If you want to understand the prayer life, or just want to know how to pray, you will learn about the different techniques and methods you can use to pray to Jesus. You will learn many tips about where and when to pray. You can imitate the prayer according to Jesus' recommendations on how to pray in the Bible. You'll also find out how prayer can help you regulate your emotions in a healthy way.
Method 1 of 3: Praying the Lord's Prayer

Step 1. Know the context of the Lord's Prayer
This prayer is addressed to God, but Jesus in John 10:30 says, “I and the Father are one.” The Lord's Prayer can be read in Matthew 5-7. These verses also contain the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes (blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted). The Sermon on the Mount contains about the importance of God in the inner life, which is different from performing worship only for outward appearances.
- Jesus criticized those who like to perform their religious duties just for others to see.
- Jesus said that true truth belongs to the most humble of people, i.e. people who experience sad things, people who are poor, people who are meek, even though they don't appear to be righteous.
- For example, Jesus said in Matthew 6:5, "And when you pray, do not pray like the hypocrites. They love to say their prayers standing in the synagogues and at the corners of the highway, so that people may see them."

Step 2. Choose, for example, to go into the room, close the door and pray to Jesus
This is one of Jesus' commands in Matthew 6:6 about how to pray. Jesus went on to say, "Then your Father who sees the hidden will reward you." Find a private room or place so that you can be alone, and pray to God there. Feel at peace with the presence of God "who sees the hidden".
This is not the only place you can pray. You can also "pray without ceasing" (anywhere you can pray) as Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians

Step 3. Say the Lord's Prayer in concise words
Jesus in Matthew 6:7 said, "Besides, do not rambling on in your prayers as is the custom of people who do not know God. They think that because of the many words their prayers will be answered." During this time people may have prayed using the system. certain ways, memorization and pronunciation, but you don't need them when you pray to Jesus.
- In addition, there is no need to talk about your problems when saying the Lord's Prayer. When you pray in general, or on other occasions, you can talk to Jesus about your problems.
- Jesus continued the previous verse with this warning in verse 8, "So do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him."

Step 4. Concentrate on the Lord's Prayer
You can read the Lord's Prayer aloud or to yourself. Read slowly so that the meaning of each verse can sink into the heart. Jesus said in Matthew 6:9-13, "Therefore pray thus: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our good food enough and forgive us our iniquities, as we also forgive those who have wronged us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. [For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.]"
- The section "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name" helps you direct your attention to a God who is beyond your ability to see or understand.
- The section "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" helps your willingness to participate in what is happening in the world and connect with the world around you.
- The part "Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us" means that you are relying on God's goodness to provide for your needs. You're also giving up what the poor owe you, so you shouldn't demand to receive payments. Not giving up the debts of the poor is an act that displeases God, because you have also been forgiven for a debt of sin that you will never be able to pay off on your own.
- The part "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one" can mean different things to different people. Not everyone experiences the same things they would hope they wouldn't. But, even if you are struggling with any problems, ask God for help to overcome them.
- The part " For thou art the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever " is not found in the original manuscript. However, it can be a closing prayer and focus you back on the majesty of God.
Method 2 of 3: Benefiting Emotionally from Prayer

Step 1. Talk to Jesus about your anger and feelings
You can use prayers to Jesus to tell Him about the difficulties that are going on in your life. Praying is very helpful for dealing with emotions such as frustration and sadness. If you can vent your anger during prayer rather than your daily life or relationships, it can be a form of emotional support that you can use to calm yourself down.
- When something bad happens to you, for example, losing your job, you can pray to Jesus to help regulate your emotions and find rest from your depressed feelings. Express your frustration, anger or fear over this unpleasant event to Him.
- You can use the Psalms as a guide on how to pray during difficult times. For example, in Psalm 4, the writer of the Psalms asks God to give him relief in a tribulation.

