How to Shave a Beard with an Electric Shaver (with Pictures)

How to Shave a Beard with an Electric Shaver (with Pictures)
How to Shave a Beard with an Electric Shaver (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


All men would want a shaver or shaver that can work quickly and provide satisfactory results, without worrying about getting hurt by the knife. Although electric shavers have less bleeding risk and are more effective than regular razors, many people still find it difficult to achieve a perfect shave. Therefore, you need to know that proper preparation, technique and maintenance are the main keys to optimizing the performance of an electric shaver.


Part 1 of 4: Preparing to Shave

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 1
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 1

Step 1. Choose a shaver that suits your needs

You can look up information on various men's forums or consult with experts such as barbers about how your beard grows and the proper way to treat it. Everyone has a different type and texture of a beard, and you need to know what features are right for your characteristics.

  • Usually, electric shavers are used in dry conditions, but now, electric shavers have emerged that can also be used in wet conditions and of course these shavers have a more expensive price than ordinary electric shavers.
  • You can visit consumer websites to find out what kind of shaver fits your pocket. Some razors may sell for a high price because of additional features you don't really need.
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 2
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 2

Step 2. Clean your face

Use water or a warm cloth to loosen your beard to make shaving easier.

  • Clean your face with a gentle facial cleanser to get rid of the dirt on the face. If you have sensitive skin, consult a skin care specialist about a facial cleanser that is suitable for your skin type.
  • Wet a small towel with hot water if you don't have time to shower. Place the towel on your face and hold it for a few minutes.
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 3
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 3

Step 3. Let your facial skin adapt

Usually, it takes about 2 weeks for the skin to adapt to the electric shaver and during that time, the oil from the shaver will mix with the oil from your skin.

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 4
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 4

Step 4. Use an alcohol-based shaving cream

Alcohol-based products can cleanse your face of dirt and sebum, and make the hair around your face stand on end. Use a powdered product if your skin is irritated by alcohol.

  • Usually, shaving cream products contain ingredients such as vitamin E to protect your skin and reduce the risk of irritation.
  • You can also use a shaving cream or oil specially made to increase the effectiveness of an electric shaver. Make sure you consult a skin care specialist to find out which treatment is right for you. Continue to do your skin care routine and don't change products often when you have found the right product for your skin.
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 5
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 5

Step 5. Know the direction your beard is growing

Wipe the area where your beard usually grows and if the beard feels soft in a certain direction, it means that the direction is towards the root of the beard, while the opposite direction, i.e. the direction the beard grows, the beard will feel stiffer.

No matter what type of beard you have, straight, curly or coarse, knowing the direction your beard is growing is still important because it can reduce the risk of irritation and ingrown hairs

Part 2 of 4: Choose between Rotary Shaver and Foil Shaver

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 6
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 6

Step 1. Know what factors are most important to you in the shaving process

Maybe you want a shaver that is more effective, efficient, or safe from irritation. There are two different types of razors, namely rotary and foil. The rotary shaver is equipped with a rotating blade. This feature can help you get a cleaner shave. In addition, the rotary shaver will also not pull the beard forcibly so that this tool is comfortable to use. No wonder many people prefer a rotary shaver over other types.

  • The rotary shaver has 3 rotating blades. These three blades help shave hard-to-reach areas. The flexibility of the blade depends on the brand of shaver used. Therefore, make sure you choose a shaver with flexibility that suits your face shape.
  • The blades on the rotary shaver are made of titanium which can help you shave comfortably, without pain.
  • Unlike the rotary shaver, the foil shaver is equipped with 3 to 4 tinfoil-covered razor blades that can move in two directions to lift and trim your beard. The more blades you have, the faster the shaving process will be. However, this also means that the noise produced by the foil shaver is also getting louder. This type of shaver is perfect for those of you who want to save time because the large enough head of the foil shaver allows you to instantly shave a large number of beards.
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 7
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 7

Step 2. Change the razor regularly

It is necessary to change the blades of the foil shaver every 1-2 years, depending on how hard the base of your beard is. If you end up pressing harder to get a good shave, chances are you'll forget to change the blades. To change the blades on the rotary shaver itself needs to be done once a year.

