How to Train a Rottweiler (with Pictures)

How to Train a Rottweiler (with Pictures)
How to Train a Rottweiler (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The Rottweiler is an ancient dog breed from Southern Germany, which was used for herding livestock and guarding property. Rottweilers are loyal, intelligent, and loving. These dogs can be found all over the world. However, due in part to irresponsible breeders, the Rottweiler has recently gained a reputation as an aggressive pet. However, if you train him properly, he will not be too fierce, but can provide love and fun for you and your family.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding Rottweilers and Their Exercise Needs

Train a Rottweiler Step 1
Train a Rottweiler Step 1

Step 1. Learn about the Rottweiler breed

Anyone who owns a Rottweiler should have an in-depth basic knowledge of the breed to help you train it properly, as well as keep it happy and healthy.

  • Well bred Rottweilers are large and athletic. Male Rottweilers can grow to a height of 68.6 cm at the shoulder, and a weight of 45.3-61.2 kg. Female Rottweilers are slightly smaller: up to 63.5 cm in height to the shoulders, and 36, 3-45.3 kg in weight.
  • The Rottweiler has a thick coat of shiny black fur, with tan-colored dots on its body. You should brush your Rottweiler's coat every few days to maintain its shine and health.
  • Rottweilers were originally bred to herd livestock, protect their owners, and protect resources. Therefore, they are nicknamed "butcher's dog".
Train a Rottweiler Step 2
Train a Rottweiler Step 2

Step 2. Understand the Rottweiler's temperament

Before training a Rottweiler, study its temperament. While this dog is loyal and loving, it can also be aggressive. Understanding your Rottweiler will help in training it successfully.

  • Rottweilers are very social animals and can form good bonds with their human families. He doesn't like to be left alone or forgotten. He is also often anxious when separated from his owner.
  • Rottweilers need lots of mental and physical stimulation. Long walks and obedience exercises will stimulate him and help prevent destructive behaviors such as digging, chewing, and whining.
  • The Rottweiler's nature is territorial, and he will be very protective of you.
  • Rottweilers may act dominantly over other animals and people. Proper exercise, including socialization, will help minimize this behavior.
  • Rottweilers may exhibit aggressive behavior if they are trained to perceive it as normal, or if they are not trained properly.
  • Rottweilers reach maturity very slowly, usually by the age of two. This means he will remain hyperactive and playful for a longer time than other dogs. Rottweilers may also chew things more frequently until they reach adulthood.
Train a Rottweiler Step 3
Train a Rottweiler Step 3

Step 3. Create a training plan

Develop a training plan that you can stick to consistently. Making a plan will give you the opportunity to consider the dog's personality and the various factors that may affect the training process, such as whether your Rottweiler is old or young.

  • When developing a training plan, be sure to consider your Rottweiler personality. If there are some areas of behavior that are difficult for him to master, focus on these areas.
  • Since exercise is something that should be done regularly over time, set short, medium, and long term goals. You can develop this plan by setting daily, weekly, and monthly goals for your Rottweiler. By taking the time necessary to teach your dog, you can make sure he is obedient and understands all the lessons.
  • For example, you could set a goal to socialize your Rottweiler in one week. Make plans throughout the week to introduce dogs to humans and other dogs. Keep activities short, such as just a walk to the dog park, then reward your Rottweiler if he acts well. After that, return home.
  • You have to commit to spending a lot of time over the long term training your Rottweiler. Dog training doesn't work overnight. You need consistency.
Train a Rottweiler Step 4
Train a Rottweiler Step 4

Step 4. Consider hiring a professional trainer

If you don't have time to train your Rottweiler consistently and properly, or if he has specific issues, consider hiring a professional trainer. Usually, a coach like this is able to solve problems you can't solve. Professional trainers will also make sure your dog is obedient.

