Have you ever wanted to win a doll or watch inside one of the claw machines? There are many kinds of prizes in the claw machine. Whatever the prize, here are some ways to win it!

Step 1. Choose a claw machine that is not fully loaded
In a fully loaded machine, the toys inside are squeezed tightly together making it difficult to pick up.

Step 2. Watch as other people play, if possible
Count the number of seconds you have after entering the money. This helps you in strategizing!

Step 3. Ask a friend for help
Ask him to look from the side of the machine and tell if the claws can grip the toy. In other words, one person controls the claw, while the other watches and guides the claw controller to the target toy. This method saves valuable time. Many claw machines give only 15-30 seconds to move the claws. If there's no one to turn to for help, assess the position of the claw by looking in the mirror inside the claw machine. This mirror can act as your assistant.

Step 4. Decide what items you want before putting money into the machine so that your time is not wasted

Step 5. Consider claw type when selecting a target
- Four-toed claws are great for gripping the chest area of a doll. Try to direct the paws so that the four fingers are above and below the doll's arm and the center is in the neck or upper chest area.
- Three-toed claws: for dolls, instead of pointing them up the arm, place both fingers around the right or left arm. Look for a doll that is slightly angled so that the claws can grip the entire chest area of the doll.

Step 6. Make sure the target ball is not surrounded by other balls for a small basketball prize
This can make the claws rotate on their own so they don't grip the basketball. If that doesn't work, try lowering the claws as straight as possible.
- For best results, try aiming the center of the claw to the center of the radius of the basketball. This technique is about 60-70 percent effective in picking up a basketball, but it's very difficult to get the center of the claw into the center of the basketball. However, remember that the chances of success with a basketball are greater than dolls. That means it's easier to get a Chicago Bulls basketball than a Super Mario doll.
If your claws can pick up the ball easily but then drop it when it reaches the top, try a ball closer to the hole.
Win at a Claw Machine Step 6Bullet2

Step 7. Put money in and start right away
- If you have 15 seconds, spend 10 aiming for the claws, and the last 5 seconds checking all sides of the machine to make sure it's in the right position (if you're playing alone).
The claws usually drop automatically after the countdown ends, but some return to the starting position. Therefore, press the button when finished checking the position of the claw to make sure it drops and takes the prize.
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If you have 30 seconds, spend 10 seconds maneuvering, 10 seconds checking the claw position (sometimes the claw doesn't quite get to the corner), 5 seconds perfecting it, and the last 5 seconds lowering the claw.
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If you're 45 seconds, spend 5 seconds determining (if money is included), 10 seconds pointing the claw, 10 seconds checking the position, 20 seconds perfecting it, and the last 5 seconds lowering the claw.
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- If possible, aim for the prize near the drop box. This helps because if the prize slips out of the claws, there's still a chance it will fall into the drop box.
- Look for rewards near holes, and at claw height before dropping. Oftentimes, the prize only needs to be nudged a little and you can win it before you even get your claws down.
- Some claw machines have a variable setting so that the grip strength changes at intervals. For example, every 10 tries, the claw's grip will be stronger than usual.
- Look for gifts that are roughly the size of a claw.
- If the prizes in the machine are stacked high enough, before lowering the claws, try to use them to "drench" the prizes closer to the falling box. See if you can drop another prize in one spin!
- The claws may be strong enough to pick up gifts, but not to pull them from under other toys. See Warning below.
- Do not jerk the claw controller. You'll be swinging the claws making them difficult to position. Sometimes, the claws will twist when they are jerked, making it difficult to grip the prize.
- Sometimes, when you try to pick up the desired prize in the machine, the claws don't grip it because it's too low. Most of the claws will take up the higher part because there is usually a doll there. However, the doll is currently out of stock so it's a good idea to look for a rather high-end gift.
- If a claw machine is rewarded with a jewelry chest, aim for a necklace chain or watch strap. Make sure the claws close completely so the gift doesn't come off.
- If the gift (a doll or something else) has a label, try gripping the label or threading one of your paws through it.
- When you can pick up a prize, the claw can swing back and forth. This can cause the prize to drop. Don't forget this.
- It takes a higher skill to move a prize than it does to win it. Don't try it if you only have 1-2 chances.
- Don't spend too much money playing claw machine. You can buy a doll for IDR 50,000 at the shop. Therefore, don't spend more than that price trying to get a doll in a claw machine. Many of the dolls in the claw machine cost a lot less than what you spend trying to get the rewards.
- Many game center staff compress dolls, for example by tucking dolls feet under other dolls so that even if the claws have picked up in a good location, the grip will easily come off.
- You can't win in big claw machines. Most claw machines use the same size as the small claw machines. So, even if the prize is well taken, the claws are not strong enough to hold it.