4 Ways to Strengthen Your Eyesight

4 Ways to Strengthen Your Eyesight
4 Ways to Strengthen Your Eyesight

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Sight is one of our most important senses. Therefore, we must do whatever we can to ensure that our eyes are always healthy. Fortunately, there are many diet, lifestyle, and medical methods that we can choose and improve to maintain our visual acuity.


Method 1 of 4: Sharpen Your Eyes With Nutrition

Strengthen Eyesight Step 1
Strengthen Eyesight Step 1

Step 1. Increase your intake of lutein

Lutein is a nutrient that is sometimes referred to as the eye vitamin. Taking 12 mg of lutein per day can help reduce age-related macular degeneration and other eye diseases. Foods rich in lutein include:

  • Green leafy vegetables. Kale, broccoli, and spinach will provide an adequate dose of lutein.
  • Fruits, especially kiwis, oranges, and grapes.
  • Pumpkin and Japanese Cucumber.
  • Alternatively, you can take a lutein supplement. Make sure you take a lutein-specific supplement rather than a multivitamin, as multivitamins contain only a small amount of lutein. But remember that our bodies usually absorb lutein more efficiently if the nutrient comes from food rather than supplements.
Strengthen Eyesight Step 2
Strengthen Eyesight Step 2

Step 2. Add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet

This important nutrient can slow macular degeneration, help prevent cataracts, and improve dry eye symptoms. The best sources of omega-3s can be found in fatty fish, especially salmon and sardines. This nutrient can also be found in tuna, mackerel, and oysters.

If you don't like or can't get seafood easily, you can also take fish oil supplements to increase your omega-3 intake

Strengthen Eyesight Step 3
Strengthen Eyesight Step 3

Step 3. Consume plenty of vitamin A

This vitamin will help improve your vision at night and prevent short-sightedness. Some foods rich in vitamin A include:

  • Carrot. For decades, carrots have been known as a food that can improve visual acuity. Carrots have a high vitamin A content so this food is very good for maintaining eye health.
  • sweet potato.
  • Egg. Eggs also contain lutein, so include eggs in your diet to get a serving of foods that are good for your eyesight.
Strengthen Eyesight Step 4
Strengthen Eyesight Step 4

Step 4. Eat foods with high levels of vitamin C

Vitamin C can help reduce cataract formation and macular degeneration. The foods below are the best sources of nutrition.

  • Orange. Get vitamin C from whole oranges rather than orange juice. That way, you can avoid the added sugar found in orange juice.
  • Yellow peppers. Just one bell pepper will provide 500% of the daily intake of vitamin C that the body needs.
  • Dark green vegetables. Kale and broccoli are high in vitamin C. By eating these vegetables as much as approximately 250 grams, you can get the vitamin C intake needed for a full day.
  • Berries. Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are all good choices for getting vitamin C.
Strengthen Eyesight Step 5
Strengthen Eyesight Step 5

Step 5. Add iron to your diet

Iron helps in the production of melanin, the pigment that helps protect the eyes. Iron can help the eyes to avoid harm and slow down macular degeneration. You have several options for adding more iron to your diet.

  • Shelled sea animals. Lobsters, crabs, and oysters contain high doses of iron.
  • Green leafy vegetables. In addition to lutein, this vegetable will also provide your body with an adequate dose of iron.
  • Nuts. Cashews, peanuts, almonds, and walnuts are high in iron. These nuts can be consumed as a daily snack.
  • Lean red meat. Low-fat red meat is a good source of iron when consumed in small amounts.

Method 2 of 4: Strengthening Eyes with Lifestyle Changes

Strengthen Eyesight Step 6
Strengthen Eyesight Step 6

Step 1. Use the computer properly

Now this is the digital age. Many people spend several hours a day in front of a computer or smartphone screen. This can cause serious damage to your vision. To find out more about how to avoid and treat vision problems caused by digital objects, read some articles on the internet.

Strengthen Eyesight Step 7
Strengthen Eyesight Step 7

Step 2. Maintain an ideal body weight

Following a healthy diet will not only improve eye acuity through the nutrients in the diet. A balanced diet will also help avoid weight-related diseases such as diabetes which is the main cause of blindness in adults. Consult a doctor to find out your ideal weight, then, add a healthy diet and exercise to reach that weight.

Strengthen Eyesight Step 8
Strengthen Eyesight Step 8

Step 3. Avoid smoking

Smoking can cause several eye problems such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and damage to the optic nerve. Smoking can also cause diabetes which will damage the eyes. If you are a smoker, you must stop, and if you do not smoke, you must not start.

Strengthen Eyesight Step 9
Strengthen Eyesight Step 9

Step 4. Wear sunglasses outdoors

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can increase the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Buy sunglasses that block 99-100% of UV rays and wear them whenever you're outside. If you live in the United States, look for the “ANSI” sticker on your sunglasses to make sure they meet the “American National Standards Institute” (ANSI) standards and block UV rays.

Strengthen Eyesight Step 10
Strengthen Eyesight Step 10

Step 5. Take care of your contact lenses

Dirty contact lenses can cause damage to the eyes and will even cause infections that are harmful to vision. By keeping your contact lenses clean, you can protect your eyes from damage.

