Break dance dancers who are adept at performing the "worm" movement are able to display attractions that invite admiration at parties or in public places. If you're interested in learning this move, take the time to practice by doing a few sets of moves according to the instructions below. Find a place to practice that is spacious and has a soft surface. You can show the ability to dance "worm" if you have mastered this movement well.
Part 1 of 3: Making Initial Moves

Step 1. Lie on your stomach on a soft surface
Find a place to practice that is spacious so you can move freely. Make sure you practice in an area with a soft surface, such as on a carpeted floor, on a grassy court, or in a dance studio with a foam rubber mat.

Step 2. Bend your toes up
When lying on your stomach, make sure your toes press firmly on the floor. Don't straighten your toes. Pull the soles of the feet towards the knees so that you are on tiptoe while resting on the toes.
Wear sneakers while doing the worm to keep your toes well supported as you press the floor and land

Step 3. Place your palms on the floor directly under your shoulders
While bending your elbows, place your palms under your shoulders like you want to do a push up. Make sure you place your palms comfortably on the floor in the proper position as you will need to lift your upper body with your hands while dancing.

Step 4. Throw both feet up while resting on both palms
Make sure you throw your feet up with maximum force because this is the time to create momentum. Press your toes firmly into the floor and then throw your feet up while bending your knees. Try to raise the soles of the feet as high as possible until they are vertically above the waist.
- Bring your feet together and press both feet to the floor at the same time. Your feet should be pressed together from the soles of the feet to the thighs as you perform the worm movement.
- You need to keep your feet together so that your feet are fully lifted, not just from the knees down. Try to lift your thighs and hips off the floor as you swing forward.
Part 2 of 3: Finishing and Redoing Worm. Movements

Step 1. Arch your back back then swing your body forward while resting on your stomach
When you throw your feet up, your body will swing forward as you arch your back back. You have to lift your head so your chin doesn't hit the floor. When your legs are thrown up, your weight is almost entirely on your chest if you use the right technique when swinging forward.
Place your palms on the floor if you want to make the first move. When starting the second movement, your palms should be slightly off the floor because the first movement ends by pushing your upper body up

Step 2. Straighten both legs
While doing this step, you need to do several things at the same time. Once you've thrown your feet as high as possible so that your weight rests on your chest and palms, try to straighten your legs as you move your feet down to the floor.
As your legs are straightened, use the strength of your arms to push your upper body up by pressing your palms firmly against the floor. This movement makes the weight move to the feet

Step 3. Push your upper body up as you straighten your legs
You need to put a lot of energy into this step. As your feet move down, push your upper body away from the floor. For beginners, this step needs to be mastered as well as possible so that you are able to do the worm movement correctly.
So that you can push your upper body with both palms, do push ups every day to increase upper body and arm strength

Step 4. Raise your buttocks after straightening your legs
Once your legs are straight, bend forward starting at the waist as if you were doing sit ups facing the floor to lift your buttocks. Make sure your legs are straight so you land on your toes.

Step 5. Use your toes to support when your feet touch the floor
The last position in the previous step, the body hovers above the floor with the palms and toes almost touching the floor. Make sure your first toe touches the floor as you land and then prepare to return to the starting position by lowering your knees.

Step 6. Repeat this movement by throwing both legs up while swinging forward
Straighten when your toes touch the floor and arch your back as your body approaches the floor. Swing your body forward so that you are back on the floor, starting with your toes, knees, thighs, stomach, chest, palms.
- Throw your legs up again as you did earlier, arching your back so that you swing forward.
- Repeat this movement as desired. The movement of the worm is easier to master if you do it over and over again without breaking. In addition, your movements look very much like a walking worm.
- Don't give up once you know the series of steps you need to learn. Let the body move according to the instructions above and practice diligently.
Part 3 of 3: Practicing Worm. Moves

Step 1. Find a place to practice that is spacious and has a soft surface
To avoid bumping or bruising while learning to do the worm, make sure you practice in a space with less furniture, in a dance studio with a foam rubber mat, or on a grass-free course.
If you experience severe bruising during the first few sessions, wait for it to recover before practicing again

Step 2. Have someone video you practice as a means of making improvements
Find a friend or family member who is willing to video your worm moves so you can see and evaluate. Pay attention to the movements that are not good and then try to fix them.
If you don't want your video to be made public, remind the people who are helping you not to upload it online

Step 3. Show off your skills at a party or in a community of break dance dancers
If you can already do the worm movement well, dare to dance in front of an audience. Your friends will be impressed that you are able to perform difficult moves after practicing on your own. Who knows, they will be willing to provide input for improvement or teach other movements that can be done together.