Step 2. Convince yourself that Jesus loves you
Remember that God created you in His image, and Jesus loves you and His spirit accompanies you on your journey of life. He wants you to choose to repent, seek to please God and acknowledge Him in everything you do, just as you are free to choose to follow His plan to be saved. When you have trouble loving yourself, remind yourself that Jesus came to this world and died, partly because He loved you so much. His glory is beyond our comprehension.
Remember John 15:11-13, "All these things I have told you, that My joy may be in you and your joy may be full. This is My commandment,"
that you should love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends

Step 3. Understand the problems that are happening to you in a new light
In prayer to Jesus, you have the opportunity to think again about why these things happened to you. Perhaps when you think back on the situation, you will be better able to understand how God can use a bad event in your life for good.
- For example, even if you have lost your job, you can spend more time with your children.
- Think about happy sayings. Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12) said that, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."

Step 4. Concentrate on your relationship to Jesus in difficult times
Praying to Jesus during difficult times helps protect you from the negative emotions you are going through. For example, if someone you love is undergoing surgery, you may need to take some time and focus your attention back on Jesus and take refuge in His presence and strength.
While you should ask Jesus for support, continue to support others and allow others who are with you to support you as well. Continue to be with your loved ones and share the routines, joys and sorrows of what they or you are going through

Step 5. Think about how Jesus would handle a situation like yours
It can be helpful to imitate Jesus and His acts of love and compassion in giving you the insight you need to live life. When praying about circumstances in your life, think about how Jesus would handle them.
If you are having trouble at work with someone who has hindered your career by receiving the promotion you deserve or desire, think about the possible response Jesus would have made to this situation. For example, in Luke 6:27-28, Jesus said, But to you, who hear me, I say:
Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, ask for blessings for those who curse you; pray for those who abuse you."
Method 3 of 3: Prayer Techniques

Step 1. Pray daily in a fixed place and on a regular schedule
Find a regular time and place where you can stop what you are doing, and take time to pray. Find a quiet place at work, so you can pray during your break from work, for example. Or get out of the building where you work, and find a place under a large tree in the park to pray. You can set a consistent time in the schedule to go to this place.
- Set a daily alarm to go off on your phone or create a recurring reminder email for yourself.
- Go to where you pray, and sit there until you are ready to pray.

Step 2. Adjust the posture that is comfortable for you
For example, kneeling, bending your arms forward, and closing your eyes to pray are all recommended postures.
Try different postures depending on where you are. For example, if you are praying in the garden, you could cross your legs and place your hands on your knees

Step 3. Show gratitude, and talk to God because He is a Father who cares for you
Make no demands, but ask the Father for guidance, peace, and serenity. End the prayer with, "In the name of Jesus," when praying to God through Jesus

Step 4. Use each finger to represent an important part of life that requires attention in prayer
Pray for families, teachers, state officials, people in need, and yourself.
- The thumb can symbolize family and close relationships that support you. The thumb is the strongest finger, and that's why it symbolizes family.
- The index finger, as a pointing finger, can be a finger that represents a guide in your life, or it can also represent the people who show you the way and help you. Examples are your boss, pastor, teacher, counselor, friends, and even people who provide you with health care, such as doctors and nurses.
- The middle finger is the tallest finger, and can be used to remind you to pray for people who have authority in your country and in the world, namely state officials, world leaders, politicians, and others.
- The ring finger is the weakest finger, so it can remind you to pray for people who are suffering from poverty and all the ills they don't want.
- Lastly, the little finger represents yourself. Don't forget to pray for yourself too.

Step 5. Experiment with different ways of praying that work best for you
Use objects or play music to help you focus your thoughts on prayer. For example, pray while looking at a beautiful painting, if you are a person who loves beauty. Or you can read a book about prayer or write in a diary. Don't force yourself to imitate something you think you should do when you pray.
- Maybe your hands need to be active doing something while you are praying. You can use beads of prayer beads and repeat the prayer for each bead, or you can also draw doodles of flowers on paper while you are praying.
- You can also sing the prayer. Hymns can be a fun way to show the feelings from your heart.