How to Cut a Parrot's Wings: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Cut a Parrot's Wings: 15 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Cut a Parrot's Wings: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Without cutting its wings, your companion parrot won't be able to safely enjoy the things it loves, like playing outdoors with you. Parrots are good at darting out through an open door or window if their wings are not cut. Trimming a bird's wings can be difficult for some people, but be aware that cutting a parrot's wings is important for its safety.


Part 1 of 3: Deciding when to cut and whether to do it

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 1
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 1

Step 1. Ask yourself if you want to cut off your bird's wings

There are a number of strong arguments on each side-for and against wing-cutting. Those who oppose it say that birds are supposed to fly and that we should not interfere with the parrot's natural desires. If you plan to show off your bird, never cut its wings off either.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 2
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 2

Step 2. Cut the wings for indoor safety reasons

Birds with uncut wings can be dangerous to the bird itself, to others, and can cause chaos in your home. When birds fly freely indoors, they can damage their wings, nudge things, and especially eat things that shouldn't be eaten. Many household items can be harmful to parrots, including toilets and other standing water, heating lamps and stoves, ceiling fans, wires to curtains, and windows and mirrors. Cutting the wings off can feel like a bad idea as it will hinder your bird's movement, but it will ultimately be better and safer for you and your bird.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 3
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 3

Step 3. Prevent the birds from escaping

Parrots are very agile and can take advantage of an open door or window to get out. Once out, it's often nearly impossible to get your bird back. With the wings cut off, the chances of escaping were reduced. And if your bird does get out, it's much easier to catch it back.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 4
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 4

Step 4. Train your bird

Without trimmed feathers, it will be very difficult to train your parrot. Birds with long feathers and the ability to fly away from you are much less likely to be willing to work with you on training.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 5
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 5

Step 5. Do not cut the parrot's wings that are still small

The bird's wings should not be cut until the bird can fly. Trimming the wings too early can hinder normal feather growth.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 6
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 6

Step 6. Decide if you want a veterinarian who clips the bird's wings

If you have never done it before, it is advisable to ask your veterinarian to do it the first time. That way, you can see how it goes and then decide if you want to continue doing it at home.

Part 2 of 3: Clipping the Wings

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 7
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 7

Step 1. Get ready to cut out the wings

Find someone who can help, towels that fit the size of the bird, sharp scissors, and blood-staining powder, which are available at pet stores. Bleeding powder is important if you find that you cut too much and your parrot is bleeding. If you don't want to cut your parrot's wings yourself, have someone help cut them.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 8
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 8

Step 2. Use a towel

Hang a towel in your hands. Remain calm and position yourself in front of your bird. Wrap the towel around her gently, if possible. Otherwise, spread a towel over the bird's body and place your index finger on the top of its head gently but tightly and place the other fingers around the side of its lower beak. This will prevent them from biting and allow you and your helper to safely organize the towels. Make sure his feet are kept inside the towel to prevent them from scratching.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 9
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 9

Step 3. Decide which feathers need to be cut

Pull the wings out of the towel and find the primary flight feathers. These are the last ten feathers and the longest on the wing. Talk to your vet before cutting wings for the first time-different types of birds (depending on size) may have different feathers to trim.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 10
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 10

Step 4. Using scissors, cut off six or seven outer wing tips

Leave a few centimeters between the tip of the feather and the smaller feather above it. It may be tempting to leave an outer wing or two for appearance reasons, but this is not recommended as it still allows the bird to have enough energy to fly.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 11
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 11

Step 5. Avoid cutting "blood" or "shaft" feathers

These feathers are new and just growing, still have a greasy sheath and plenty of blood supply for growth. You will be able to see the blood on the feather tube. In general, if you accidentally cut one of these, the blood will clot on its own. However, if you find yourself hurting him again, his blood probably won't clot. If you are inexperienced, always have Kwik Stop or some other bloodstaining powder ready to stop the bleeding immediately. Birds have very little blood, so stopping the bleeding quickly is very important.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 12
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 12

Step 6. Cut the wing on the other side

Do it the same way you did the previous wing. Cutting less on both sides is much better than cutting off one wing (thus making the bird lean to one side and not be able to fly).

Part 3 of 3: Caring for Cut Wings

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 13
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 13

Step 1. Cut according to the weight and strength of the bird

A good wing cut will allow your bird to train the pectorals, or muscles for flapping the wings, and will give him less ability to move. Your bird should not fall while trying to fly, as landing on its chest can kill heavier birds. Always cut less wings rather than more until you see how your bird adjusts. Heavier parrots like African Grays should trim less, while most cockatoos should trim more.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 14
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 14

Step 2. Check your bird's plumage monthly, and trim it if necessary

Also specify a "Cutting Day", and mark it on the calendar each month. This will be the day you check out the parrot's feathers-the wings probably won't be too long to trim. Then you need to mark another date at a later date to see (1 week, next 2 weeks) if the parrot's feathers are long enough.

Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 15
Clip a Parrot's Wings Step 15

Step 3. Check with your veterinarian

Make sure you cut the wings properly. Your veterinarian will be able to advise if he believes you haven't mastered cutting your parrot's wings.
