Scaring other people is a work of art. This is hard to do, whether you want to scare your enemies in a dark parking lot or create a haunted house that people have been talking about for decades. While it will take a lot of time and persistence to really scare your victim, it will all pay off when you see the fear in their eyes. Follow the steps below to put your evil plan into action, whether it's to scare your enemies for revenge, or scare your friends for personal enjoyment.
Method 1 of 4: Scare People Suddenly

Step 1. Look scary
Surprising and scaring people can seem ridiculous if you look like you are, but wearing a black shirt and fake blood splattering your face and scary clown make-up, you're going to be downright scary.
- If you know the target well, exploit his or her greatest fear. Dress up for those fears, whether as a dentist, giant spider, or ghost.
- While sudden scares can also be effective if you appear as yourself, your victim will be more frightened if you dress up scary.
- For more specific costume suggestions, see the next section.

Step 2. Wait until your friend is alone
Make sure your target is alone and not with other people, because being in a group can make him more daring. The fear you create will be much more intense and real if he is alone. There are several ways to do this, here are some easy ones:
- Message your friends to meet you somewhere at a certain time, but prepare a scary surprise in exchange for meeting them. By managing the time, you will have the opportunity to prepare everything.
- Wait until your friend or relative is alone and not paying attention. Was he alone in his room playing, or doing his homework? Yes, this is the perfect time to scare him.
- If you want to scare your sibling, prepare everything while he's asleep and let him wake up and startle. This would be very scary for him.

Step 3. Find a suitable hiding place
The best scare activities incorporate elements of the thought, "Wait a minute, how scary, huh?" of the victim and the shocking moment when you appear suddenly to startle him. Whatever location you set up and whatever you're going to use, make sure you hide and wait for the right moment to jump in and startle the victim. Here are some examples of good hiding places:
- Under the bed
- Behind the door
- Behind a tree or a car
- Under the stairs
- In a dark dungeon
- In the attic of the house
- In a dark location

Step 4. Use some spooky objects
Find out what your friend's biggest fear is and use it wisely. Of course, this will vary depending on who your target is, so make sure you investigate first to find out what your potential victim's phobia is. Consider the following scary things:
- A toy snake soaked in Vaseline to make it look really creepy
- Rusty knife
- fake blood
- Raw meat
- Worms or cockroaches
- Static waves from TV or radio
- Broken baby doll

Step 5. Scream and howl like crazy
Once you have set up the trap, let your victim enter it and carry out your plan. Shout out. growl. Hold your victim's arm and laugh like crazy while enjoying his frightened expression. Then, run into the dark night while laughing and cocking your head back. You can go back into hiding once you've come a long way enough to watch your victim freak out until they realize they've just been tricked.
- Alternatively, you can also leave a recording of scary sounds to surprise your friends. Turn on the old music player to play a recording of your voice, mysteriously sneezing and coughing. Play this tape at the exact moment he enters your trap.
- When the victim is truly frightened, start taking a step back. Don't scare him too much or he'll call the police. After they scream once, stop.
Method 2 of 4: Look Scary

Step 1. Dress up like the dead
Everyone is afraid of corpses. A corpse is a dead person. Corpses are scary things. If you want to exploit this fear, learn how to make yourself look like a zombie using basic makeup and safe products. Try these tactics:
- Wash your face thoroughly and then apply the pale foundation thoroughly. You can also use baby powder to make your face look paler. Thus, you have presented the nuances of death.
- Use dark blue or black eye shadow under your eyes to make it look like you just woke up from a long sleep in the grave. Mix well to make it look more natural. Good, that's right.
- Make fake blood using food coloring and corn syrup, then draw a "wound" on your body. Draw it in a visible place and decorate it with the fake blood you just made.

Step 2. Dress like a scary surgeon
Most people get their blood flowing at the thought of a surgeon or dentist. It's time for us to exploit this fear. Wear rubber gloves, a blue surgical gown, and cover your mouth like a real surgeon, so that only your eyes are visible. You can buy almost all of these things at drugstores.
- You may even appear more intentional. Prepare some surgical equipment so that your make-up looks as realistic as possible. At least bring your dad's electric drill. Don't forget to unplug it.
- Spread tomatoes or fake blood on your surgical gown and hold a knife and fork. You will look very scary.

Step 3. Put on the classic monster costume
Something classic will always be scary. Dress up as a zombie, vampire, ghost or mummy. You can also create your own monster costume to make it look more unique.
- Check out famous horror movie characters like Michael Myers, Jason, Freddy Krueger, or Ghost Face from the movie Scream," and look for realistic masks that resemble their faces.
- Wearing a mask in plain clothes is also scary enough, but it can get you caught up in no time, especially if you've worn it to school.

