How to Prevent Suicide Intentions (with Pictures)

How to Prevent Suicide Intentions (with Pictures)
How to Prevent Suicide Intentions (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Preventing suicidal ideation is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. There are times when you will think that your life is worthless. What's important is that you don't have to feel ashamed or guilty about suicidal thoughts and know that you're not alone. Many people have contemplated suicide, but managed to prevent the intention from reappearing and continue their lives with meaning. If you want to know how to prevent suicidal ideation, consider these steps to get started.

If you are contemplating suicide and need help as soon as possible, call 500-454. This is the telephone number for the counseling service from the Ministry of Health.


Part 1 of 2: Changing Your Intentions

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 1
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 1

Step 1. Know you can definitely get through this

You may be struggling and feel like there is no solution to your problems, but you know the best part about being down? You can do nothing but get up. You may feel like you have no purpose in life and things will only get worse, but remember things will definitely get better if you put in the effort and come up with a plan. Of course your life will not turn out like a fairy tale overnight. However, once you realize that things can actually get better, you've already taken the first step towards moving on with your life.

When you feel suicidal, tell yourself that you will get through it and your life will improve

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 2
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 2

Step 2. Get help right away

There are many people in this world who face people like us every day. They do that because they want to help, not because they want to make our lives more miserable. Right now you may feel like no one in this world can help. However, you may feel that way because you don't let anyone help. If you share your feelings with friends, they'll be more than willing to help. That's if you let them help too. It's natural for you to refuse other people's help and that's okay. However, you can't let those suicidal thoughts stay in your head.

  • If you feel like you're hurting yourself and there's nowhere to vent, call Emergency Services, your personal doctor, or go to the ER as soon as possible. You shouldn't be alone when you feel like this, period.
  • You can also call the help number if you're having a problem and want to share it with someone. You can call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) any time if you live in America or call Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90 or PAPYRUS on 0800 068 41 41 (if you are a teenager or growing up) if you live in English. You can also call 500-454 which is a counseling service that is open 24 hours a day by the Ministry of Health.
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 3
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 3

Step 3. Postpone your plans

If you're contemplating suicide, just tell yourself that you won't be going to extremes for the next week. Or for the next 48 hours. Or even for the next 24 hours. By doing this, you have time to ask someone for help, distract yourself, or see the world better. Granted, you may not feel like the happiest person in the world after 24 hours, but you may feel better that you are no longer suicidal.

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 4
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 4

Step 4. Think of all the people who love and care for you

You don't have to feel guilty about having suicidal thoughts, but you can prevent them from coming back by constantly reminding yourself of the people who really care about you. You must be feeling lonely right now, but it could be because you haven't contacted your friends for a long time or haven't been with your family. Feeling lonely doesn't mean no one loves you and wants you to move on.

Of course, one of the reasons people contemplate suicide is to feel that no one cares about them. You may not feel like you have a friend or close to your family, but that doesn't mean no one cares about you, even if it's your neighbors, classmates, or coworkers. If you think negatively, it's natural to think no one cares, but that's usually not the case

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 5
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 5

Step 5. Don't feel guilty or ashamed about suicidal thoughts

You may feel bad about suicidal thoughts, but quickly push those feelings away. It's okay if you are contemplating suicide. Many people feel guilty about contemplating suicide, but that guilt doesn't help them. If you don't feel guilty, you can move on with your life more quickly and prevent suicidal thoughts from coming back. If you only dwell on guilt and shame, the suicidal ideation will only escalate.

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 6
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 6

Step 6. Think about all the things you haven't had time to do

This may sound tacky, but take the time to write and consider everything you haven't had time to, whether it's falling in love or traveling abroad. By doing this, you will be energized and have hope to move on with your life. When you think about suicide again, you can think about the things you want to do. You will feel that there are many experiences that can be experienced before the end of life.

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 7
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 7

Step 7. Look for distractions

Yes, diverting your thoughts, from yoga to drinking tea with friends, can help avoid suicidal thoughts. If you focus on other things that you care about, even if they are silly, but can distract you, things will get better. You can even make a list of things you can do to distract yourself when you are contemplating suicide.

Of course, if you are really suicidal, ask for help immediately. However, if you're just starting to think that life is pointless, you can distract yourself by thinking about other things

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 8
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 8

Step 8. Go to a doctor or psychiatrist

If you are suicidal, you won't be able to deal with it on your own. You should discuss it with a doctor or psychiatrist to determine the next steps you should take. A psychiatrist can uncover your past and help make plans for the future. Also, doctors and psychiatrists can find out if you need medication. While they won't solve all of your problems or completely eliminate your suicidal thoughts, medications can help determine if you have depression, bipolar disorder, or another mental disorder that could make your judgments inaccurate. This will only happen if you have decided to move on with your life.

