3 Ways to Recover After Wisdom Tooth Surgery

3 Ways to Recover After Wisdom Tooth Surgery
3 Ways to Recover After Wisdom Tooth Surgery

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Have you ever had a wisdom tooth extraction? For some, the experience is very traumatic because it leaves behind intense pain and discomfort. If you plan to do so, at least take as much time as possible to rest your body post-surgery to speed up the recovery process. Make sure you also follow all the instructions given by your doctor, and get checked out immediately if you experience negative symptoms, especially after the 24 hour postoperative period has passed. If your body is well rested, you should be able to return to your normal activities after 3 or 4 days, and within two weeks, your body should be operating normally again!


Method 1 of 3: Controlling Bleeding

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 1
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 1

Step 1. Leave the gauze on the surgical site for at least 30 minutes

Generally, the oral surgeon will cover the area with stitches to speed up the healing process of the gums. However, the possibility of bleeding will still exist even though the tooth cavity has been sutured. That's why, the doctor will put gauze on the area to absorb the blood so that it doesn't accidentally swallow afterwards. Remember, swallowing too much blood can upset your stomach health!

After 30 minutes, take and discard the gauze. If bleeding still occurs, you can replace it with a new gauze

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 2
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 2

Step 2. Do not touch the injured area

Touching the injured area of the surgery can again thin the blood that has clotted. As a result, the bleeding will happen again! If the curiosity to explore the area is very high, just observe the conditions with your eyes!

Do not touch the area with your tongue either. Be careful, too strong a clash with the tongue can dilute the blood clot and make bleeding happen again

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 3
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 3

Step 3. Gargle and apply new gauze if the gums are still bleeding

Although it really depends on the condition of the mouth and the type of surgery performed, the gums may still bleed after 30 minutes. If the volume of blood in the saliva is very small, there is nothing to worry about. However, if the surgical site continues to bleed, try replacing the gauze with a new one.

  • Gently gargle or rub the area to wash away any old blood. Then, place a new piece of gauze on the same area, and bite down on the cloth firmly.
  • Bite on the gauze for 30 minutes to stop any bleeding. Be careful not to chew it! Remember, chewing will stimulate saliva flow and increase the risk of bleeding.


Instead of gauze, you can also nibble on an old tea bag that is still damp for 30 minutes. The tannin content in tea can help speed up the blood clotting process.

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 4
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 4

Step 4. Call your doctor immediately if the bleeding doesn't subside after 4 hours

Supposedly, the surgical scars no longer bleed after 4 hours. If the situation is the other way around, see a doctor immediately!

There is no need to wait 4 hours if the blood volume is excessive and uncontrolled, or if the gauze used to absorb the blood needs to be changed again in less than 30 minutes

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 5
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 5

Step 5. Ensure that the head is kept elevated for at least 3 days

Most likely, you will spend at least 24 hours postoperatively sleeping. However, the chosen sleeping or resting position cannot be arbitrary, especially during the first 3 days. At least, support your head with two pillows so that its position remains elevated. In this way, the blood will still clot so that the risk of further bleeding can be minimized.

Have a neck pillow that you often use when traveling? Try using it as a bed so that the position of the head does not change

Method 2 of 3: Managing Pain and Discomfort

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 6
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 6

Step 1. Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs in pharmacies to treat moderate-intensity pain

If your wisdom tooth isn't impacted, it's likely that your doctor won't need to prescribe anti-inflammatory medication postoperatively. Instead, you can take Tylenol or ibuprofen (Motrin or Aleve) every 3 to 4 hours to relieve any pain or discomfort that occurs.

Most likely, the doctor will still prescribe pain medication for you. If the pain that appears does not subside after taking over-the-counter medicines, try taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor according to the recommended dosage

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 7
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 7

Step 2. Take medicine from the doctor to deal with very intense pain

If your wisdom tooth is impacted, it is likely that the postoperative pain will be much more intense. To relieve it, doctors can prescribe pain relievers which, unfortunately, often have various types of side effects. Therefore, it is best not to drive or operate any machinery while taking these drugs.

  • Take any medication your doctor prescribes for at least the first night, even if you don't think you need it. Do this to ensure you can get a good night's sleep, especially since getting enough rest is key to maximizing your body's recovery process.
  • Call your doctor if the prescribed medication makes you feel nauseous. Supposedly, the doctor can modify the prescription afterward.


