4 Ways to Fast and Pray

4 Ways to Fast and Pray
4 Ways to Fast and Pray

Table of contents:


Fasting can be a very good means of spiritual practice, especially if it is done while praying wholeheartedly. Although there are those who think that fasting is a practice of the Christian religion, this method actually applies not only in Christianity-all people of different faiths can fast and pray, if they feel called. Continue reading the following basic principles, instructions, and tips on how to fast and pray effectively.


Method 1 of 4: Pray and Prepare Before Fasting

Fast and Pray Step 1
Fast and Pray Step 1

Step 1. Pray for guidance in choosing the type of fast to do

Fasting is traditionally done by fasting from food, but you can also fast from the media or from various habits.

  • Full fasting or drinking fasting requires that you don't eat solid food and don't drink any fluids other than water.
  • Fasting requires that you don't eat solid food, but you can still drink any fluids you want.
  • Abstinence requires that you do not eat certain foods or eat nothing during certain times of the day. Fasting in this way applies especially to Catholics during Lent.
  • Fasting as a tradition in Lent is fasting by abstinence. During Lent, you are not allowed to eat meat every Friday and Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, you should limit yourself to only one full meal a day and two smaller meals than usual. You can drink anything.
  • Fasting bread and water allows you to consume only bread and water, nothing more.
  • Media fasting requires that you avoid media. What is meant by media can be any media, or it can be certain media such as television or the internet.
  • Fasting from habit requires that you avoid certain behaviors. This could mean that you have to give up the habit of raising your voice to the habit of playing cards. This way of fasting is generally applied during Lent.
Fast and Pray Step 2
Fast and Pray Step 2

Step 2. Ask for directions to determine how long to fast

You are free to determine how long you want to fast from one day to several weeks. Determine a period of fasting that is quite challenging from a health and spiritual perspective.

  • If you have never fasted, you should start fasting no later than 24 to 36 hours.
  • Do not fast without drinking water for more than three days.
  • Consider doing an extended full fast. Start by fasting one meal for several days. Once your body gets used to it, fast for the next meal as well, and finally, fast for the rest of the day.
Fast and Pray Step 3
Fast and Pray Step 3

Step 3. Try to find out why you feel called to fast

In your prayers, ask God for guidance on what your goals are in fasting.

  • Spiritual renewal is a common reason for fasting, but you can also fast if you want guidance, patience, or healing.
  • You can also fast for certain reasons that include your personal spiritual needs. For example, in the event of a natural disaster, you can fast and pray for those affected by the disaster.
  • Fasting can also be done as an expression of gratitude.
Fast and Pray Step 4
Fast and Pray Step 4

Step 4. Ask for forgiveness

Repentance is an important aspect for success in fasting and prayer.

  • With direction from God, make a list of your sins. Make this list as complete as possible.
  • Confess these sins to God, ask and receive forgiveness.
  • You must also be willing to forgive those who have wronged you, and you must apologize for your mistakes if you have wronged others.
  • Ask God for guidance on how to help you correct your mistakes.
Fast and Pray Step 5
Fast and Pray Step 5

Step 5. Pray to decide who needs to be told that you are fasting

In fact, seeking approval from others will take away the meaning of fasting. For that, you can tell those you believe to be people who can provide spiritual support to you during your fast.

  • Pastors, loved ones, and spiritual directors are usually good choices.
  • Ask God for guidance on who you should turn to for support.
Fast and Pray Step 6
Fast and Pray Step 6

Step 6. Follow the guidelines for physical preparation

In addition to preparing spiritually before fasting, you must also prepare physically.

  • Start slowly, especially if you are just starting to fast. Eat a little before you fast to prepare your body.
  • Avoid caffeine for the full 24 hours before you fast, as caffeine deficiency can cause and increase headaches.
  • Reduce sugar little by little from your diet, because people who consume a lot of sugar usually have difficulty fasting.
  • Try to stick to a strict diet by eating unprocessed foods for a few days before you fast.

Method 2 of 4: Pray During Fasting

Fast and Pray Step 7
Fast and Pray Step 7

Step 1. Focus on the reasons why you want to fast

You can pray for any need during your fast, but by determining in advance what the purpose of your fast is, you will have a focal point to focus all your prayers on.

Be open to changes from goals. You may feel called to fast for a reason, but it turns out that God wants you to contemplate another goal

Fast and Pray Step 8
Fast and Pray Step 8

Step 2. Meditate on the Scriptures

You can follow a Bible study guide or flip through the pages of your Bible according to your calling. Make notes of what you read, and then pray that you will gain a better understanding of this Bible study.

  • For those of you who are not Christians, meditate on the holy verses that are in accordance with your respective faith beliefs.
  • You can also meditate on the spiritual books you read during your fast.
Fast and Pray Step 9
Fast and Pray Step 9

Step 3. Pray personal prayers and prayers from the scriptures

Usually your prayers are spontaneous prayers, that is, private prayers in your own words. If you are at a loss for words, you can turn it into a prayer from the scriptures as a guide for you in communicating with God.

One of the most common prayers from the scriptures is the “Prayer Taught by the Lord Jesus,” which is also called the “Our Father.” Any prayer from the scriptures can be used, if you feel called to do so

Fast and Pray Step 10
Fast and Pray Step 10

Step 4. Use tools that can help in prayer

The use of means as an aid in prayer may cause controversy in certain faiths, but this method is acceptable to others.

