How to Increase Bench Press Load (with Pictures)

How to Increase Bench Press Load (with Pictures)
How to Increase Bench Press Load (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Is your bench press very light? Or do you want to level up to start lifting 'heavyweight' weights? Here are ways to increase your bench press load!


Part 1 of 3: Use the Right Technique

Bench More Weight Step 1
Bench More Weight Step 1

Step 1. Begin by placing your feet on the bench, your hips raised high, and your shoulders slumped onto the bench

This position makes both shoulders bear most of the weight of the barbell so that the lifting technique is correct. Thus, the posture will be better when the load is lifted.

Bench More Weight Step 2
Bench More Weight Step 2

Step 2. Lower both feet to the floor, buttocks on the bench, and maintain shoulder contact with the bench

Your back should now be arched, which means more twisting force applied to the exercise. Make sure your neck is always resting on the bench comfortably.

Bench More Weight Step 3
Bench More Weight Step 3

Step 3. Lock the weight bars with closed grips, and make sure your thumbs are involved

Lock the thumb under the bar and rest over the index finger.

Bench More Weight Step 4
Bench More Weight Step 4

Step 4. Find the location of a good hand position to bear the maximum load capacity

Depending on the height and length of your arms, position your hands on the bar so that your upper arms are vertical as you bring the barbell down to your chest. Most people grip the bar slightly wider than the shoulders.

  • The wider the grip, the more active the chest muscles tend to be. The tighter the grip, the triceps tend to be more active.
  • Take the position that you find most comfortable. People with long arms may be more comfortable gripping the bars wider than normal people.
Bench More Weight Step 5
Bench More Weight Step 5

Step 5. Move your shoulders from side to side to maintain maximum contact with the bench

When doing the bench press, the barbell is lifted mostly using the shoulders. If your shoulders are hanging at your sides or not centered, you will lose your fulcrum and the barbell will be harder to lift.

Bench More Weight Step 6
Bench More Weight Step 6

Step 6. Use a spotter

With the help of a spotter, you don't have to be afraid of failing to lift weights. If you are in trouble, the spotter will save you. This is psychologically important. To increase the weight of the barbell you must dare to push yourself and the spotter will give you a sense of security.

Bench More Weight Step 7
Bench More Weight Step 7

Step 7. Practice proper breathing techniques

Inhale while lying on the bench. Exhale when the barbell is almost at the top. Inhale again and repeat this technique for maximum strength. Remember, proper breathing technique will send oxygen-rich blood to the muscles.

Part 2 of 3: Other Additional Strategies to Increase Bench Press Load

Bench More Weight Step 8
Bench More Weight Step 8

Step 1. For the bench press only, lower the reps and increase your barbell weight

For heavy lifting exercises such as the bench press, 5 reps of 5 sets is very good for increasing your ability to lift weights. Professional weightlifters even do sets of three, two and one rep to get the most out of the workout.

Bench More Weight Step 9
Bench More Weight Step 9

Step 2. Do the heavy lifting first, then “then” finish with a medium distance isolation exercise

Start a series of exercises with the bench press. Remember, the bench press is most effective when the number of repetitions is small and the load is very heavy. If so, finish with chest, triceps, and shoulder exercises using small weights and more reps (approximately 10-15 reps is enough).

Bench More Weight Step 10
Bench More Weight Step 10

Step 3. Lower the barbell until it is just above the diaphragm without touching the chest at all

Many people bounce barbells over their chests. Although this does not harm the chest, your triceps will not be active and work for as long as possible whole reps so that your strength is reduced.

Think of it this way, bouncing a barbell above your chest is the same as wearing a safety wheel when learning to ride a bicycle. If you want to ride fast, you should remove the safety wheel

Bench More Weight Step 11
Bench More Weight Step 11

Step 4. Practice push-ups and other triceps exercises

Strong triceps is an open secret for increasing bench press weights. Push-ups are a more natural exercise and the shoulders will get a different amount of movement than the bench press. Combine your bench press exercises with triceps exercises such as the skullcrusher, lying triceps extension, triceps pushdown, and so on.