If the medicines you are taking do not relieve the stabbing pain in your mouth, contact your doctor immediately. Most likely, the cavity from your surgery has dried up.

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 8
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 8

Step 3. Do not eat or drink anything if you experience nausea or even vomiting

Nausea is common after surgery, especially if you received general anesthesia while doing it. If you have nausea or the urge to vomit, wait at least an hour before taking or swallowing anything, including medication.

After an hour, sip warm ginger tea or water for 15 minutes to gradually reduce nausea. After that, you can only try to eat something

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 9
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 9

Step 4. Sit down one minute before standing up

Most likely, dizziness will occur within 24 hours after surgery or while you are taking prescribed medications. So that the body does not wobble or fall, sit for one minute with both feet on the floor, then rise slowly until you reach a solid standing position.

  • If the dizziness returns after you stand up, try to stay still for a minute or two before trying to walk.
  • If you feel that your body is still not stable enough to walk on its own, try asking the people closest to you for help. At the same time, put all the essentials in a nearby location so you don't have to keep getting out of bed.
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 10
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 10

Step 5. Massage the masseter muscle after surgery to relieve tension in the area

In general, the masseter muscle is the muscle you use to open and close your jaw. Because the jaw area will be exposed for a very long time during the operation, it is likely that the muscles there will feel stiffer or even painful after the operation is over.

To find these muscles, try placing your fingers just before the ear lobes on one or both sides of your face. Then, lightly massage the area for 2 to 5 minutes every two hours

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 11
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 11

Step 6. Use a cold pad to minimize swelling

In fact, swelling after dental surgery is a normal side effect. To relieve it, try applying cold compresses to the cheek area, especially within 24 hours of surgery. Leave the compress for 15 minutes, and repeat the process every half hour or whenever you feel you need it.

If applied after 24 hours, the effectiveness of the cold pad to relieve swelling will decrease. However, you can still do it to relieve the pain that lingers in the area

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 12
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 12

Step 7. Treat dry and chapped lips by wearing a special moisturizer

Since your mouth will be kept open throughout the procedure, your lips will likely feel dry and cracked after surgery, especially at the corners. Don't worry, generally you only need to apply lip balm that is sold in pharmacies to overcome this problem.

If the condition of the lips does not improve even though you have applied moisturizer, immediately consult a doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment recommendations

Method 3 of 3: Taking Care of Yourself and Maintaining Oral Health

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 13
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 13

Step 1. Call your dentist or oral surgeon immediately if serious complications occur

Generally, the most severe symptoms will appear within 24 hours postoperatively. Therefore, continue to monitor your condition during this time, especially because some symptoms may indicate an infection or nerve damage in the body. In particular, contact your doctor immediately if you find any:

  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Fever
  • Pain that is very intense and can't be treated with medicine
  • Swelling that doesn't go away or gets worse within 2 to 3 days
  • A strange taste in your mouth that doesn't go away even if you rinse your mouth with salt water
  • Pus oozing from the surgery
  • Numbness that doesn't go away in the cheek, tongue, lips, or jaw area
  • Pus or blood in the nasal fluid
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 14
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 14

Step 2. Drink plenty of water while the recovery process takes place

Keeping your body hydrated, especially in the 24 hours following surgery, is a very important factor in accelerating your body's recovery process. Since your mouth will be kept open throughout the operation, you're more likely to feel dehydrated afterward. That is why, a recovering body must constantly be hydrated in greater amounts than usual.

  • Try to keep sipping drinks throughout the day. In particular, you should drink a full glass of water every hour!
  • If your stomach feels nauseous, try sipping on warm ginger water to soothe it. However, in general, you should avoid fizzy or caffeinated drinks, such as coffee or tea.
  • Do not consume alcohol for at least one week after surgery. Remember, alcohol will trigger dehydration as well as interfere with the body's natural recovery process.


Do not drink through a straw for at least one week after surgery. The vacuum-like effect produced by your mouth when sipping a drink with a straw can dilute blood clots and interfere with your body's recovery process.

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 15
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 15

Step 3. Eat soft foods that are high in calories and protein

Applesauce, yogurt, and cottage cheese are some examples of good foods to eat after undergoing oral surgery. In addition, you can also consume nutritious liquid foods such as Boost or Ensure.