Step 4. Do the opposite:
no need to dress up at all, but act scary. If you don't have the time or energy to make a spooky costume, use your acting skills to make up for it. Sometimes you can look scarier if you come out as you are but a little crazy. Try the following:
- Sit in a dark room with the TV left on on a static wave. Rock your body back and forth while muttering, "They said this was going to happen…" over and over. When your friend starts to look worried, scream out loud.
- Enter your sibling's room in the middle of the night and stand by their bed with their mouth open and dripping fake blood. Make sure you're breathing heavily.
- Stand facing a corner in a dark room. Don't do anything. When you turn around, show your fake bloody face.
Method 3 of 4: Making a Haunted House

Step 1. Select the location
Although you'll spend more time and effort, creating a scary environment like a haunted house will create horror in people's hearts and minds, as they anticipate the bad things that are about to happen. When creating a haunted house or other spooky place, location selection is key.
- A house or building with scary elements-such as narrow corridors, creaking stairs, or a dark basement-is a good choice.
- Make a map for your own handle. Make sure people can move from room to room without difficulty.

Step 2. Determine the theme
A theme will help determine how you should decorate and what elements to include. Are you going to create a long-abandoned mental hospital? Vampire lair? Fortress of protection against zombies? Create a story that explains the background of why the house is haunted to create an authentic feel. Is her house haunted by an old woman who forcibly disappeared her husband? Or haunted by a family brutally murdered in the basement? Make sure your story is believable. Some examples of themes that you can use are:
- Abandoned mental hospital
- Torture room
- Vampire's lair
- Zombie attack
- Mad scientist lab

Step 3. Ask a friend for help
Making a haunted house alone is very troublesome. Have your trusted friends dress up as scary characters and help decorate the house and scare guests as they walk through the house. Lunge guests, hide in cupboards, or jump out of fake coffins.
You can have some friends in the yard and "play dead" until the guests are close enough -- then, your friends can startle and lunge at the guests and scare them before they even get into the house

Step 4. Decorate the location accordingly
Create an empty space to add the tension needed for your scare to be effective. A long dark corridor that must be passed will make people ready to be frightened at any moment People who are often tense and nervous are more easily frightened. Each room should have its own theme so guests don't expect what they're getting into.
- Place a volunteer in each room to help create a scary atmosphere and direct guests.
- Each room can have a different spooky effect, for example, a bowl of cold noodles made of fake worms, a jar of peeled grapes made to resemble eyeballs.
- Make "specimen jars" by placing broken toys or kitchen utensils in murky green water.

Step 5. Add the spooky sounds
Sound effects can go a long way in completely scaring someone off. There are several things you can do to scare guests away using just a few key voices. Here are some examples:
- Have volunteers move from empty room to room in heavy boots.
- Put a few coins in an empty soda can and tie it with a string. Ask volunteers to shake it to make a scary "clunk" sound.
- Play spooky voice recordings in every room, from a woman screaming, to a gust of wind, to the sound of a chainsaw.
- Take advantage of the quiet. Leave the house silent or quiet from time to time to make sure the fear intensifies when the next scary sound is played.

Step 6. Set the lighting to be creepy
This lighting can also be very effective at "wiping out" a person's brave soul. You can also create areas filled with darkness, incorporate the use of flashing lights to confuse guests, or add smoke in front of the lights for a spooky effect. All of these things will confuse a person's senses and make it easier to fear. Here are some ways to set up a spooky lighting system:
- Design corridors that guests have to walk through while wearing blinders -- but make sure they don't mind doing it.
- Turn on a spotlight under the scary bugs or fake spider webs to cast a spooky shadow on the walls.
- Use black plastic bags around the furniture to catch some spooky light.

