How to Improve Academic Grades: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Improve Academic Grades: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Improve Academic Grades: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


For a student, not graduating from a certain class or subject is a disaster. Have you experienced it too? Do not worry; the situation is not lethal and is common to many students. As long as you are willing to study harder and improve your ability to concentrate, your grades and academic performance will increase significantly!


Part 1 of 2: Improving Performance in Class

Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 1
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 1

Step 1. Improve your tidiness

Chances are, one of the reasons for your failure is that you have trouble managing your time; as a result, you often neglect your assignments which results in declining academic grades. If you have to take many different classes, there are times when your notes will get mixed up; as a result, you could potentially lose important information and fail to master the material. Therefore, try to improve your neatness. Designate special folders or shelves to store each of the different material records; by doing so, you also don't risk losing any information.

Increasing neatness is directly proportional to increasing your learning efficiency. Trust me, you'll save a lot more time if you don't have to go through piles of paper just looking for one particular item

Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 2
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 2

Step 2. Attend the whole class

Being truant is one of the biggest causes of a student's failure, especially since doing so runs the risk of leaving you behind and having trouble keeping up with the material afterward. If you are truant a lot, how do you know what material to study? In addition, you will also not understand the teacher's expectations regarding the assignments and exams given. Trust me, even if you just skip school once, the negative impact will really be felt.

If you are forced to miss school because of illness or other emergency situations, make sure you borrow the notes from a classmate who is diligent in taking notes. By doing so, you won't miss out on too much information and can still catch up in class

Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 3
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 3

Step 3. Concentrate

Difficulty focusing is prone to causing you to fall behind your classmates and make it difficult for you to do assignments. To improve academic grades, make sure you pay attention to all the material being taught in class. Don't just be present; make sure you are mentally, emotionally, and physically involved in class. Before taking lessons, make sure your brain is ready to learn and receive information. By doing so, your performance in class will definitely improve significantly.

  • Make sure you ask questions in class. Whenever you have difficulty understanding the material being explained, ask the question, “Excuse me sir/madam, can you repeat it? I still don't get it." If you don't, you will likely miss out on important information.
  • The more involved you are in class, the greater your ability to focus on the material being taught. In other words, it will help you to do your assignments better, potentially increasing your overall academic score.

Record or summarize the material being studied. One of the reasons students fail is their ignorance of the information that needs to be understood. Therefore, when the teacher is explaining the material in front of the class, try to summarize or take notes. Make sure you also mark concepts or materials that are discussed more often because they are likely to be the ones that will come out on your exams. If your teacher mentions the material that will appear on the exam, make sure you also take notes and spend more time studying it.

Step 1.

  • Don't worry about the structure or format of your notes; Most importantly, record as much information as possible so you can refer to it when needed. As far as the notes are concerned, there's nothing to worry about.
  • If your brain is having trouble focusing while you're taking notes, try using a pen or an interesting colored marker. Doing so will help your brain to focus more on the material being recorded; besides, your notebook will also look more interesting to study.
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 5
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 5

Step 2. Collect unfinished tasks

If there is an assignment that has not been submitted, hurry up and collect it even if it is too late. Most likely, your assignment will still be accepted even though the value given will not be maximal.

Record all deadlines for submitting assignments in a special book. This method prevents you from forgetting to do assignments and can potentially increase your academic grades

Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 6
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 6

Step 3. Study the material in more depth

Possibly, one of the reasons for your failure is your shallow knowledge of information. Ideally, you should be able to apply your understanding in a wider scope. If you only memorize – not understand – material, you will likely have a hard time applying it in different situations; as a result, you are unable to think critically and have difficulty answering exam questions more comprehensively.

Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 7
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 7

Step 4. Talk to your teacher

Chances are, your failure is rooted in your difficulty understanding certain teaching methods. If you have trouble understanding how your teacher teaches in class, talk to the teacher about it. Most likely, afterwards they will help you to understand the material in a different way. You are also obliged to talk to them if you are not able to understand all the material being taught. Ask them when they have free time to have a brief discussion with you by saying, "I'm having a hard time understanding the information presented in class. Can you help me understand it better?".

  • They can also recommend a better way to study for your next exam or give you ideas for your future assignments. In addition, they may also provide additional material or notes that you can study to improve your grades in the future.
  • Don't depend on your teacher; remember, they can't leak exam questions! Do your best to improve your understanding if you don't want to experience similar failures in the future.

Ask for additional assignments. One positive way to increase your grades is to ask the teacher for additional assignments. In addition to adding to the grades of assignments that are still lacking, doing so will also increase your overall grade point average. Try asking your teacher, “Is there anything I can do to get extra grades? I'm working as hard as I can to improve my grades and need your help. If they see your seriousness, they'll be willing to give you additional work to improve your grades.

Step 1.

Also ask if you can make revisions to the assignment, especially now that you understand the concept better. Try asking your teacher, “Yesterday I had a hard time doing my assignment, sir/madam. Since I've studied and understood the material better now, is it okay if I can fix it at home?"

Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 9
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 9

Step 2. Follow a peer tutoring program

Try to find out if your school has a peer tutoring program; basically, the program helps students to repeat various materials taught with the help of peers. Remember, you're on the same level (and most likely doing the same job) as them. This situation will make it easier for them to help solve various academic problems that are bothering you.

If you have always felt intimidated by the teacher in class, you will surely feel more comfortable if you ask your peers for help. Try asking, “Can you help me understand this material? Last semester I failed Maths and was trying to improve my grades." You can also ask them any questions about their homework

Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 10
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 10

Step 3. Know the weight of your academic grades

Some teachers give more weight to exams than schoolwork. For example, if you get a D on an Algebra exam and a D on an Algebra assignment, your teacher will give you one D for the assignment and two D for the exam. If the weights are the same, your teacher will give you or one D for assignments and one D for exams.

Part 2 of 2: Fixing Habits at Home

Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 11
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 11

Step 1. Make a plan

Most likely, one of the reasons for your failure is your difficulty managing time. To increase your score, try to improve your time management; make sure you are able to do all the assignments well and still have free time to study and rest. Keep track of all the assignments you need to complete throughout the semester; Also note other obligations such as activities outside of school, social activities, or your job. List them all on your calendar starting with the most important responsibility, which is to improve academically in the subject where you failed. By doing so, you know what to do and how long you have to do it.

  • If your responsibilities clash, be willing to sacrifice some of them. Remember, being overly committed to any single project can set you off! Be willing to sacrifice extracurricular or similar social activities if you really want to improve your academic grades.
  • If it's work that's holding you back academically, try rearranging your schedule with your boss at work. Describe your problem and ask if any colleagues in the office would be willing to swap hours with you.
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 12
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 12

Step 2. Do your job

Generally, assignment grades are one of the most important elements that affect your final grade. Therefore, make sure you do your best to get maximum results. Also make sure you always know the latest material being taught at school. Don't procrastinate studying certain materials! Most likely, you will miss some important information for your upcoming assignments and exams. The more material you procrastinate, the less material you will understand; chances are, this is one of the reasons for your failure! Do your assignments and installments of materials; By doing so, you won't have to stay up all night before the exam, right?

  • If you have questions while working on an assignment, don't forget to write them down in your notebook. When you meet your teacher, ask them all the questions that are on your mind.
  • Do your homework as soon as you get home from school. Make sure you do all the assignments well because grades generally contribute a lot to your final grade. After all, the faster you do it, the better your ability to concentrate will be. If you do it just before bed, chances are your brain is too tired and not focused enough; As a result, the results will not be optimal.
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 13
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 13

Step 3. Study as hard as you can

The only way to improve academic grades is to study as much as possible. First of all, make sure you are willing to repeat the material at home on a regular basis (for example, every night before bed). Remember, information will not automatically enter your brain if it is not learned! While studying, turn off various distractions such as cell phones, laptops, television, music, etc. The more you are able to focus, the more information you can absorb.

  • While reading the material in class, don't forget to summarize all the information you receive. That way, you don't have to read all the material before the exam. While you may need to try a little harder, believe me, doing so will help you study the material more effectively and efficiently ahead of the exam.
  • About two weeks before the exam, start reviewing important material. Reread your notes and create information cards if necessary. If you find it difficult to learn certain material, spend more time studying the material.
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 14
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 14

Step 4. Do the task as soon as possible

Some people fail because of difficulty doing tasks; because they find it difficult, in the end they ignore the task and do not even work on it until the deadline for submission. Trust me, you have the habit of procrastinating your abstinence work if you want to improve your academic grades. Therefore, when your teacher gives an assignment, do it immediately. If you delay it until the last second, the process and the results will not be optimal. Whenever you find it difficult to do an assignment, immediately ask the teacher or librarian for help.

  • If you are required to write a paper, do research immediately after the assignment is given so that the results are more comprehensive. In addition, doing so will also equip you with a better scientific argument. Make sure you only seek information from trusted scientific sources; the more complete and accurate the information you have, the better the quality of your writing.
  • If you have to work on a particular project, start it as soon as the assignment is given. The more you put in the effort, the better the results.
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 15
Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class Step 15

Step 5. Create study groups

Ahead of the exam, invite some of your classmates to study together. For some, studying in groups is a much more effective method than studying alone. Prepare the material that needs to be studied before the learning process begins. After your friends come, invite them to review all the exam materials, discuss problems that arise, and do question and answer activities.

  • Try to invite friends who have graduated. Most likely, they already understand the information well enough to answer any questions you may have.
  • In order to make the material being studied more interesting, you can also package it in the form of a game. Try using board games and flashcards (information cards) to help you learn the material better.

Get enough rest. Most likely, one of the reasons for your failure was that you were too sleepy and had trouble focusing in class. As a result, you have difficulty concentrating so you can't do the task optimally. Getting enough rest is very important for maintaining concentration and storing important information in your brain; If you are always sleepy in class, you will most likely not be able to listen to the teacher's explanation or take notes on the information received. Therefore, sleep at least 7-8 hours a night to be more energized the next day.

Step 1.

You'll also feel better after school the next day; as a result, you can use that energy to do assignments and learn the material more optimally