  • Wash the lens after each use with a cleaning fluid recommended by a professional eye care professional.
  • Wash your hands before handling contact lenses. This is to ensure that you don't pass bacteria from your hands onto the contact lenses. Also, wash your hands with mild, unscented soap. You can also apply chemicals and fragrances to your contact lenses and cause eye irritation.
  • Apply makeup after the contact lenses are in, and remove makeup after the contact lenses are removed.
  • Never sleep with contact lenses in place, unless they are specifically designed for prolonged use.
Strengthen Eyesight Step 11
Strengthen Eyesight Step 11

Step 6. Wear goggles whenever you work with equipment or chemicals

Small objects can be very damaging if they get into the eyes. You should always wear appropriate eye protection when doing activities that could get foreign objects or chemicals into your eyes. This is to ensure that your eyes stay safe and healthy.

Make sure your goggles fit snugly against your head to protect the edges of your eyes too

Strengthen Eyesight Step 12
Strengthen Eyesight Step 12

Step 7. Get enough sleep

Sleeping for 8 hours without interruption will rest and lubricate your eyes. That way, you will wake up with fresh eyes to face the next day.

Method 3 of 4: Sharpen Your Vision with Eye Exercise

Strengthen Eyesight Step 13
Strengthen Eyesight Step 13

Step 1. Ask your ophthalmologist about exercises for the eyes

While there are doubts about whether eye exercise can actually improve vision, some doctors recommend it to people with certain eye problems. These problems include difficulty focusing, lazy eyes, and crossed eyes. Ask your doctor if eye exercises are right for you, and he or she can suggest some exercises other than those listed on this list.

Strengthen Eyesight Step 14
Strengthen Eyesight Step 14

Step 2. Blink continuously for a few minutes

Although not a sport, blinking is very important for maintaining eye health. A common problem is that people work at the computer and watch TV not blinking enough, causing dryness and strain on the eyes. Take a break from your work and try to blink every 3-4 seconds in a 2 minute period. This will help re-lubricate your eyes and treat the symptoms of eye strain.

Strengthen Eyesight Step 15
Strengthen Eyesight Step 15

Step 3. Move your eyes in a figure 8

Moving your eyes following a pattern will help strengthen your eye muscles and improve your vision.

  • Start by moving your eyes in a figure 8.
  • Once you get used to doing it in one direction, try turning it around.
  • Then, imagine that you roll the number 8 to form the symbol “infinite” (infinite). Move your eyes following the pattern in one direction, then reverse the direction.
  • When you feel bored with shape 8, you can also try to follow the pattern of other shapes.
Strengthen Eyesight Step 16
Strengthen Eyesight Step 16

Step 4. Focus your eyes on near and far objects and do this alternately

This exercise can help keep your eyes focused as you shift your focus to objects at different distances.

  • Position your fingers about 25 cm away from your face. Then focus on that finger.
  • Then, shift your focus to an object that is about 6 meters away.
  • Alternate these two focuses every few seconds for 3 minutes.
Strengthen Eyesight Step 17
Strengthen Eyesight Step 17

Step 5. Focus your eyes on your hands as they bring them closer to your face

This will help sharpen your vision when you focus on a moving object.

  • Place your hands in front of your face with your arms outstretched. Hold your thumb up and focus on it.
  • Extend your thumbs toward you until they are about 7.5 cm apart, and keep your eyes focused on your thumbs.
  • Then, extend your hand back and continue to focus on your thumb.

Method 4 of 4: Medically Strengthening Vision

Strengthen Eyesight Step 18
Strengthen Eyesight Step 18

Step 1. Visit your eye doctor regularly

You should have your eyes checked at least every 2 years. An ophthalmologist can provide a comprehensive examination and will find any problems that could be damaging your eyes. It's important to catch conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration early so you can get treatment. Your doctor can also prescribe corrective lenses and suggest certain lifestyle changes to protect your eyes.

Make sure you tell your eye doctor about any health problems you may have, even if they aren't related to your eyes. Health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes can affect your vision, and your eye doctor should know your full medical history

Strengthen Eyesight Step 19
Strengthen Eyesight Step 19

Step 2. Check the labels on all the medicines you take

Some medications have side effects or drug interactions that can affect your vision. If you notice sudden changes in your vision, and you take medications regularly, ask your doctor or pharmacist about them. There may be side effects or interactions that you weren't aware of beforehand.

Strengthen Eyesight Step 20
Strengthen Eyesight Step 20

Step 3. Ask your ophthalmologist for prescription eye drops

If you suffer from chronic eye problems or swelling, there may be several medication options for you. For problems such as chronic dryness of the eyes, medications such as Restasis can help stimulate tear production. Describe any health problems you encountered while visiting your eye doctor and find out if there are any medications you can try.

Strengthen Eyesight Step 21
Strengthen Eyesight Step 21

Step 4. Consider laser eye surgery

LASIK is a medical procedure that uses a laser to reshape parts of the cornea and is performed by a surgeon. This surgery can help your eyes focus more and improve your vision. LASIK has a high success rate. However, this operation can cost you a lot and the results are not permanent. Consult an ophthalmologist to find out if LASIK is the right choice for you.


  • Remember to consult a doctor before making drastic changes to your diet or lifestyle, or using products on your eyes. Without proper guidance and consultation, you can put your body at risk.
  • Take dietary supplements as described. Although the right amount of certain nutrients will provide benefits, some nutrients can be harmful if taken in higher doses.