  • If your Rottweiler is old or from a shelter and has been traumatized before, he may have a specific behavior problem that needs to be addressed by someone who knows how to handle it.
  • Puppies may also be difficult to train and require professional help.
  • You can also hire a professional to help strengthen your personal training methods and fix when you're having trouble teaching your dog.
  • Consider consulting with Perkin to find obedience training programs for your Rottweiler.

Part 2 of 3: Training a Rottweiler

Train a Rottweiler Step 5
Train a Rottweiler Step 5

Step 1. Start as early as possible

To train your Rottweiler to its full potential, train him from an early age to develop good manners. This applies to both puppies and older Rottweilers. Start practicing it in the early stages you get to know it.

  • Run the exercise immediately. No matter how old your Rottweiler is, you will be most successful if you start training it early.
  • You will be most successful if you train your Rottweiler between 6 weeks and 6 months of age.
  • If you have an older Rottweiler, don't despair. Train him as soon as he joins your family. However, be aware that you may need more time, effort, and patience.
  • Remember that Rottweilers are smart, obedient, and loyal friends who want to make you happy. Proper communication with him will help you train him at any age.
Train a Rottweiler Step 6
Train a Rottweiler Step 6

Step 2. Understand the element of domination

When training a Rottweiler, set the rules that he will follow in order for him to act well. By understanding that dominance doesn't mean you're actually trying to control it completely, you'll be better able to encourage good behavior.

  • Domination means determining the rules your Rottweiler will follow, using a firm voice and hand gestures that indicate that he is a member of the herd you lead. You can be dominant and assertive by remaining friendly and careful with your Rottweiler. For example, the best way to strengthen this dominance is to take him for a walk on a leash and ask him to kneel beside or behind you.
  • Don't try to dominate through verbal or physical aggression. This will only scare him away from his training plans.
Train a Rottweiler Step 7
Train a Rottweiler Step 7

Step 3. Identify and manage aggressive behavior

Rottweilers can exhibit aggressive behavior at any age. It can act aggressively towards people and other dogs. Identifying aggression and actively managing it through training can help prevent the Rottweiler from repeating the behavior in the future.

  • The Rottweiler may show aggression quickly because it is a watchdog by nature. These signs of aggression may not be real, and he may even appear calm. Ignoring unseen signs of aggression, such as eye gaze, can result in bigger problems later in life.
  • There are several signs of aggression in Rottweilers, including a low growl, showing teeth, gritting their jaws, or staring.
  • If you see a Rottweiler staring silently at something, this is a sign of aggression. Immediately remove him from the situation to calm him and avoid problems that may occur.
  • Rottweilers will display aggressive behavior for a variety of reasons, such as protecting their territory and protecting their food or owner.
  • Rottweilers may act aggressively towards other dogs, for example by growling or barking, because they think they are protecting you.
  • Fear is the main reason for aggressive behavior in Rottweilers. This fear can be a trained behavior. For example, if a man with a beard has verbally or physically punished him, he may be traumatized and exhibit aggressive behavior when he sees all the men with beards.
  • Overcome aggression by immediately neutralizing the situation in a calm manner. If you are angry with your Rottweiler, his nervousness and aggression may get worse.
  • Cope with Rottweiler aggression by exposing it to triggers in a controlled environment. This will help reduce fear and minimize aggressive behavior. For example, if your Rottweiler is afraid of men with beards, meet him with a friend or family member who likes dogs and beards. In this way, the Rottweiler learns that he doesn't have to be afraid of everyone with a beard.
  • If your Rottweiler is showing aggressive behavior towards you, leave him. Don't confront him.
Train a Rottweiler Step 8
Train a Rottweiler Step 8

Step 4. Socialize your Rottweiler

An important component of training for the Rottweiler is getting him to meet other people and dogs. This way, he will be happy and comfortable in all situations, and will be less likely to act aggressively. He will also be more receptive to the exercises you give him.