  • Starting to irritate the skin is one sign that the razor needs to be replaced immediately.
  • Keep the user manual to help you when you need to replace certain parts of the shaver later, even though the manufacturer's contact information is becoming less and less useful.
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 8
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 8

Step 3. Shaving with the right technique

Please note that each shaver requires a different method for shaving the beard. Therefore, optimize the performance of your shaver by providing additional motion.

  • Make slight circular motions when you use the rotary shaver. However, make sure you don't put too much pressure on your face and also make sure you don't shave in the same area over and over again to avoid irritation.
  • A foil shaver can work best if you shave in an alternating motion.
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 9
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 9

Step 4. Make sure your shaver is clean

Don't forget to clean your shaver regularly as shavings can build up on the inside of the blade, especially if you have a thick beard. Do not clean the shaver by tapping it against a hard object or with tools not intended for cleaning the shaver.

  • Foil shavers with Braun, Panasonic, or Remington brands can be cleaned by removing the frame at the head of the shaver and then gently brushing the beard debris from under the blade using the brush provided in the box. Since the screen on the shaver is easily damaged, be sure not to touch the screen of your shaver.
  • The head of the Philips rotary shaver can be cleaned by removing the razor and then brushing the underside of the blade and between the three blades. Do not bang the shaver head against the sink to avoid damaging the small brushes in that section.
  • Remove the blade and brush the retaining plate of your rotary shaver every month. If you have a thicker, faster-growing beard, it's a good idea to do more frequent cleaning by brushing off the beard flakes from a razor and soaking them in a cleaning fluid and lubricant.

Part 3 of 4: Shaving with an Electric Shaver

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 10
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 10

Step 1. Make sure your razor is sharp

It is highly recommended that you replace your razor at least once a year. Otherwise, the shaving results you get will not be as expected and may even cause irritation to your skin.

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 11
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 11

Step 2. Use your dominant hand to shave

For example, if you use your right hand to write, you should also use that hand to shave. Use your other hand to hold your skin as you shave your beard. Make sure you shave in the direction your beard grows for a cleaner finish and always do it with care.

Position the shaver at a right angle and slightly tug on your skin so that the beard stands straight. This method will maximize skin contact which of course can help you to save time and avoid the risk of being cut by a razor

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 12
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 12

Step 3. Use your non-dominant hand to tug at your skin

This will help you shave your beard close to the roots.

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 13
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 13

Step 4. Shave your cheeks and both sides of your face

Shave in a direction from the top to the jaw.

Shaving in a direction against the root of the beard can give you a cleaner result, but it's easy to cut your skin if you use this method. In addition, this method can also have an impact on cutting beards that are too deep which may result in ingrown hairs or also called razor bumps because the beard does not grow out of the pores, but into the skin tissue. This can lead to swelling and infection

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 14
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 14

Step 5. Shave the sideburns

Be sure to check that the two sides of your sideburns look even.

Use your index finger to measure the length of the whiskers by placing your index fingers on each side of the sideburns. For example, place your left index finger under your left sideburn by pointing at your reflection in the mirror. Do the same with your right finger at the same time. This is done so that it can be seen if the two beards have the same or different lengths

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 15
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 15

Step 6. Shave your mustache in the area under the nose

Use the index finger of your non-dominant hand to lift your nose and move your upper lip down to increase the surface area of the skin to be shaved.

You can also move your upper lip in the opposite direction of your shaving. For example, shave downward and to the left as your lips move to the right. This will even out the surface of the skin and increase the area for shaving

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 16
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 16

Step 7. Shave the area under the lips and chin

Bite your lower lip to expand the area for shaving. Shave slowly so you don't cut your skin with the razor.