  • When you feel ready, gradually return to solid foods. After 3 days, you should be able to eat solid foods that are soft in texture and don't need to be chewed too often, such as pasta and cheese.
  • Do not eat food that is too hot because it has the potential to dilute the blood clot in the tooth cavity. In addition, you should also avoid foods that are too hard, crunchy, or spicy, for at least one week after surgery.
  • Try not to skip meals! Believe me, the body will improve and recover faster if you receive nutrition regularly. Therefore, even if you don't feel hungry, still eat a few mouthfuls of food.


To replace solid food, you can eat baby food by adding various favorite spices so that the taste is no longer bland.

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 16
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 16

Step 4. Avoid overly intense activities for at least one week postoperatively

During the 24 hours postoperatively, focus on resting your body and not engaging in activities that are too intense. In other words, make sure you only engage in passive activities, such as reading a book, watching television, or playing video games. After 2 or 3 days, you can return to your normal activities, but you should still avoid activities that are too intense.

  • Exercising too intensely risks thinning the blood that has clotted in the tooth cavity. As a result, the tooth cavity has the potential to dry out afterwards. In addition, the body is also prone to fatigue if forced to do activities that are too strenuous shortly after being rested.
  • If you've been used to doing very intense activities, try to get back into the routine gradually.
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 17
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 17

Step 5. Go back to brushing your teeth, about 24 hours after surgery

Most likely, your dentist or oral surgeon will forbid you to brush your teeth for 24 hours postoperatively. After that, you can go back to doing it as usual, unless complications occur. Most importantly, brush your teeth in a gentler motion than usual, and try to avoid scars from your surgery.

  • Make a saline solution by mixing 1 tsp. salt with 240 ml of water. Then, gargle with the solution for at least 5 to 6 times a day, especially after meals, unless otherwise recommended by your doctor.
  • Don't rinse your mouth with a vigorous motion or spit out the mouthwash, as both of these actions have the potential to loosen the clotted blood. Instead, gently move the saline solution in your mouth for a few minutes, then open your mouth wide over the sink and let the solution drip effortlessly into it.
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 18
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 18

Step 6. Do not smoke for at least 72 hours postoperatively

If you are a smoker, understand that smoking immediately after surgery can dry out the cavities. Therefore, if you really want to smoke, at least do it 72 hours after the operation is over. Ideally, you should not smoke for a full 2 weeks, or even stop the habit completely.

  • When you smoke, the sucking motions of your mouth will create a vacuum-like effect and run the risk of thinning blood that has clotted. In addition, the chemical content in the smoke you inhale can pose a risk of dangerous complications.
  • Since nicotine is a blood thinner, the combination of nicotine with the sucking motion of smoking can exacerbate bleeding in the surgical area.
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 19
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 19

Step 7. Perform follow-up checks, if necessary

The possibility of needing further examinations really depends on the level of intensity of the operation and your condition throughout the recovery period. In other words, you may need further testing if complications occur during recovery, such as excessive bleeding, swelling, or intense pain, or you don't need to do it at all.

If your doctor closes the gaping cavity with stitches, you'll likely need further tests to open the stitches. However, in this modern era, most doctors will generally use sutures that can dissolve by themselves over time

Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 20
Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery Step 20

Step 8. Avoid sun exposure if the area of skin around the teeth looks bruised or discolored

Bruising and/or discoloration around the jaw is common after wisdom tooth surgery, but should resolve on its own within two weeks. Unfortunately, sun exposure can weaken the area and make the bruising or skin tone worse afterward.

Try compressing the bruised or discolored area with a warm, moist compress for at least 36 hours after surgery


  • Postoperatively, it's normal for your body temperature to rise slightly. However, if the increase in body temperature continues for more than a few hours, see a doctor immediately!
  • Get someone to help take care of your needs, at least within 24 hours of the operation. After that period, you should be able to get back to taking care of things on your own.
  • Movies, video games, and books are perfect objects to take your mind off of as you recover. If you want, you can add various options that are no less interesting. For example, the recovery period can be used to finish your favorite television series, you know!


  • Remember, this article provides general information only. Because everyone's mouth is different, it's likely that your dentist will give you recommendations that contradict the content of this article, as well as the suggestions you've heard from those closest to you. If that's the case, always follow the dentist's recommendations!
  • Once a wisdom tooth is removed, it is likely that the cavity left behind will dry up, and this situation will trigger intense and persistent pain in 5 to 10% of wisdom tooth owners. If you feel you are in a similar situation, immediately contact an oral surgeon to irrigate the surgical site.