Step 7. Live the atmosphere
Make sure every character in the haunted house is always running to maintain the illusion. Don't stop and say hello to your friends. Keep the haunted house scary and convincing. Don't leave the character you are playing, even when you escort guests out of the haunted house.
Afterward, when guests say they had a great time in your haunted house, act like you don't understand what they're talking about
Method 4 of 4: Telling Scary Stories

Step 1. Create an idea
Whether you're making a movie, writing a horror novel, or just telling a scary story, good ideas are key. Fear is in the brain, and can be caused by a spider or a dark room that has been inhabited for a long time. Horror movies, suspense novels, or spooky stories at bonfire events are all good ways to scare people. Watch scary movies or read scary fairy tales for inspiration.
Don't design the story right on the spot. While you can improvise, it's important to design a story before you start. If you hesitate when telling the story, the audience will lose interest

Step 2. Tell your story is real
Even if this story is actually your own creation, pretend it's a true story -- that happened in your town years ago, was experienced by your cousin, or you witnessed it yourself. People will pay attention to a true story and your story will sound more convincing.
- You can even tell them that this story is so secret that it can't be found online. Tell him you learned this story from microfilm at the local library. Let them know they can check to make sure the story is true -- of course no one will do this, but your story will be more believable because of it.
- Before getting into the story, you can ask "Are you sure you want to hear the story?" Act as if the story is so scary that you don't know whether to continue or not.

Step 3. Create a sense of tension
You'll have to build it up gradually, from the walk up the stairs to the attic to the slowly opening door. Don't talk directly or your listeners will lose interest. Build anticipation by acting like you're telling something normal and let the creepy details seep into the story.
- Keep the listener's attention by saying things like "But this is still normal compared to what happened next" or "He thought it was the worst pain he'd ever felt, but it turned out to be just the beginning."
- Speak slowly and carefully. Don't rush when you get to the scariest parts. Make every word count.

Step 4. Use visual aids
Show your surgical scars and tell them that it was when you were stabbed by the killer in your story. Use some photos of your grandparents and tell them they are the victims in your story. If you have another visual aid, pass it on to your listeners normally, as if you always carry it with you everywhere.
- Fake victim's clothes covered in blood are also good aids.
- You could also use something more mundane, like a boy's collection of baseball cards that suddenly disappeared.

Step 5. Create spooky sound effects
These effects can be something simple. If you tell someone knocking on the door in the middle of the night, knock on the floor below you. Ask a friend to help by making other scary noises, such as a door creaking open, raindrops on the roof of a house, or the wind blowing through trees.
You can also squeeze a plastic bag to create a subtle, creepy crackling sound

Step 6. Emphasize the details
Just like the spooky atmosphere of a haunted house, the details of the story will help shape a scene. Describe the sounds of a long-forgotten warehouse or point out the rotting teeth of the killer clown. The more specific your story is, the more sinister the results will be.
- For example, someone with a cut on his arm was scary enough, but a man with a cut arm so blood gushed out of his veins wherever he walked would be even more terrifying.
- Use history. If the story takes place before World War II, state who was president at the time, or use details from that time to make your story sound more realistic.

Step 7. Maintain the element of surprise
Don't reveal easy-to-guess details. Yes, everyone has heard of ghost stories in the forest at night, but what about the ghost that makes people eat its own eyeballs, or the ghost that lives inside a little girl's pet rabbit?

Step 8. Postpone the ending
When the story gets really scary, slow down, or even stop as if you can't finish the story. Take a deep breath and wait for people to ask what happened next. Finally, tell the scary ending in as calm a voice as possible.
- The scariest endings usually don't have a solution. Don't solve the mystery. Let viewers wonder if the ghost or main character is still alive -- maybe even wandering in the surrounding forest.
- When the story ends, be silent as if you were completely influenced by the ending and can't continue talking.
- Timing is everything, when you time it right you can scare someone perfectly.
- Make sure the person you're scared of doesn't have breathing or heart problems. Scary and shocking things can trigger their condition.
- Develop a scary persona, such as a laugh that gives you bone-chilling fear or a sinister look.
- Collect scary costumes and props. You never know when you'll be able to wield that bloody ax or Hellraiser's mask.
- Practice making scary sounds.
- Don't offend the victim or anyone close to him, as this should be fun; however, sometimes you may get carried away and cause someone to feel insulted.
- Learn from the masters of horror and suspense. Read Stephen King novels, watch Alfred Hitchcock films, or study Edgar Allen Poe's poems.
- Watch scary movies and take friends on a trip while you try to scare them.
- When building a haunted house, choose a location that is structurally secure so that people don't run the risk of injury.
- Some people have heart conditions and can be killed when you scare them. This may not be intentional, but it is still a criminal act in the eyes of the law.
- Except in a haunted house, where people are prepared to be scared, don't try to scare strangers. They may think they are in danger and react violently or injure themselves trying to escape.
- You might offend or hurt someone's feelings, so make sure you at least know this person well before scaring them off so you can both laugh at their funny reactions.
- never ever threaten someone with a real weapon to try to scare him off.