You can also move your jaw in the opposite direction to your shaving. For example, you shave in a downward and leftward motion when your jaw moves to the right. This method will even out the surface of the skin and increase the area for shaving

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 17
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 17

Step 8. Shave the neck and the area under the jaw

This area is the most sensitive and the most difficult. Therefore, do it slowly. Tilt your head up and close to the mirror until you are in a good position to see the area to be shaved.

For those of you who have sensitive skin, start the process of shaving in the most fragile areas such as the neck and under the jawbone. After that, move on to stronger areas such as between the ears, nose and mouth because some razors usually generate heat which can be irritating

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 18
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 18

Step 9. Check the areas that may be visible

To ensure that no small areas are missed, make sure you examine them in a mirror before turning off your shaver.

Wipe the beard flakes off your face and use your fingers to make sure there aren't any beard flakes that are still stuck

Part 4 of 4: Caring for Skin and Shaves After Shaving

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 19
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 19

Step 1. Apply lotion to your freshly shaved face

This is especially important if you use an alcohol-based shaving cream because alcohol can dry out your skin.

  • Consult a skin care specialist to find out which treatment is right for you.
  • Aftershaves, eau de toilets, and colognes are used for different purposes. In addition to providing a fresh scent, aftershaves also aim to soften and repair your skin. Make sure that the people around you are not bothered by the pungent smell of this product.
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 20
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 20

Step 2. Clean your shaver

On some models, you can remove the shaving heads and clean the razor of any beard debris stuck in it.

Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 21
Shave With an Electric Shaver Step 21

Step 3. Lubricate the metal parts of the cutter and shaving screen

Spray lubricant on the screen when the shaver is on. Leave it alone and don't clean it even if the shaver is turned off.

  • Check the manual for the right lubricant for your shaver. Do not use lubricants that are not intended for your shaver as they may contain chemicals that are not good for your skin.
  • Immediately consult a skin care specialist if irritation occurs after using lubricants. Maybe you have an allergy to the lubricant or maybe the lubricant is not suitable when used in conjunction with the skin care products you use.


  • Shave your beard every day. An electric shaver is a more effective and painless tool when shaving your short beard. However, this tool tends to forcefully pull the already long beard.
  • The razor and screen on a rotary shaver are already one package. Do not mix with other knives or screens.
  • Read the user guide. This book can help you to get maximum shaving results.
  • Clean the shaver every month or at least every six weeks. Soak and clean the head and razors in water and then brush each razor separately. You can refer to the solutions listed in the manual or also use a special electric shaver cleaner to remove dust from the razor.
  • Aftershave will not clog your skin pores. This statement is just a myth. Our pores don't have muscles so they can't close. If there is irritation to the skin, maybe our pores will swell.
  • Electric shavers are great for growing beards, but are difficult to use for shaving long, thick beards.
  • The cordless shaver is the perfect model for traveling.
  • Electric shavers are very easy to use and not as difficult as razors that require a lot of shaving cream. In addition, you also do not need to buy additional cartridges.


  • If you have long hair, make sure your hair is out of reach of the shaver as it can forcefully pull your hair out and your shaver will become clogged.
  • Make sure the shaver doesn't hurt you. If you cut yourself while shaving, it means that you are pressing the shaver too much against your skin or it could be that the appliance is damaged.
  • If you are using a foil shaver, pay attention to the holes in the foil, as damaged foil can injure your skin. Therefore, always check the foil before shaving. There are some rotary shavers that also use tinfoil, but not many.
  • Don't shave while driving. Do not let the use of electric shavers cause casualties. Driving requires good focus and if distracted, may lead to a very fatal accident.
  • In hard-to-reach areas, there may be a few small pieces of the beard that are not clipped.
  • Electric shavers can dry out the skin, resulting in rashes on the skin.