Tools that can help in praying the Catholic way are the rosary, the medal of the saints, and the cross. For non-Catholic Christians, you can listen to instrumental music from common hymns or use aids other than the rosary

Fast and Pray Step 11
Fast and Pray Step 11

Step 5. Pray together with others

In addition to praying that you do privately, which is individual, you can also pray with others during your fast. Praying in groups can be a common petition to God, so prayer together can be a very powerful tool of help.

  • You can pray out loud or silently. If you pray aloud, however, never compare your prayers with the prayers of those around you.
  • Good prayer friends during fasting are usually people who already know that you are fasting and those who are fasting with you.
Fast and Pray Step 12
Fast and Pray Step 12

Step 6. Find a quiet place

You can pray at any time of the day, no matter where you are or what is going on around you. As long as you pray as fervently as during fasting, try to find quiet moments where you can have time to talk privately with God.

  • You can choose a quiet place in the room. The bedroom is often a good place to be, but any quiet corner in your home or office is also a good place to pray. You can even pray when you are alone in your car.
  • Alternatively, you can also pray outdoors. A quiet place in the forest can give you the opportunity to spend time with God in prayer while admiring God's creation.
Fast and Pray Step 13
Fast and Pray Step 13

Step 7. Balance scheduled prayer with spontaneous prayer

Having a schedule for prayer can be useful, especially for long fasts, but you don't have to stick to this schedule so tightly that you can no longer pray spontaneously to fulfill your own heart's calling.

  • Pray during the free time you just created. The time that you normally used to eat, watch television, or perform the habits that you replaced with fasting, can now be filled with prayer.
  • Intend to start and end your day by making time for prayer.

Method 3 of 4: Additional Procedures in Fasting

Fast and Pray Step 14
Fast and Pray Step 14

Step 1. Pay attention to your personal hygiene

During a long full fast, your body will excrete a lot of toxic waste during the first three days.

  • Take a shower or bath every day, especially the first three days of your fast.
  • Brush your teeth more often than usual during these first three days to avoid bad breath.
Fast and Pray Step 15
Fast and Pray Step 15

Step 2. Don't look like someone who is suffering

Fasting is a time where you experience a close and personal union with God. If you are seen by others as if you are suffering, you will invite compassion and admiration, which can make you feel proud and make it difficult for you to build closeness with God in humility.

Fast and Pray Step 16
Fast and Pray Step 16

Step 3. Drink water often

You should not go more than three days without drinking water.

You may not drink other fluids, such as juice or milk, but you should continue to drink water during a long fast. Otherwise, you run the risk of severe dehydration, which can lead to serious health problems

Fast and Pray Step 17
Fast and Pray Step 17

Step 4. Take control of your emotions

People who skip meals tend to feel angry. Therefore, it is understandable that the more times you eat meals, the more angry you will become. Take control of your emotional state, and if you feel like yelling at those who approach you, find a quiet place where you can pray and reflect.

Fast and Pray Step 18
Fast and Pray Step 18

Step 5. Limit your activities

Walking is acceptable and recommended, but fasting will cause you to lose a lot of energy, so you should be able to rest as much as possible.

For the same purpose, you should also avoid strenuous exercise

Fast and Pray Step 19
Fast and Pray Step 19

Step 6. Avoid illegal drugs

Medications, herbs, and herbs can cause complications during your fast, causing side effects such as nausea, anxiety, drowsiness, and severe headaches.

However, you should not discontinue prescription medication without the approval and supervision of your healthcare professional

Method 4 of 4: Praying After Fasting and Additional Procedures

Fast and Pray Step 20
Fast and Pray Step 20

Step 1. Meditate on each experience of fasting and ask God for guidance

There may be many things you can learn during your fast, but there are other lessons that you can learn only when you are done fasting. Ask God for guidance as you reflect and continue activities so you can benefit from the fasting experience.

  • If you've made a commitment to abstaining, fasting from the media, or fasting from a certain habit, focus your attention on your successes and not on your failures. Many people experience obstacles at certain times during their fast, especially if they are not used to fasting. Instead of treating this experience as a failure because of your weakness, focus on the spiritual lessons and strengths you gained from your strengths during your fast.
  • Express gratitude. Most importantly, show an effort to make progress by always expressing gratitude. Thank God for your successful completion of the fast, and for all the spiritual direction you received during your fast.
Fast and Pray Step 21
Fast and Pray Step 21

Step 2. Return to your normal eating schedule after a short fast

If you fast for only 24 hours, you can return to your normal eating schedule the next day.

Similarly, if you only fast from certain types of food or fast one meal, you can go back to eating normally or going on your diet without needing to be extra careful

Fast and Pray Step 22
Fast and Pray Step 22

Step 3. Break the fast drinking by consuming fruits

If you are fasting from all kinds of food and liquids other than water, you should start by eating fruit before you return to your normal diet.

  • Eat melons and other fruits that contain lots of fluids.
  • You can also drink fruit juices to reaccustom your body to be ready to accept food other than water.
Fast and Pray Step 23
Fast and Pray Step 23

Step 4. Slowly get used to your body to accept vegetables after breaking the fast

If you continue to drink fruit and vegetable juices during your fast, break your fast by consuming vegetables little by little.

  • On the first day, eat nothing but salads with unprocessed ingredients.
  • On the second day, add baked or boiled potatoes to your diet. Do not use butter or seasonings.
  • During the third day, add steamed vegetables to your diet. Also without butter and seasonings.
  • From day four onwards, you can return to your normal diet in a way that is comfortable and convenient for your body.
Fast and Pray Step 24
Fast and Pray Step 24

Step 5. Eat small meals before returning to a regular eating pattern

Before you return to your regular diet, eat a few small snacks or snacks for a few days and don't eat large amounts of food all at once.
