Baptism is a religious ceremony that symbolizes death, resurrection, and repentance so that a person can be accepted as a member of a particular church. In general, people are baptized from infancy, but baptism may be given to adults who will accept Jesus Christ as Savior.
Method 1 of 3: Getting Baptized After Growing Up

Step 1. Consult with church community leaders
Make an appointment to consult with those authorized to administer the sacrament of baptism, for example: pastor, preacher, pastor, or deacon. The priest may perform baptisms without first consulting the bishop and this task can be delegated to the deacon.
Basically, anyone can receive Catholic baptism. However, this is usually done in an emergency, for example when a person facing death wants to be baptized in order to experience salvation

Step 2. Ask yourself why you want to be baptized
Many adults want to experience being born again and be saved to prove their faith or because they were baptized as a child and want to be baptized again. A person who has just joined as a church member usually wants to be baptized according to the tradition of the church in question. The reasons underlying your decision will determine your next steps.
- Remember that this choice is for your own sake. Baptism in adulthood helps you draw closer to God and strengthens your faith. You have made the right decision if you have chosen the best.
- If you have been baptized before and recently joined a different Christian denomination, you may not need to be baptized again. Look for information about baptisms that take place in the church. For example: the Methodist church recognizes baptisms performed by all Christian denominations other than the Mormon church.

Step 3. Prepare an event to celebrate the baptism
If the date of baptism has been determined, invite relatives and friends. Decide whether you want to have a lively ceremony or an intimate event. People are usually baptized in the local church.
- You may host large events to establish your presence in the church community. Baptism is an important decision, but this moment is not just for family and friends, it is a commitment to yourself and Jesus.
- Determine if you need to host a thanksgiving event and order food from a catering company within your available budget. Also, you can ask a friend or family member to help with drinks and snacks.

Step 4. Receive the sacrament of baptism
When a baby is baptized, holy water is sprinkled all over his body, but children, youth, and adults will dive into the holy water in a kneeling, sitting, or lying position. Each church has its own baptismal ritual.

Step 5. Get a blessing
The baptist, namely the pastor or pastor will bless you by saying: “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” then immerse you and immediately lift you up again from the water. You have been baptized and become a follower of Christ after being blessed and immersed in water!
Method 2 of 3: Baptizing Babies

Step 1. Consult with church community leaders
Make an appointment to consult with those authorized to administer the sacrament of baptism, for example: pastor, preacher, pastor, or deacon.
Basically, anyone can receive Catholic baptism. However, this is usually done in an emergency, for example when a person facing death wants to be baptized in order to experience salvation

Step 2. Choose a godparent
Designate two people as godparents if your young child or teenager is going to be baptized. It is optional in adult baptisms. Ask the willingness of those closest to you to be your child's godparents.

Step 3. Prepare an event to celebrate the baptism
If the date of baptism has been determined, invite relatives and friends. Decide if you want to have a big ceremony or an intimate event. People are usually baptized in the local church.
Determine if you need to host a thanksgiving event and order food from a catering company within your available budget. Also, you can ask a friend or family member to help with drinks and snacks

Step 4. Take your child to the christening
After preparing, take the child to church on the baptismal date. The ceremony will be presided over by a priest, priest, or deacon.

Step 5. Let holy water run or sprinkled on his body
When a baby is baptized, holy water is sprinkled all over his body, but children, youth, and adults will dive into the water in a kneeling, sitting, or lying position. Each church has its own baptismal ritual.
Certain churches baptize small children simply by sprinkling holy water, but there are also those that require candidates for baptism to dive. Consult with the pastor or pastor to determine the ordinance of child baptism

Step 6. Get a blessing
The baptist, namely the pastor or pastor will bless your child by saying: "In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit". If the ordinance of baptism by immersion also applies to children, they will be immersed for a while and then raised again from the water. Your child was baptized and became a follower of Christ after he was blessed and immersed in water!
Method 3 of 3: Mentally Preparing for Baptism

Step 1. Confess the sins you have committed
According to the Bible, you must confess your sins before a priest or priest before being baptized.
It is written in the Gospel of Matthew that John the Baptist baptized the people: “So people came to him from Jerusalem, from all Judea and from all the area around the Jordan. Then, confessing their sins, they were baptized by John in the Jordan” (Matthew 3:5-6)

Step 2. Repent
Confessing sin is not enough. You should also regret all the mistakes you've ever made. Ponder what it means to accept Jesus Christ as Savior.
- Ask the priest or pastor. If you don't know how to confess and repent, ask a pastor or church member you know for advice.
- After Jesus rose, many people were astonished to see the presence of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. When they asked Peter what to do, “Peter answered them: Repent and be baptized each of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38).

Step 3. Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior
The final condition for baptism is complete belief in Jesus. Do deep reflection to ensure you are ready to make a decision. If you feel ready then you are ready. Express your desire to be baptized as a Christian.
Baptism can be given to anyone without age restrictions. In Christianity, anyone who has not been baptized may receive the sacrament of baptism. Baptism will mark the spirit permanently so that the person who has been baptized does not need to be re-baptized
- Many people believe that baptism is not a condition for receiving salvation. However, Jesus said, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved." Those who believe in the words of Jesus may conclude that they will gain salvation through baptism.
- In order to become a “born again” Christian, you must use your free will to receive Jesus and the Holy Spirit by making a confession of faith before your pastor or pastor. Those who have been baptized will “die, be buried, and rise with Christ”. Baptism is a symbol of salvation for people who experience a new life because they are free from the punishment of sin and death.
- In the Bible, water baptism is always done by diving into water. (Read Matthew 3:16, John 3:23, and Acts 8:38.). Say baptism literally means to submerge, sink, or dive.