Although in practice twerking has been around for twenty years, since Miley Cyrus did it on stage at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards, twerking has suddenly become very popular. This dance move for women focuses on swaying the buttocks and focuses on hip and body movements. Some people find twerking fun, funny, or even weird, but this dance has now become a part of dance culture. You can follow this trend and learn how to “twerking” by following Step 1 of your preferred method.
Method 1 of 3: Squat and Shake Twerk Method

Step 1. Squat down
It's best not to squat too low, the important thing is that you feel comfortable and balanced. Try not to extend your knees too far beyond the tips of your toes to avoid injury. Stand with your feet apart, your body down toward the ground, and your feet facing outward. This will help you maintain balance once you start rocking. This is the most common way of twerking, as well as a less-than-fun style.
Play music at a fast, fun beat, then start practicing. Start with a slightly slower twerking to get the hang of the basics, then increase the tempo as you get comfortable

Step 2. Stick out your buttocks and lean on it
Position yourself as if you were going to sit in a chair--your butt should be the center of attention. Don't forget to keep your knees bent and on your hips. Keep your upper body straight with your gaze forward. To be able to twerk effectively, you don't have to look down.
While you're waiting, move your body support to the tips of your toes. This movement is called the "Twerk Miley". If you don't want to be too provocative, you don't need to be too lean, and keep your chest straight

Step 3. Rock your buttocks back and forth
If you are more comfortable with your hands on your hips when twerking, you can press your thumbs against your buttocks to help push your hips forward; To pull the buttocks back, use the other finger. If you're more comfortable twerking without using your hands, you can raise your arms straight in front of you, close together and parallel to the floor, then swing them as you rock.
- For “Twerk Miley”, rock your hips left and right in a fast motion; For a standard twerk, move your buttocks up and down, arching and straightening your back. This can make for a nice move. Don't worry if your butt isn't too big. Anyone can do this.
- Basically, twerking is a lower body dance. As much as possible, keep your upper body in a stable position.
- You can also vary the hand movements. Lift and store in front, on the side, or place on the waist.
- In addition, you can also squat even lower. Keep your hands on your knees; with fingers facing each other and wrists facing out. Move your buttocks with the help of both hands as a support.
- If you want, you can also stick out your tongue like Miley or use your hands like what Miley brought on the MTV VMA stage.
Method 2 of 3: Wall Twerk Method

Step 1. Stand about half a meter away from a solid wall
Your back to the wall is not too far away so that the wall is still visible from the corner of your eye. This method is the most striking. Make sure you're not drunk when twerk this method, or you'll fall over. When you try this method, make sure that you have mastered the twerking movement. This method is not for beginners.
You must have a strong upper body and good body coordination to do this method

Step 2. Place your hands on the floor
For this method, make sure you can touch and rest on the floor because your feet will climb the wall. Don't fall. The entire palm of the hand should touch the floor to help balance. Raise your buttocks as high as possible to make it easier for your feet to climb the wall. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, about 25-30 cm in front of your feet. Pile the body on both hands.
The torso and upper body will be more or less in a handstand position. Fingers facing forward

Step 3. Both feet will climb the wall and bend your knees while rocking your buttocks
First, place one foot on the wall, raise it until you feel comfortable and stable, then raise the other leg to the same position. The legs should be quite far apart, at a distance of about 25-30 cm from each hip. Place the tips of your toes firmly against the wall and begin arching your back and straightening it again, like a basic twerk. Make sure your arms and upper body remain strong and stable as you move your lower body (which is now on top of your upper body). This position is similar to “hand twerk on the floor”-only this time you do it while climbing up a wall..
- Aim to stay against the wall for thirty seconds, or even a minute or the entire length of a short song, but keep in mind that your hands and shoulders will start to feel tired after a while.
- This move is also a great opportunity to get someone to join in on the twerking dance.
- Don't fall when you fall off the wall. Lower the legs one by one. You can continue "hand twerk on the floor" after both feet have dropped or stop twerking for a while until you're ready to Miley again.
Method 3 of 3: Hand Twerk Method on Floor

Step 1. Stand with your feet parallel and apart
Straighten your legs and position your torso facing forward. The distance between the legs should be wider than the hips. If it's too tight, it will be difficult for you to tune and twerk effectively.

Step 2. Place your hands on the floor
Position the tips of the toes facing out and then wait. You can bend your knees slightly so that your hands can touch the floor even if it's just the tips of your fingers. If you have a flexible body, it won't be difficult for you to touch the floor with your entire palm. Your hands will help you maintain balance.

Step 3. Stick out your buttocks and lean on it
Bend and straighten your legs quickly, focusing on the menunggging movement. Do this in sync with the music playing. You can also wiggle and move your buttocks. For a regular twerk, just arch your back and then straighten it again, so that your butt moves up and down. For a Miley twerk, quickly rock your hips left and right.
- Don't wear jeans or other tights to move your buttocks more easily.
- Don't forget to open and spread your legs when twerking.
- Wear shorts that show your buttocks.
- Think of it like you're alone and do whatever you want while twerking.
- When doing "wall twerk", do not let you fall off the wall.
- Before doing the “wall twerk”, tie your hair so it doesn't cover your face.