5 Ways to Pray to God (for Beginners)

5 Ways to Pray to God (for Beginners)
5 Ways to Pray to God (for Beginners)

Table of contents:


If you are new to Christianity, Judaism, or Islam and want to start praying to God, follow these simple steps to get a good start in your daily routine with God.


Method 1 of 5: Before Praying

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 1
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 1

Step 1. Think about what you will pray for

Before you begin, think about what you are going to pray for. What are the things in your life that bother you? What are you grateful for? How do you want to bring God into your life? What questions do you have? These are things you may want to pray for. Knowing in advance what to say will make you feel more clear and comfortable when you pray.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 2
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 2

Step 2. Consult your religious advisor or a trusted friend

After you have thought about the things you want to say to God, consult with your pastor, priest, rabbi, or a friend or family member you trust. Ask their opinion, in what ways God might be able to help you, and their opinion about your anxieties and questions. They may be able to open your eyes to questions and answers you've never thought of before.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 3
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 3

Step 3. Find a good place to pray

Once you are ready to pray, you need to find the right place and time to pray to God. This should be a quiet place where you can dedicate a good amount of time and concentration on your conversation with God, to show your devotion to God.

However, if you feel the need to pray quickly and in less than ideal situations, do so. You don't have to be in a special place for God to hear you. God will understand your worries and only care that you love God in your heart and are trying to follow Him

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 4
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 4

Step 4. Prepare the necessary items or additional items

You may want to have certain items during prayer, such as candles, scriptures, relics from loved ones, or other items that are important to you. Prepare these items and place them with respect.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 5
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 5

Step 5. Plan to pray alone or with others

You need to determine whether you feel better praying alone or with others. Different faiths emphasize different methods but you should not feel bound by the normal rules of your congregation. Do what you feel is right in your heart, no matter if it means singing your prayer in a church full of people or alone facing the Qibla in the corner of the room.

Method 2 of 5: Basic Prayer for Christians

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 6
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 6

Step 1. Show respect

Show respect by humbling yourself before God. Wear modest clothing (if you can), don't show off your prayers proudly to those around you, and pray on your knees and head down (if you can).

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 7
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 7

Step 2. Read the Bible

You may want to start reading verses from the Bible that are important and meaningful to you. This will open your heart to God's words and show your devotion to Him.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 8
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 8

Step 3. Give thanks to God

Thank God for all His blessings. Thank God for the things that make you happy, that make your life better, or that make the world a better place. Understand that the existence of these blessings means that God shows His love for His human creation and should be celebrated and appreciated.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 9
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 9

Step 4. Ask God for forgiveness

Ask God for forgiveness for the mistakes you have made. Keep your heart open and remember that we all make mistakes: no one is perfect. While you may have a hard time admitting or thinking about what you've done wrong, you will find ways to improve yourself. Do it sincerely, and in your heart you will know that God has forgiven you.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 10
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 10

Step 5. Ask for guidance

Ask God for guidance. God is not a jinn or a supernatural being that grants wishes…God only guides you to the path that you must walk. Ask God to lead you and show you the right choices and ways to improve yourself as a person, as well as the world and the people around you.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 11
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 11

Step 6. Pray for others

Pray for those you feel need prayer. You can pray for your family, your friends, or a stranger. Ask God to show them His love and also help them find their way when they are lost. Do not judge them or their problems: God is the only Judge and He will do what is right.

Remember that people are not demons or devils; they are souls, just like you, and can be led by God. Don't ask them to be punished, ask them to realize their mistake and seek forgiveness like you did

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 12
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 12

Step 7. Close your prayer

Close your prayer in any way you feel is appropriate. The most common way is to say 'Amen'.

Method 3 of 5: Basic Prayer for Jews

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 13
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 13

Step 1. Try to pray in Hebrew

Many Jews believe that praying in Hebrew is better, even though God will understand you in whatever language you speak. Do your best and God will understand.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 14
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 14

Step 2. Try to pray with others

Jews prefer to pray more frequently and in groups, rather than Christian prayer which is more individual-focused. Pray with others if you can. This can be done in the synagogue, with your family at home, or while you are out with your friends.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 15
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 15

Step 3. Know each prayer for a different ritual

Instead of individual prayers being said each day, Jews prefer to pray at different times of the day, on different occasions, and at different times of the year. You will need to learn the different prayers and when they should be said, as well as the Holy Days that require special prayers.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 16
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 16

Step 4. Pray individually if you wish

If the normal way of praying doesn't work for you and you feel that you can communicate better with God when you pray alone and in your own way, that's okay. You can pray the Christian way, described above, and God will understand. God cares more about your devotion and obedience.

Method 4 of 5: Basic Prayers for Muslims

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 17
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 17

Step 1. Pray at the right times

Muslims pray at certain times of the day and you need to learn and adhere to these times. You can find out, ask your priest, or get a handy app or program for your phone or computer.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 18
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 18

Step 2. Position yourself

You need to face Mecca when praying. This is an important part of prayer for Muslims. You need to find out which direction is right in the area where you live. Alternatively, you can get an app or program for your phone or computer that will act as a compass and point you in the right direction no matter where you are.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 19
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 19

Step 3. Sit, stand, and move properly

There are certain ways in which Muslims sit, stand, bow, and move their hands and bodies while praying. This can get a bit tricky and you may need to find out more. You can also learn by looking at your fellow Muslims, either near you or at the mosque in your area.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 20
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 20

Step 4. Open your prayer

Begin your prayer the right way. Muslim prayer is much more specific and strict than Christian prayer. The standard opening is to say "Allahu Akbar" and then recite the Iftitah Prayer and Surah Alfatihah.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 21
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 21

Step 5. Recite another surah

Recite another surah that corresponds to the prayer time of the day or that is recited by your neighbor near you. If you are alone, you can recite any surah you feel is appropriate.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 22
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 22

Step 6. Do the rak'ah with the right number

The rak'ahs, or prayer cycles, are standard and the number of cycles performed is different for each time of day. Know what the right amount is and try to do at least that amount.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 23
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 23

Step 7. Close your prayer

End your prayer in the normal way, by turning your head to the right and saying, "Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh." The angel who notes your kindness is on this side. Then, turn your head to the left and say, "Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh." The angel who records your crimes is on this side. Now your prayer has been completed.

Method 5 of 5: After Praying

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 24
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 24

Step 1. Look for signs that God is listening to you

After you finish praying, as you continue with your daily activities and so on, look for signs that God has heard your prayers. Keep your heart open and look for ways through which God directs you on the right path. You will know in your heart what is right.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 25
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 25

Step 2. Be faithful to God and keep your promises

If you promise God that you will improve yourself and work harder at something, you must fulfill your promise. Work as hard as you can, honestly and humbly, and God will understand and be pleased.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 26
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 26

Step 3. Pray regularly

Don't just pray when you have a very big problem. God is not the plaster you look for when you are hurt. Pray all the time, and show God the respect God deserves. Make praying a habit and over time, you will become good at praying.

Pray to God (Beginners) Step 27
Pray to God (Beginners) Step 27

Step 4. Help and pray with others

When you pray more, you naturally want to pray with others and make others understand how much they can gain from praying. Bring them to God by helping them, honestly, humbly, and non-judgmentally, and perhaps they too will be inspired to seek to know God as you do.


  • Always believe what you know to be the truth in your heart. If a pastor, leader, friend, or family member says something to you that makes you uncomfortable, pray about it. God will tell you what is right and you will feel confident and happy in your heart. No one but God can tell you what is right and what His will is.
  • Pray whenever and wherever you need it, for example on the road, before an exam, or every time before a meal.