Bench More Weight Step 12
Bench More Weight Step 12

Step 5. Pay attention to your gluteus muscles

Because your back is arched, your shoulders are active, and your feet are firmly planted on the floor, the gluteus muscles are especially important. Activate this muscle during bench press exercises. Thanks to a firm and stable buttocks, your body will be able to amplify the twisting force that your chest, triceps and shoulder muscles exert on the barbell, thereby strengthening your overall weight-lifting ability.

Similarly, take care of the gluteus muscles stay on the bench during practice. Don't lift your butt up. This is dangerous because it will transfer some of the weight to your neck, and weaken your ability to lift the weight.

Bench More Weight Step 13
Bench More Weight Step 13

Step 6. Stop your cardio first

You should not burn calories because it will be needed to build muscles that will later be big and strong enough to lift heavy weights that are ideal for you. If you have to do cardio, eat food to replace the lost calories.

Part 3 of 3: Regulating Diet and Lifestyle

Bench More Weight Step 14
Bench More Weight Step 14

Step 1. Diet, diet, diet

Eat 500 calories above your BMR plus all the extra calories burned for the day. If you eat too much, you will gain fat instead of muscle. You should reduce body fat as much as possible. Eat 1 gram of protein per lean body mass each day.

To find out your body mass, take a body fat measurement. For example, your body fat percentage is 10%, meaning your lean body mass is 90%. If you weigh 150 lbs (68 kg), your lean weight is 150 lbs x 90% = 135 lbs (61 kg). Therefore you need to consume 135 grams of protein every day

Bench More Weight Step 15
Bench More Weight Step 15

Step 2. Distinguish good and bad carbohydrates

These days carbs get a bad reputation. In fact, carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body, and complex carbohydrates are very good for the body, because they can be digested more slowly than regular carbohydrates. Eat healthy carbohydrates such as nuts, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Stay away from unhealthy carbohydrates in processed foods, white bread, sugar, and fried foods.

Bench More Weight Step 16
Bench More Weight Step 16

Step 3. Incorporate good fats into your diet

Like carbohydrates, fats have also acquired a bad reputation in recent times. The key is to understand which fats are good for consumption and which are not. Saturated fats in chips and candy and trans fats in frozen and fast food are fats that should not be consumed. Meanwhile, unsaturated fats and fatty acids are healthy if consumed in moderation

  • Examples of unsaturated fats include: nuts, vegetable oil, olive oil, avocado.
  • Examples of fatty acids include: soybean oil, fish (mackerel, sardines, salmon, etc.), flaxseed, walnuts.
Bench More Weight Step 17
Bench More Weight Step 17

Step 4. Spread out your diet instead of eating once or twice a day

Find the number of calories you need and estimate the number of calories burned in a day. Then, try to exceed the calorie threshold to build your muscle. Instead of eating one or two large meals, eat five or six small meals a day, including pre- and post-workout snacks.

Bench More Weight Step 18
Bench More Weight Step 18

Step 5. Sleep

Sleep is not only important to feel relaxed and refreshed the next day, but also helps your muscle development. Research has found that during high-quality REM sleep, the body repairs tissue and circulating growth hormone, or human growth hormone (HGH). So, sleeping well for 7 to 8 hours every day is very important so that the body rebuilds its muscles.

Bench More Weight Step 19
Bench More Weight Step 19

Step 6. Don't overtrain

One factor that is quite important but is often overlooked by people, overtraining will prevent you from getting the muscles that should already be built. Depending on the intensity of your workout, give your chest and triceps a day or two of rest between workouts. During that time, work the other muscles so that all of your muscles are built evenly.


Tuna, yogurt, nuts, fish, beef jerky are good sources of protein. Protein supplements are not as good as these natural sources


  • Always pay attention to the correct technique when practicing.
  • Always have a spotter at your side to prevent accidents and injuries during training.
