How to Make Cabbage Juice: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make Cabbage Juice: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Make Cabbage Juice: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


If you suffer from peptic ulcers, consider starting to consume cabbage juice regularly. Cabbage juice contains L-glutamine and gefarnate which can protect the mucous membrane of the stomach wall. In addition, the fermentation of cabbage juice will also produce probiotics so that it is more beneficial for digestive health.


  • 675 grams of chopped green cabbage
  • About 425 ml of water


Make Cabbage Juice Step 1
Make Cabbage Juice Step 1

Step 1. Boil water in a saucepan for 30 minutes

To get the maximum benefits of cabbage juice, the water you use must be free of chlorine and other additives. This boiling process will remove unwanted content from the water. Alternatively, filter the water through a filter or simply leave it at room temperature for 24 hours.

You don't need to do this step if you're using distilled water. You only need to purify the water if you use tap or well water

Make Cabbage Juice Step 2
Make Cabbage Juice Step 2

Step 2. Put the chopped cabbage along with the water in a blender

Use a large blender so that only 2/3 of it is filled. If the blender is fully charged, the resulting juice will not be smooth.

Make Cabbage Juice Step 3
Make Cabbage Juice Step 3

Step 3. Puree the cabbage on low speed

Stop when the water in the blender turns green with lots of cabbage flakes. It should only take 1 or 2 minutes.

Make Cabbage Juice Step 4
Make Cabbage Juice Step 4

Step 4. Puree the cabbage on high speed for 10 seconds

Do not leave the blender running on high speed for more than 10 seconds. That way, you'll still get cabbage flakes in the juice, and the cabbage doesn't turn to mush.

Make Cabbage Juice Step 5
Make Cabbage Juice Step 5

Step 5. Pour the juice into a 1 liter container

Be sure to leave at least 2.5 cm of space between the juice surface and the top edge of the container. The volume of the juice will increase as you let it sit. So, you should give extra room.

Make Cabbage Juice Step 6
Make Cabbage Juice Step 6

Step 6. Cover the container tightly with a plastic bag

If you have a container with a lid, you can use that one too. To seal it tighter, stretch the plastic bag over the mouth of the container and then place the lid on top.

Make Cabbage Juice Step 7
Make Cabbage Juice Step 7

Step 7. Leave the cabbage juice at room temperature

Try not to drop the room temperature to less than 20 degrees Celsius or increase to more than 25 degrees Celsius. The ideal temperature is around 22 degrees Celsius.

Make Cabbage Juice Step 8
Make Cabbage Juice Step 8

Step 8. Leave the cabbage juice for 3 full days or 72 hours

During this time, the juice will ferment and grow a microbial culture that is beneficial for your digestive health.

Make Cabbage Juice Step 9
Make Cabbage Juice Step 9

Step 9. Place the filter over a clean and empty bottle

If you can, use a sieve tight enough to separate the liquid from the solids in the juice as much as possible. Also make sure the filter you use is smaller than the mouth of the bottle. This way, the cabbage juice won't spill when it's poured.

Make Cabbage Juice Step 10
Make Cabbage Juice Step 10

Step 10. Pour the cabbage juice through a sieve into a new bottle

Strain slowly so that the cabbage juice doesn't spill or clog the sieve.

Make Cabbage Juice Step 11
Make Cabbage Juice Step 11

Step 11. Put the cap on the bottle

Store the cabbage juice in the refrigerator until ready to use, and serve chilled.

Make Cabbage Juice Step 12
Make Cabbage Juice Step 12

Step 12. Repeat this process when the juice starts to run out

Save about 125 ml of the previous juice to add to the next juice before starting the fermentation process.

Make Cabbage Juice Step 13
Make Cabbage Juice Step 13

Step 13. Leave the fresh juice at room temperature for 24 hours before straining

The addition of the previous juice culture will speed up the fermentation process of the new juice.


  • Use red cabbage to make a juice that can measure the pH of other ingredients. Chop and boil the cabbage in water for 30 minutes. Immediately strain and do not ferment.
  • Only use fresh green cabbage to make fermented juice. Green cabbage has the greatest benefits. When available, spring and summer cabbage is also very nutritious.
  • Drink 1/2 cup (125 ml) of cabbage juice 2-3 times a day, every day. Dilute the cabbage juice by adding 1/2 cup (125 ml) of water before drinking. It's best to start consuming it gradually until you reach this amount because consuming large amounts of fermented juice in a short time can make your stomach hurt. Start by consuming 1 or 2 tablespoons of cabbage juice diluted with water or broth. Then, increase the number day by day.
  • If you want a sweeter juice, add fresh carrots to it.
