Cats, like humans, can catch a fever when they are sick. Unfortunately, the methods used in humans cannot be applied to cats. Feeling a cat's forehead is not a reliable way to go. The only way to check a cat's temperature at home is with a thermometer inserted into his rectum or ear canal. As you understand, cats will not like this procedure or be held forcibly. To determine if you need to take his temperature, you'll need to look for other specific symptoms. Then, you should check his body temperature as relaxed as possible. Finally, if your cat's temperature exceeds 39 degrees Celsius, you should seek help from a veterinarian.
Method 1 of 4: Regarding Fever Symptoms in Cats

Step 1. Look for a change in his attitude
If your cat is usually cheerful, active, and friendly, being aloof could be a sign that your cat is sick. If the cat starts to get under the bed, couch, table, or other hard to reach and unusual place, this could be a sign that the cat is sick. Cats are very careful animals, although cats can be very playful and curious at any time. If your cat is sick, it will reduce its vulnerability by hiding from you.

Step 2. Pay attention to the cat's appetite
If the cat is used to eating at specific times or usually eating a certain amount of food each day, the opposite will happen if the cat is sick. Check the cat's food bowl throughout the day to see if it has eaten or not.
If so, try persuading the cat with slightly more interesting food options. Even consider bringing the bowl of food in front of him in person. If he's hiding because he's not feeling well, he may not feel confident enough to venture out to his usual place to eat. If you place your cat's food bowl in his safe zone, he may be encouraged to eat

Step 3. Watch if the cat vomits or has diarrhea
Many cat illnesses-from the flu to more serious illnesses or conditions-cause fever, but they can also cause other symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Check the cat's litter box area. In some cases, the cat will attempt to bury the vomit or feces. If you keep your cat outdoors, make an effort to keep up. Look for soil that looks like it's been dug up in his resting place if he's used to burying his droppings.

Step 4. Notice if your cat is very weak
This is a symptom that is difficult to identify because cats are lazy animals. If your cat won't wake up when you shake a bag full of treats, she may be limp. If your cat likes to follow you from room to room, but still sleeps all day in a room away from you, she may be sluggish. If you think your cat is exhibiting a lackluster behavior, be sure to tell your vet about it.
Method 2 of 4: Measuring Cat's Rectal Temperature

Step 1. Prepare the thermometer beforehand
Shake the thermometer if you are using a thermometer that contains mercury. A digital thermometer can also be used and is usually faster. We recommend that you use a disposable sleeve and a digital thermometer.

Step 2. Lubricate the thermometer with kerosene or other water-based lubricating gel
KY Jelly or Vaseline can also be used. The goal is to make this process as comfortable as possible for the cat. Using a lubricant helps reduce the risk of abrasion, tearing, and puncture.

Step 3. Position the cat correctly
Hold the cat with one hand under its body as if holding a football and make sure its tail is pointing in front of you. Make sure the feet are on a flat, firm surface such as a table. By doing this, you will reduce the risk of being scratched by a cat.
- It's a good idea to ask a friend to hold the cat if possible. Some cats are rebellious and can be difficult to tell to shut up. Ask your friend to position the cat until you can easily insert the thermometer into his rectum.
- You can also hold the cat's nape (the skin on the back of the neck). This will calm him down, as most cats will associate him with his mother's protection.

Step 4. Insert the thermometer into the cat's rectum
Make sure you only insert about 3 cm. Do not insert more than 6 cm. Hold the thermometer at a 90-degree angle so it can go straight into the cat's rectum. Do not insert through other angles as this will increase the likelihood of the cat feeling sick and uncomfortable.

Step 5. Hold the thermometer for 2 minutes
Mercury thermometers may take longer to get accurate results. If using a digital thermometer, hold it until there is an indication that the thermometer has read the temperature. Most digital thermometers will beep when they are finished.
Hold your cat firmly during this process. Cats will rebel, scratch, and even bite. Do whatever it takes to keep the cat calm to avoid injury to both the cat and yourself

Step 6. Read the results
A temperature of 38.5 degrees Celsius is the ideal temperature for a cat, but a cat's temperature can also vary so even 39.1 degrees is considered normal.
- If the cat's temperature is below 37.2 degrees Celsius or above 40 degrees Celsius, the cat should seek immediate medical attention.
- if your cat's temperature is 39.4 degrees Celsius or above, and your cat looks sick, she should also seek medical attention.

Step 7. Clean the thermometer
Use warm soapy water or use rubbing alcohol to clean and wipe the thermometer. If you are using a thermometer that has a protective sheet, discard the sheet and wash the thermometer as above. Make sure the thermometer is clean before storing it.
Method 3 of 4: Measuring Cat Ear Temperature

Step 1. Use an ear thermometer made especially for cats and dogs
This thermometer is longer so it can reach the cat's ear canal. These thermometers can be purchased at pet stores or some vet's offices. Generally, these thermometers are not as effective as rectal thermometers. If your cat is fierce and lively, she may be more quiet if you use an ear thermometer instead of a rectal thermometer.

Step 2. Hold the cat
Hold the cat's body firmly and its feet should touch the surface (try to do this on the floor). Make sure you hold his head in your hand firmly. Don't let the cat pull its head while you take its temperature. Ask a friend to help you do this if you can.

Step 3. Insert the thermometer all the way into the cat's ear canal
Follow the instructions on the label to determine when the temperature reading process is complete. An ear thermometer usually takes approximately the same time as a rectal thermometer, which is a few minutes.

Step 4. Clean the thermometer and place it in its place
Like any thermometer, you should wash it thoroughly with soapy water or rubbing alcohol when you're done using it. Once you have done this, put the thermometer back in its place.
Method 4 of 4: See a Vet

Step 1. Go to the vet if your cat's temperature is below 37.2 degrees Celsius or above 40 degrees Celsius
In most cases, your cat will be able to handle the fever on its own, but it's best to consult a veterinarian. If your cat is sick for a few days or you suspect a serious condition, it is very important that you go to the vet.

Step 2. Describe the cat's symptoms
In addition to telling your cat that you have a fever, make sure you tell your vet about any other symptoms your cat is showing. This is important information that your vet can use to make a diagnosis.

Step 3. Follow your vet's instructions explicitly
Depending on your vet's diagnosis, you'll need to keep your cat hydrated and comfortable. If the vet suspects an infection or something else, you may need to give the cat some medicine.
- Do not try to give your cat fever-reducing medication or wipe it down to relieve the fever. Always consult a veterinarian before treating a cat's illness.
- It is recommended that you take the temperature from the rectum and ear the first time to ensure the accuracy of the thermometer.