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 9
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 9

Step 9. Make a list of things you are grateful for

This may sound tacky, but making a list of things you're grateful for, from the existence of your best friend, to your health, to the sun that's still shining, can help remind you of reasons to move on. Make a list that is about a page long and carry it with you or keep it wherever you can reach it. If you are contemplating suicide again, carefully read the list that has been made so that you can realize that there are many reasons to continue living. It could even be that the list makes you smile again.

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 10
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 10

Step 10. Take care of yourself

Eating three meals a day, getting enough rest, and not drinking just any alcohol may not be enough to keep you happy with your life, but they certainly make you feel better than if you eat junk food, sleep deprived, and drink drink three times a week. Thinking about your physical health can have a huge impact on your mental health. It's easy to ignore your body when you're feeling down, but if you work to keep your body healthy, it will also have an impact on your soul.

Exercising can also encourage the production of endorphins which can then help you think more positively

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 11
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 11

Step 11. Avoid triggers for your suicidal thoughts

If you know there are some things that can trigger your suicidal thoughts, you should avoid them, at all costs. If seeing your ex always plunges you into a pit of despair, you should avoid meeting him. If going to large family gatherings where people yell at each other makes you lonely, you should avoid extended families. Make a list of the things that make you sad the most, and find ways to avoid them, no matter what.

Unfortunately, it's a bit impossible to avoid all of the triggers, but you can make a plan to deal with them

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 12
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 12

Step 12. Avoid narcotics and alcoholic beverages

Even if you're just worried about preventing suicidal ideation, you have to get rid of narcotics and alcohol at all costs. These two things may be a temporary solution to your problem, but once the effects wear off, you will feel more depressed and sad than you were at first. You should avoid drugs and alcohol when dealing with suicidal ideation because they can also cause you to act impulsively and you don't want that to happen.

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 13
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 13

Step 13. As much as possible find the cause of your suicidal ideation

There may be a concrete reason why you are contemplating suicide. Going to a doctor or psychiatrist can help you discuss a variety of things, including any mental illness you may have, but chances are, that won't be enough. You may feel like you're at a dead end because you can't stand things at work, are in an unhealthy relationship, or are worried about your body image. Even though your suicidal ideation may not be caused by one specific thing, there must still be several factors that cause the intention to arise. If you plan to change any of these things, for example looking for a new job, your suicidal ideation will slowly fade away.

However, don't make big decisions when you're contemplating suicide. When the urge sets in, the best thing you can do is seek help immediately, let it cool down, and wait for your emotions to stabilize. After everything subsides, then you can think logically to take the next step

Part 2 of 2: Acting in a Crisis

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 14
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 14

Step 1. Create an emergency safety plan

If you're contemplating suicide, it's a good idea to prepare ahead of time so you know what to do when a crisis occurs. Everyone's emergency safety plan may vary, but it should still include calling for help right away, going to a friend's house, doing an activity that calms you down, spending time with your pet, or reading a list of things you're grateful for. The important thing is that you can't be alone when you are contemplating suicide, and you must do something while you wait for help to arrive.

Write down this plan so you know what to do the next time you feel confused or upset

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 15
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 15

Step 2. Get rid of the tools that can be used to commit suicide

Get rid of alcoholic beverages, drugs, sharp objects, or other things that can make it easier for you to kill yourself. If you are contemplating suicide, you will have to make it difficult for yourself to realize your intentions. Call one of your friends and wait for him to arrive lying down. If you know that only a few things in your home can help with suicidal ideation, you're more likely to stay safe.

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 16
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 16

Step 3. Eliminate the opportunity to commit suicide

This means that you should immediately be with people who can prevent you from committing suicide. Opportunity comes when you are alone. If you are contemplating suicide, you should be with friends, family members, neighbors, or anyone else who can make you feel less lonely and reduce your chances of committing suicide. If you really are suicidal, ask for help right away!

Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 17
Prevent Suicidal Thoughts Step 17

Step 4. Be patient

Time may not heal your wounds yet, but it can make things seem more pleasant. It may be difficult to get through these times, but you have to understand that suicidal thoughts are not going to make the world go any faster. You have to be strong and not give up. There will definitely be developments over time. You are the one who determines your own destiny. You may not be able to see that the situation is getting better, but it's actually getting better.

Continue to care for yourself, even if you are no longer suicidal. Always put your mental health first, even if you haven't thought about committing suicide for a month. Exercising, getting enough rest, and being kind to yourself can have a big impact on your mental health


  • If you really feel like you can't go on with your life, call 500-454. They can help you. That's their job. Just because you need help doesn't mean you have a problem. In the end we are all just human.
  • Just because you're suicidal doesn't mean you're a bad person. You just have a hard time understanding what's going on in your life and how to deal with it. The best thing you can do is stay calm and believe that over time, things will get better.
  • No one said dealing with suicidal ideation was easy. However, if you can get help from other people and are willing to accept it, things will get better for you.
  • Patience doesn't come from within you naturally. Only you can help yourself to be more patient. You can also rely on family and friends to help you during the time of suicidal ideation.
