If you want to wow your Star Trek fans (often called Trekkies); or simply looking to immerse yourself deeper into the Star Trek universe, consider learning the Klingon language. Perhaps traditionally, this language is not a “real” language; but this language is very real in the sense that it has its own grammar and structure. For casual use, you can focus on learning some important key phrases. There are several resources available if you want to delve deeper into the language.
Method 1 of 2: Key Sentences

Step 1. Make sure you know how to pronounce the letters in Klingon
Overall this language is meant to be spoken firmly in a hoarse tone. Each letter has a specific way of being pronounced and you will have to learn how to pronounce the letter before you can pronounce the word correctly.
- The following letters with lowercase "b," "ch," "j," "l," "m," "n," "p," "t," "v," and "w" are pronounced the same as in English.
- The lowercase "a" is pronounced like the word "ah" in English or "father" in Indonesian.
- The lowercase "e" is pronounced like the short "e" in the word "jet".
- The uppercase "I" is pronounced like the short "i" as in "arrival" or "love".
- Lowercase "o" is pronounced like a long "o" like "note" or "quota".
- The lowercase "u" is pronounced like the long "u" in English as in "you" or "prune".
- The uppercase "D" has the same pronunciation as in English or Indonesian. But you should touch the tip of your tongue at the highest/deepest point on your palate; and not on the front (behind the teeth) as in English or Indonesian.
- The uppercase "H" makes a rough sound in the throat, similar to the "h" in German "Bach". Let it not sound. No different is that the letter "gh" is considered a single letter in Klingon. This sound is made at the back of the throat like a gargling sound, similar to the "H" in Klingon, but with a sound.
- The letter "ng" is considered a single letter in Klingon but is pronounced like "ng" in Indonesian or English.
- The lowercase "q" is the same as the "k" in English and Indonesian but is made deeper in the throat. Your tongue should touch the tongue or open your throat. The capital “Q”, on the other hand, is similar to the lowercase “q” but must be immediately followed by the Klingon “H” sound.
- The lowercase "r" is similar to Indonesian, but is rolled up more.
- The uppercase "S" is similar to the English "sh", with the tongue closer to the mouth than to the teeth.
- The letter "tlh" is considered a single letter in Klingon. Start with a "t" sound but drop your tongue to the side of your mouth instead of going straight down. From here, make an "I" sound.
- Lowercase "y" is pronounced like in Indonesian like "yang" or "yes"
- The single apostrophe (') is considered a letter in the Klingon language. This letter has the same sound in English as words that start with a vowel like "uh" or "ah". The sound is basically like a soft catch or pause in the throat. In Klingon, it can be used in the middle of a word.

Step 2. Greet your Trekkies friends with "nuqneH
"This is the same as "hello", " but has a closer meaning to "What do you want?"

Step 3. Answer the questions with "HIja'" or "HISlaH," or with "ghobe'
"The first one means "yes" and the next one means "no".

Step 4. Tell me if you understand the word "jYaj"
Rough translation means "I understand". On the other hand "jYajbe'" means "don't understand".

Step 5. Express your praise or approval with "maj" or "majQa'
The first one means “Good!” and secondly “Great”.

Step 6. Ask a fellow Trekkies if he can speak Klingon by saying "tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a', which literally means "Do you speak Klingon?
” Or if someone asks you that question but you're not sure about your Klingon abilities, you can answer “tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhaHbe',” or “I don't speak Klingon”.

Step 7. Show your honor by proudly declaring, “"Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam
"Which means "Today is a good day to die," and is an important phrase in Klingon culture.

Step 8. Prove that you are a Klingon by stating, "Please maH
"The sentence means, "We are Klingons," you can also say "please don't" or "I'm a Klingon."

Step 9. Ask where is the bathroom with, "nuqDaq 'oH puchpa e'. "Every species needs a bathroom and Klingons are no exception. If you can't find the nearest bathroom in a science fiction exhibition, for example, you can ask in Klingon, which means, "where is the bathroom?"

Step 10. Ask what time with, "'arlogh Qoylu'pu'?
"which translates to "what time is it?" or literally means, “How many times has that been heard?”

Step 11. Humiliate your enemies with "Hab SoSlI' Quch
"which means, "Your mother has a smooth forehead!" Klingons are notorious for the wrinkles on their foreheads, and claiming that one's mother doesn't have such wrinkles is a stern insult.

Step 12. Prepare to attack your enemy with "cha yIbaH qara'DI'
"Translated to mean, "Fire the torpedo!"

Step 13. Ask for a good place to eat with "nuqDaq 'oH Qe' QaQ'e'
"Which means, "Where's a good restaurant?"

Step 14. Ask if the seat is empty with, "quSDaq ba'lu''a'
If you want to sit next to a Trekkie you don't formally know, you can use this phrase to ask, "Is this seat empty?"

Step 15. Throw the next insult with "mapQ
"Which can also be written as "p'tahk," "pahtk," "pahtak" or "p'tak." This is a common insult that cannot be translated into Indonesian, but roughly translates to "stupid", "coward" or “dishonorable person.” Use this term to describe a person who lacks the spirit of chivalry.
Method 2 of 2: Learn More

Step 1. Join a Klingon language group
One of the most comprehensive and well-known is The Klingon Language Institute.. But you can also do some research on the internet to find other fan groups. Try accessing the free information the group provides to see if you are really interested in learning the language. Some of these groups also offer official memberships, which will provide more access to information and events.

Step 2. Listen to the language
Once you've learned the alphabet and a few words, check out online videos or buy a CD or DVD of Klingon speaking experts. This way, you can learn Klingon by imitation. Listening to audio files, you can find out how Klingon words are pronounced and using video files, can help you see how to shape your mouth to make similar sounds.

Step 3. Look for the Klingon language dictionary
You can buy them online or in bookstores, you can also find free dictionaries to download. The Klingon dictionary works like any other language dictionary. Most will have a Klingon to English section and vice versa, so you can translate terms and sentences back and forth.

Step 4. Download the Klingon font
While you can spell and read Klingon using the Latin alphabet, there are actually some special characters used for some words and sounds. You can learn these letters by doing some research on the internet and Klingon books. Once you're comfortable with the new alphabet, you can download the font used in their alphabet to help with your digital communication in Klingon.

Step 5. Read works written in Klingon
One good way to practice a language is to practice reading. You can download or purchase books, magazines, poems or short stories written in Klingon. Some of these books even include works written in other languages such as Shakespeare's.