How to Heal Gums After Tooth Extraction (with Pictures)

How to Heal Gums After Tooth Extraction (with Pictures)
How to Heal Gums After Tooth Extraction (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


When a tooth is extracted, the gums are injured. Improper care of the gums can lead to serious and painful medical complications. Knowing how to take the necessary preventive steps as well as the treatment (for before/after a tooth extraction procedure) will help facilitate a smooth healing process.


Part 1 of 3: Caring for Gums After Tooth Extraction

Pull Out a Tooth Without Pain Step 6
Pull Out a Tooth Without Pain Step 6

Step 1. Bite the gauze

After the tooth is extracted, the doctor will place gauze on the wound to stop the bleeding. Make sure you bite the gauze hard at the wound area to stop the bleeding. If heavy bleeding persists, reposition the gauze to better cover the wound.

  • Do not speak, as this may loosen the gauze and result in further bleeding.
  • If the gauze is too wet, you can replace it. However, don't change it more often than necessary and don't spit, as saliva can interfere with blood clotting.
  • Do not disturb the extraction area with your tongue or fingers. Also avoid blowing your nose and sneezing for now. Strong pressure can cause the wound to bleed again.
  • Remove the gauze after 30-45 minutes.
Cure a Toothache Step 1
Cure a Toothache Step 1

Step 2. Take pain medication

Use only medications that are recommended by your dentist. If your oral surgeon hasn't prescribed painkillers, you can take these over-the-counter medications. Take all antibiotics given by him.

Take the first dose of painkiller immediately before the anesthetic wears off. Follow the dosage instructions as prescribed

Cure a Toothache Step 2
Cure a Toothache Step 2

Step 3. Use an ice pack

Place an ice pack on your face, outside the extraction area. An ice pack will reduce bleeding and control swelling by constricting the blood vessels. Use an ice pack for 30 minutes, then remove it for 30 minutes. You can do this in the first 24 to 48 hours after tooth extraction. After 48 hours, the swelling should lessen and the ice will no longer be able to relieve the pain.

You can use a sealed plastic bag filled with crushed ice or ice cubes if you don't have an ice pack

Pull Out a Tooth Without Pain Step 9
Pull Out a Tooth Without Pain Step 9

Step 4. Use a tea bag

Tea contains tannic acid, which helps blood clot formation by contracting the vessels. Tea bags can reduce bleeding. If you continue to bleed an hour after the tooth extraction, place a damp tea bag on the affected area and bite down gently to apply pressure. Do it for about 20 to 30 minutes. You can also drink cold tea, but a tea bag placed on the injured area will give better results.

Cure a Toothache Step 5
Cure a Toothache Step 5

Step 5. Gargle with warm saline

Wait until the morning before doing it. You can prepare a warm brine by mixing a teaspoon of salt in 230 ml of water. Gargle slowly and gently, then spit the liquid out so as not to inhibit blood clots. Repeat mouth rinses with this liquid four to five times a day for a few days after tooth extraction, especially after meals and at bedtime.

Deal With a Tooth Pulling Step 7
Deal With a Tooth Pulling Step 7

Step 6. Take frequent breaks

Adequate rest ensures that your blood pressure is stable, which will help blood clotting and gum healing. Do not engage in any physical activity for at least 24 hours after the tooth is extracted, and prop your head slightly at rest to ensure that blood and/or saliva are not choking.

  • Do not bend over or lift heavy objects.
  • Always sit in an upright position.
Deal With a Tooth Pulling Step 15
Deal With a Tooth Pulling Step 15

Step 7. Brush your teeth

After 24 hours, brush your teeth and tongue slowly, but Don't rub near the extraction area. Instead of doing so, gargle gently with saline solution (as described above) to avoid damaging the blood clot. Follow this procedure for the next 3-4 days.

Dental floss and mouthwash can also be used in your daily routine. Just make sure you don't use floss near the extraction area. Use an antiseptic mouthwash that your dentist prescribes to help kill bacteria and prevent infection

Cure a Toothache Step 3
Cure a Toothache Step 3

Step 8. Use Chlorhexidine gel

This gel can be applied to the bleeding area to heal it faster, as well as helping to reduce pain and discomfort.

Stop Wisdom Tooth Pain Step 6
Stop Wisdom Tooth Pain Step 6

Step 9. Use a warm compress after 24 to 48 hours

Warm compresses help increase blood circulation, thereby speeding healing and reducing swelling and discomfort. Within 36 hours after the tooth is extracted, apply a warm wet towel externally to the affected side of the face. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then take it off for another 20 minutes.

Deal With a Tooth Pulling Step 9
Deal With a Tooth Pulling Step 9

Step 10. Pay attention to your diet

Make sure the drug reaction is completely gone before you try to eat food. Start with soft foods. Chew the food using the side of your mouth that doesn't hurt. Eat something cold and soft, such as ice cream, to relieve pain and provide energy. Avoid hard, crunchy, or hot foods, and don't use a straw, as a straw can break up blood clots in the gums.

