winds that usually blow from the west.
  • You can open a garden even if the land is exposed to the sun 12 hours a day, but you should choose the types of plants you want to plant wisely. Choose flowers that like sun exposure. Your garden will also need more frequent watering.

Step 4. Choose a site with good soil, if possible

All soils can be upgraded, but avoid areas with shallow rocky soil, standing water, or steep slopes. Keep a distance of 6 meters from large trees or 1.5 meters from large bushes. The trees will compete with your garden for water and nutrients.


Step 5. Test your soil

While not absolutely necessary, soil testing will help determine what nutrients the soil needs as well as the type of fertilizer and pH needed.


Step 6. Start digging

Once you've determined the location and marked the boundaries with a water hose, remove any soil that is overgrown with grass or weeds that could grow back. Use a shovel or garden fork and dig up to a depth of at least 20 cm, although it is best to dig up to 30 cm. Remove any existing rocks and debris.


Step 7. Level the soil and break up any lumps with a garden fork

Add 30 cm of compost or animal manure, and more if your soil is of poor quality. If the garden soil is sandy, apply peat or grass clippings to increase the water holding capacity of the soil. Add lime if the soil is too acidic. Most plants like neutral or slightly acidic soil.

Soil fertilizers such as compost can be purchased per bag or sometimes per truckload. Apply fertilizer to the top 15 cm of soil with a general-purpose fertilizer, for example 10-20-10


Step 8. Purchase a seedling or flower seed, then plant it according to the guidelines

Small plants planted in front of the garden. Most plants are planted at the same depth as when they grew. Cover the soil around it. Don't forget, plants will grow after planting so give extra room for flower growth and read labels carefully to see how much space you need to give.

  • Prepare many varieties of flowers because the flowers will bloom at different times. Thus, there are always flowers blooming in your garden.
  • If you don't have a lot of flowers blooming in early spring or late summer, look around your town to see what plants are blooming. Go and buy some seeds of these flowers, then plant them in the garden. After you do this a few times, the garden will be filled with flowers that bloom all year round.

Step 9. Flush thoroughly

A skilled gardener will check if the soil needs water before watering it. How much water is needed depends on the plants, climate, and sun exposure, and the amount of rainfall the garden gets.

Start a Flower Garden Step 10
Start a Flower Garden Step 10

Step 10. Periodically cut wilted flowers

Many plants will bloom again, only if the old flowers are cut. In addition, support and prune your plants if needed.


  • Annual or annual plants are plants that are grown every year. These plants are often affordable and the flowers are brightly colored making them suitable for beginners. In the following season, you will need to replant and start over from seed. Some annuals are actually “fragile perennials”, which are perennials in their natural environment but die in winter when grown in cold climates.
  • Perennial or perennial plants can last from one year to the next. This plant also requires annual care, but not replanting. Perennial plants require extra division, support and care during the winter, as well as pruning or cutting of old stems and flowers
  • Usually, gardeners are advised to plant various varieties of perennials that will flower at different times of the year (don't just plant one flower so your garden plants don't only bloom for a few weeks of the year). You can plant annuals between perennials to fill the space. Annual plants are very beneficial for the garden because they tend to be more colorful than perennial plants, so it is advisable to use both. The blooming time of annual plants also varies so it is better to choose a variety of varieties.
  • Whatever plant you grow, try to learn its name. If you don't receive an instruction manual when buying seeds, look online. If you don't know the name and can't find information, you can try planting it and see what kind of flowers grow. However, this method is very wasteful.
  • Healthy and happy plants tend to be resistant to pests and diseases. Here too, prevention is far better than cure. Do your best to provide the plants with fertile soil and suitable moisture, and choose plants that match the climate and weather of your garden.
  • If your plant has a disease, it's best to burn the plant instead of curing it, as other healthy plants in your garden can get infected too. You can also put sick plants in a plastic bag, tie them up, and throw them away.