  • Rottweilers may act dominantly over other animals as well as people. This behavior can be prevented with proper socialization exercises.
  • Help your Rottweiler feel comfortable around dogs and people. Introduce him to positive situations that involve dogs and other people.
  • Socialize your Rottweiler by taking him for walks, playing at the dog park, and visiting friends. You should also invite other people into your home so that they feel comfortable around people on their territory.
  • Keep every aspect of socialization calm and positive. This will teach the Rottweiler to also be calm and confident.
Train a Rottweiler Step 9
Train a Rottweiler Step 9

Step 5. Practice short

A dog's concentration ability is low, as is his memory, so training sessions should be kept short. Combine training sessions with activities such as socializing and mealtimes.

  • Limit the duration of the exercise to only about 15 minutes.
  • Be aware that Rottweilers are easily distracted, so be patient if they make mistakes.
  • Combining practice sessions with other activities is a good method of reinforcing the lessons you teach. For example, if you're at the park with your dog, take the time to teach him various commands, like "here."
Train a Rottweiler Step 10
Train a Rottweiler Step 10

Step 6. Be patient

Patience is both the most important and the most difficult part of training a Rottweiler. Remember, he wants to please you. If you are calm and happy, he will be calm and happy too.

  • You will be very successful at training your Rottweiler if you are patient with it. If you maintain a training that is fun for both parties, you will be more likely to be patient with it.
  • Dog training should be done throughout his life.
  • Yelling or corporal punishment will only disrupt the training process. Dogs may also become afraid of you or other people.
Train a Rottweiler Step 11
Train a Rottweiler Step 11

Step 7. Use positive encouragement and avoid physical discipline and yelling

Rewarding your dog for positive behavior is an important part of the training process. Understand that your Rottweiler will make some mistakes. Avoid physical discipline or yelling at him if these mistakes occur.

  • Positive encouragement trains the dog by rewarding the actions he must learn to perform.
  • Reward him in the form of a treat, a toy, or a compliment. When he teaches a command and he does it well, immediately give him a reward.
  • Be careful with food gifts so that he doesn't gain weight or become unhealthy.
  • Rottweilers will make mistakes, and you shouldn't treat them with physical discipline when training them. If he doesn't follow orders, take a break and ask him to do it right. You can give gifts after he follows your orders.
  • Punishing verbally or physically is counterproductive. Rottweilers will be scared and confused. He may also not want to study any further.
Train a Rottweiler Step 12
Train a Rottweiler Step 12

Step 8. React to your dog's behavior in an appropriate way

Because the Rottweiler's memory is not strong and his attention is easily distracted, you must react immediately to his behavior. In this way, your practice methods will be clear to him. He also won't be afraid because you discipline him for behavior he doesn't remember.

  • For example, if he does something you enjoy, such as following orders, immediately give him a reward so he understands that this type of behavior is something you want.
  • Don't punish a Rottweiler for defecating in the house, unless you catch it in person. He will not remember the behavior. If you see him urinating in the house or in some other inappropriate place, say a firm "no" to teach him that the behavior is wrong.

Part 3 of 3: Teaching the Commandments and Training the Rottweiler at Home

Train a Rottweiler Step 13
Train a Rottweiler Step 13

Step 1. Teach simple commands

To complete Rottweiler training, teach simple commands through positive encouragement. This will help ensure that your Rottweiler is obedient and well behaved.

Use short commands (one or two words long), with hand signals, so that your dog understands the sound of your command and the action he needs to take

Train a Rottweiler Step 14
Train a Rottweiler Step 14

Step 2. Teach the dog to sit

“Sit” is the first commandment that a Rottweiler should teach, as it will make some activities easier, such as feeding and grooming.