  • Eat regularly and don't miss any sessions.
  • Choose soft/soft and slightly cold foods, such as ice cream, smoothies, puddings, gelatin, yogurt, and soups. These foods are especially good after tooth extraction because they can relieve discomfort caused by medical procedures. Make sure the food you eat isn't too cold or hard, and you don't chew on areas that are bleeding. Solid foods (eg cereals, beans, popcorn, etc.) can be difficult to eat and cause pain, which can result in re-injury to your wound. Make a gradual transition from liquid to semisolid foods to solid foods after a few days have passed.
  • Avoid straws. Drinking a drink through a straw creates suction pressure in the mouth, so bleeding can occur. Insert drinks or use a spoon to avoid this complication.
  • Avoid spicy, sticky foods, hot drinks, caffeinated products, alcohol, and fizzy drinks.
  • Avoid smoking/alcohol for at least 24 hours after the tooth is extracted.

Part 2 of 3: Understanding the Healing Process After Tooth Extraction

Deal With a Tooth Pulling Step 14
Deal With a Tooth Pulling Step 14

Step 1. Know that you will experience swelling

Your gums and mouth will swell in response to surgery, and you may be in pain. This is a normal thing. The pain will usually subside after two to three days. During this time, apply an ice pack to the sore side of the cheek to relieve discomfort as well as swelling and inflammation.

Prepare for Tooth Extraction Step 1
Prepare for Tooth Extraction Step 1

Step 2. Also be aware that you will bleed

After tooth extraction, the gums and bones will bleed profusely from the tiny blood vessels. However, this bleeding will not be extreme or excessive. When bleeding occurs, it is possible that the postoperative pack was placed between the teeth (not directly into the wound). Consult a surgeon and reposition as needed.

Prepare for Tooth Extraction Step 17
Prepare for Tooth Extraction Step 17

Step 3. Take care of blood clots

The blood will clot on the first day or two after surgery, and you should really not disturb or remove the clotted blood. Clotting is a necessary first step to healing gums, and removing or disrupting the area of the blood clot can result in prolonged healing and infection/pain.

Deal With a Tooth Pulling Step 11
Deal With a Tooth Pulling Step 11

Step 4. You will also experience the formation of a layer of epithelial cells

Within 10 days of tooth extraction, the gum cells will form a layer of epithelium, which bridges the gap resulting from the extraction of the tooth. Do not interrupt this process while the gum is healing the wound.

Prepare for Tooth Extraction Step 13
Prepare for Tooth Extraction Step 13

Step 5. You can also experience bone deposition

After the formation of the epithelial layer, bone-forming cells in the marrow are activated. This process usually begins along the side (lateral) wall of the socket and continues all the way to the center. Thus, the space created by tooth extraction will be completely closed. After bone deposition is complete, the gums are also completely healed.

Part 3 of 3: Caring for Gums Before Tooth Extraction

Treat Tooth Enamel Loss Step 1
Treat Tooth Enamel Loss Step 1

Step 1. Inform the oral surgeon about any medical conditions you may have

Also tell all the medications you are taking, otherwise the surgical procedure may get more complicated and you could have problems during/after the tooth extraction surgery.

  • Patients with diabetes usually take longer to heal after any dental treatment. Keep your blood sugar level as close to normal as possible to ensure a faster healing process after tooth extraction, and let your dentist know about your diabetes condition and the results of your latest blood glucose test. He or she will determine if your blood sugar level is adequately controlled and safe for the tooth extraction procedure.
  • Patients with high blood pressure should be aware that some blood pressure lowering drugs can cause bleeding in the gums. These drugs can cause complications if not stopped before surgery. Tell the surgeon about all the medications you have recently taken.
  • Patients taking anticoagulant/blood-thinning drugs (eg warfarin and heparin) should inform the surgeon before tooth extraction is started, as these types of drugs interfere with blood clotting.
  • Patients taking oral contraceptives containing estrogen may experience complications with the clotting process. Consult a surgeon if you are taking oral contraceptives.
  • Some long-term medications can cause dryness of the mouth, which can lead to infection after tooth extraction. Discuss this with the surgeon before any procedure is performed. You should also see your doctor before changing your medication or dose.
Remove Yellow Between the Teeth Step 16
Remove Yellow Between the Teeth Step 16

Step 2. Understand that smoking can cause problems

Smoking is a common factor that can lead to gum disease. In addition, the act of smoking can cause blood clots to be misplaced, thus hindering the healing of the gums. Tobacco in cigarettes can also irritate wounds and make healing difficult.

  • If you are a smoker, consider quitting before the tooth extraction procedure.
  • If you do not wish to quit smoking, be aware that the patient should remain smoke-free for at least 48 hours after surgery. Patients who chew tobacco or "dip" should also not do so for at least seven days postoperatively.
Determine if a Tooth Needs to Be Pulled Step 4
Determine if a Tooth Needs to Be Pulled Step 4

Step 3. Meet your regular doctor

Tell him about the dental surgery you will be undergoing to help avoid potential problems caused by the medications you are taking or the medical conditions you have.


  • If the pain gets worse after 2 days, visit the dentist immediately. This pain may indicate a dry tooth socket.
  • If your pain is unusual within a week after the tooth extraction, see a dentist.
  • Light bleeding and discolored saliva will occur within the first 12 to 24 hours after the tooth is extracted. If heavy bleeding does not stop within 3-4 hours, visit the dentist immediately.
  • If you feel any sharp bone fragments (bone sequestra) remaining in your mouth after surgery, tell your dentist. Gradual bone reform is normal, but the bits of dead bone left behind can be painful, and you may need to remove them. Discuss this with your dentist or oral surgeon if it occurs.
