Giving a teddy bear to children or loved ones is not something that is rarely done, but giving your own teddy bear will certainly make this gift even more special. If you want to use your sewing skills, then you can give your teddy bear a personal touch, and then give it to your special someone.
Method 1 of 2: Using Socks

Step 1. Place the sock on a flat place
Place the socks so the soles of the feet are facing up. This will form a crease on the heel.

Step 2. Cut the sock to form the head
Draw a circle at the end of the sock, using the arch of the big toe as the base. Add ears at the top of the circle so that the shape of the bear's head can be seen. This image should only take up a quarter of the length of the sock. Cut the sock just above the line of the bear's ears. Once this is cut out, slightly cut the bottom of the circle to make a hole for the bear's neck.

Step 3. Cut the socks to make the arms and legs
Just above the heel, you'll find the part of the sock that goes around the foot. Start just above the arch where the heel ends and cut to the seam of the sock's edge, thus dividing it into two halves. Cut at the midpoint of the long sock. The end will be split in half to make the bear's arm. Make a short cut in the middle of the wide section, until you reach the edge of the heel. Thus you have formed the body and legs of the teddy bear.

Step 4. Fill and sew the doll's head
Turn the head inside out and then use a sewing machine or your hands to sew the top of the head tightly shut. After the meeting, turn back and fill the doll's head. Sew the neck to close once you get the head shape you want.
You can buy the stuffing material used for stuffing dolls at the store. Or you can also use cotton balls or strips of cloth to fill your doll

Step 5. Fill and sew the doll's body
Turn the doll's body part inside out and use a sewing machine or hand to sew the legs together. Once tightly closed, turn back and then fill the body of the doll. Sew the neck after you get the shape of the doll you want.

Step 6. Unite the head with the doll's body
Sew the head to the doll's body with your hands or use a regular running stitch or saddle stitch.

Step 7. Sew the sleeves of the doll
Cut the remaining sock in half to make doll sleeves. Sew until partially closed and then fill. Combine it with the doll's body once it's the shape you want.

Step 8. Done
Your teddy bear is ready! You can add buttons for the eyes or create a nose shape with thick thread.
Method 2 of 2: Using Felt Kain

Step 1. Make the doll's arms
Cut four rabbit ear shapes. This shape will make the doll's arm. Sew two pieces of fabric together by hand or machine your preferred basic stitch to make one sleeve each. Leave a bit of the cut open to fill the doll's arm.

Step 2. Make the doll's legs
Repeat the previous step but with a slightly larger shape to form the doll's legs. You can adjust the shape of the legs to make them look different.

Step 3. Draw and make the shape of the doll's head
Draw the front of the doll's head that you want for your teddy bear. Cut two pieces of fabric according to this shape. Then sew together from the neck to the nose.

Step 4. Cut the gusset for the head
Cut the gusset, or middle piece, to go between the two head pieces you already cut and sewed. Draw out a shape like a men's tie and make it long enough to reach between the point of the nose, all the way around to the back of the neck. You will need to line it up at the neck and pin it in place before sewing.

Step 5. Sew the gusset in place
After you've drawn and cut out the head shape, sew the knot in between the two doll heads making up the doll's head.

Step 6. Create the doll's body
Now you need to make the doll's body. Start by cutting the fabric into two rectangular shapes. Then make rounded cuts at each corner. Sew these corners together, along the long section, leaving your loop open. The arms and legs will be joined to the doll's body in this circle.

Step 7. Turn the fabric inside out
You can use a pencil tin to help you. Flipping the fabric will hide the stitches you made.

Step 8. Fill and unite the doll's head
Fill the doll's head beforehand and sew it to the top of the doll's body, at the opening of the short end.
A little stuffing might come out, but that's okay

Step 9. Bring the arms and legs together
Now sew the sleeves on the top circle. Join one of the doll's legs in the same way, but leave the other leg. Stuff the doll and then sew the last leg.

Step 10. Cut and join the doll's ears
Cut out the ear shape and make a semicircle shape. Fold this shape in half and then sew it to the doll's head.

Step 11. Shape the doll's face
Add facial features such as the mouth and nose by sewing buttons or sewing thick threads.

Step 12. Sew the buttons as eyes
Now you can sew the buttons as doll eyes. Use buttons if you want or buy doll eyes at a sewing shop.
The eye shape made with thick thread stitches is more suitable for children who still like to put things in their mouths

Step 13. Congratulations
You have successfully made your own doll! Take care of your doll or give it to someone as a gift.
- Sew tightly so your doll can last longer.
- You can also give your doll clothes.
- Make sure to make tight seams.
- If you're making doll clothes, choose a cute material (if it's a girl doll) you can use pink fabric or make pajamas, tracksuits or overalls, and so on.
- Children should always be considered when trying to make their own dolls.
- Scissors and thread are sharp objects, so be careful when using them.