Betta fish, or Siamese fighting fish, are fish from Southeast Asia that are very beautiful, curious and easy to make friends. Since betta fish can live in very small places, such as in rice fields and ditches in the wild, betta fish have been bred to live alone in aquariums or bowls as pets. Although betta fish can live in small spaces, and males have to live in separate places to avoid conflict, betta fish can feel bored and lonely if left unstimulated. If you have a betta, you can give your betta the attention it needs by learning how to play and teaching your betta a few tricks.
Method 1 of 2: Adding Entertainment to a Betta Fish Aquarium

Step 1. Add objects under the betta's aquarium
Bettas are curious fish and can be amused by new things to explore. Betta fish also like places to hide and relax in the aquarium. So adding objects to your betta's aquarium is the key to its happiness.
- Look for small items that are specifically made for fish aquariums, or items that can be cleaned, won't disintegrate in water, and are non-toxic. If it's small and clean enough, you can place it in your betta's tank!
- There are many products made specifically for betta fish aquariums. At the very least, consider adding fake plants for your betta to hide or relax in.
- While you should give your betta space to hide and explore, you should also give your betta enough space to allow your betta to swim freely. Don't fill the aquarium with too many objects!

Step 2. Try adding floating objects at the top of the aquarium
Take a small floating toy or a fish toy. Don't cover the entire surface of the tank as the betta will come up to get some air, but you can float some fun toys for the betta to play with.
- Make sure the toys are clean before placing them in the water.
- Place a small ping-pong ball at the top of the tank. Look what your betta is doing! Some bettas will push the ping-pong ball around their tank. If your betta doesn't play with the ball right away, give your betta some time to adapt.

Step 3. Feed your betta fish with live food occasionally
This is a great way to entertain your fish. Fish or aquarium supply stores mostly offer live worms that betta fish will eagerly chase.
Give your betta fish a balanced and varied diet. Too much treat or feed is not good for fish, but you can give it every once in a while and it shouldn't be a problem. Just don't feed him too much because the betta can get sick
Method 2 of 2: Playing with Betta Fish

Step 1. Move your finger back and forth across your betta's aquarium
Notice if your betta will follow your finger as you move it to the opposite side of the tank. Often, your betta will follow your finger if it knows you're the one taking care of it.
Try to make the betta follow the pattern you created differently with your fingers. Can you make it head over heels?

Step 2. Train your betta to eat from your fingers
When feeding your betta, make sure the fish comes out of hiding and sees that you are feeding it. Once your betta has gotten used to you being around it while feeding it, try to keep your hands above the surface of the water while your betta is eating. Slowly, you can try to hold the fish feed slightly underwater, between your thumb and forefinger.
Try feeding your betta a food he likes when training him. Betta fish can even jump if you hold a bloodworm or insect slightly above the surface of the water

Step 3. Train your betta to swim, even jump, through a hoop
Make a hoop out of a cleaning pipe or plastic. Find out your betta's favorite feed, and use it as bait. Hang the hoop in the tank so your betta can swim through it. Move the bait to encourage the betta to swim through the hoop.
- As your betta becomes more comfortable swimming through the hoop, lift the hoop little by little, until the bottom of the hoop just touches the surface of the water. With enough practice, your betta will jump above the water's surface and through the hoop for a snack.
- Remember not to overfeed your betta. A few snacks for exercise are fine, but don't overfeed your betta as it can make him sick or even die.

Step 4. Get your betta to “expand” its fins by showing it in a mirror
Meet the betta fish with its shadow for a few seconds. When they see their reflection in the mirror, your betta will think there are other fish in the tank. Male Bettas are very territorial. So, when it sees another fish, it will spread its fins.
There is debate about whether this is a good exercise for betta fish or not

Step 5. Target practice is also a fun way to play with betta fish, while opening up other game opportunities
- To get started, find a suitable plastic rod, straw, or chopstick to fit into the fish tank. Instead, choose a brightly colored tool so that the betta fish can recognize it.
- Put the rod in the tank and when the betta's nose touches it, feed it. Do this activity several times a day. However, don't let your betta eat too much.
- Eventually, you can use the rods to train your betta to go through hoops, follow patterns, and even jump! However, take care that your betta doesn't get tired, and always clean the rods with clean water before each use.
- Betta fish should not be touched too often. It's not good to handle betta fish too often because it will remove their natural mucous membranes, making the betta fish susceptible to certain diseases. Also, never touch betta fish with dirty hands because bacteria can be easily transmitted through direct contact.
- Never place objects in your betta's tank that have surfaces that may peel or leach into the water. Objects like this, such as colored stones, can contain toxins and/or harmful chemicals that can injure or kill your fish.
- Never tap your finger on the glass when using a fish bowl; Betta fish are very territorial. With high apprehension, tapping your finger on the fish bowl will shock your betta to death.