  • Focus your dog's attention on your hands so he's more likely to listen to commands. Say the word sit and press his buttocks a little so he sits down.
  • Hold the treat in front of the dog's nose and lead him to sit. When her bottom hits the floor, say “yes” or “good” and give her the treat. Repeat this process until he is able to follow your orders.
Train a Rottweiler Step 15
Train a Rottweiler Step 15

Step 3. Teach the command “no”

"No" is an important command to teach your dog, so he knows when he's doing something wrong. Make sure you say "no" in a disciplined voice. Don't complicate this command by saying words he doesn't understand.

  • Your disciplined voice should be firm and lower.
  • To teach "no," place the snack on the floor. When your dog tries to eat it, make a loud noise and get rid of the treat. If you repeat this, the dog will associate the snack eating activity with a loud noise so that it does not do so.
  • For example, you can encourage this behavior by asking him to sit down and giving him a treat as a reward.
  • Use this command only when you catch your dog doing something bad. Continue to another activity when he stops or say no more and remove him from the situation.
Train a Rottweiler Step 16
Train a Rottweiler Step 16

Step 4. Teach the dog to “be quiet”

After you teach your Rottweiler to sit down, teach him the "quiet" command. This is one of the more difficult commands to teach and requires patience.

  • Do not give up. Remember, Rottweilers are very social and want to be with you. This can help you to stay patient with it.
  • Call the dog to a location where you want him to sit still. Then, stay away from him and say “shut up” and toss the treats. Repeat this exercise for several days.
  • Make sure you reward him when he follows orders well.
Train a Rottweiler Step 17
Train a Rottweiler Step 17

Step 5. Teach the dog to “come”

You can teach other commands that are more fun once he learns to sit still. Rottweilers will also love this command because it means it can be with you. Being around you is something this breed enjoys, which is both loyal and social.

  • For example, have a family member call the dog from some point in a room by saying its name and issuing the command “here!” Encourage the Rottweiler to come over by clapping his hands or making other sounds he likes. When he comes to you or a family member, say “good” and give him a delicious treat. Then, someone else could call him.
  • Make sure you reward him when he is able to follow orders correctly.
Train a Rottweiler Step 18
Train a Rottweiler Step 18

Step 6. Train your Rottweiler at home

Training your dog at home can be one of the most frustrating aspects for you as an owner. However, this activity is very necessary. However, with consistency, patience, and positive encouragement, you can easily train your Rottweiler.

  • Be consistent by taking your Rottweiler for a walk every hour or two. Take him to the area that has been determined as his "defecation location" while being restrained, and say "let's go to the bathroom". Keep giving him positive encouragement until he pees, then give him compliments and treats to let him know that he's been doing well.
  • Get the Rottweiler back inside as soon as he poops. This is important so that he knows that walking out of the house means he needs to go to the bathroom.
  • Repeat this process every hour or two until he is successfully trained.
  • Don't worry if your dog can't go to the bathroom right away. This was probably because he was not desperate. Keep reducing the process until he is fully trained.
  • Your dog will eventually make mistakes during the home training process. When this error occurs, clear everything up and say, “No, outside”. Then, take him outside to the toilet. Praise him if he manages to do well.
  • Whatever you do, don't yell at or hit a Rottweiler for making a mistake. This can keep him peeing in the house.
Train a Rottweiler Step 19
Train a Rottweiler Step 19

Step 7. Train your Rottweiler not to bite, bark, or attack other people

Generally, obedience training will help ensure that the Rottweiler doesn't do any of these things. Properly socializing your dog and saying "no" when he's doing something he shouldn't be doing will help to avoid these behaviors. However, there are some other tips that you can also use.

  • You can minimize digging, chewing, crying, and other destructive behaviors through harness training and chewing toys.
  • Whenever a Rottweiler exhibits these behaviors, say "no" as soon as he does them. If he doesn't stop, remove him from the triggering situation.


  • Have fun exercising whenever possible.
  • Introduce the Rottweiler to new experiences and activities to stimulate his curiosity.
  • Be careful when playing rough with a Rottweiler. He may think you are trying to hurt him.
