Teddy bears are a cute and cuddly keepsake and toy for children and adults alike. If you want to make a teddy bear, it's very easy! You can use any type of fabric, sew it by machine or hand, and personalize it to your taste. Try making a teddy bear for yourself or as a gift for someone special.
Method 1 of 3: Cutting the Fabric

Step 1. Choose a soft fabric with the color and pattern you want
You can use any type of fabric, but make sure it's enough to make two pattern sheets. For a 38 x 20 cm teddy bear, you will need about 0.5 m of fabric.
Tip: For added sentimentality, use fabric from an old pillowcase, favorite T-shirt, or baby blanket to make a teddy bear. Make sure you don't feel bad when you have to cut it.

Step 2. Draw or print a teddy bear template for cutting the fabric
You can find teddy bear templates online or draw your own on paper. You can determine the size of the bear as you wish.
If you are printing a template, you can adjust the size of the bear by enlarging or reducing the image before printing it

Step 3. Cut according to the pattern on the paper
Use sharp scissors to cut the template. Cut slowly and follow the lines carefully to make sure you don't produce jagged edges. Discard any paper residue after you have cut the template.
Make sure the template has taken into account the width of the hem. If not, cut about 1.5 cm beyond the pattern line to make a hem

Step 4. Fold a piece of fabric in half and place the pattern on it
Flatten the fabric so that there are no bubbles or bumps. Clamp the paper pattern onto the fabric. Make sure you pinch the two layers of fabric together so they don't slip when you cut them. Place the pins at a distance of 5 – 7.5 cm across the edges of the pattern.

Step 5. Cut the fabric along the edges of the paper pattern
Use sharp scissors to cut the fabric along the paper pattern. Do it slowly so that the edges of the fabric are not jagged. When you're done cutting, remove the needle and set the pattern aside.
You can save the pattern and use it again to make more dolls
Method 2 of 3: Sewing Teddy bear

Step 1. Pin the two pieces of fabric together, the outer edges of the fabric (usually a lighter color) should be facing each other
Make sure both sides are snug. Pinch using a pin every 5 – 7.5 cm along the outer edge of the fabric. However, leave about 7.5 cm of opening in the legs.
This opening will be used to turn the fabric and insert the stuffing for the bear's body

Step 2. Sew straight to attach the two parts of the fabric
You can do this by machine or by hand. If you're using a machine, choose the straight sewing feature which is usually number 1. Sew along the pinned area with the needle to join the two pieces of fabric together. If you're sewing by hand, thread a multipurpose thread of your desired color into the needle and sew straight along the edge of the fabric to hold the two fabrics together. Leave a distance of about 1.5 cm from the ends of the fabric.
- Remember, you'll need to make an opening in the leg area so you can turn the fabric over when you're done sewing.
- Remove the needle while sewing.
Warning: If you are using a machine, do not sew on the needle as this may damage the machine.

Step 3. Make a notch along the edge of the hem
When you're done sewing, use sharp scissors to make a 0.5cm cut along the edge. This incision will reduce the bulge in the doll's arches.
Don't let you cut the hem. Make nicks in the fabric along the hem

Step 4. Turn the inside outwards
Use the opening you made in the leg to pull the fabric from the inside out. You can also use a wooden spoon to push the fabric outwards especially at the ends of the bear's arms, legs, and ears.

Step 5. Insert the stuffing of the teddy bear through the opening in the leg
Push the stuffing through the openings in the bear's paws all the way to the ends of the legs, arms, ears, and head. Keep adding stuffing until the bear is rounded. Use a wooden spoon to push the filling into hard-to-reach areas, such as the tips of your feet and hands.
You can use dacron, cotton balls, leftover fabric, or even woven yarn to fill the teddy bear

Step 6. Pinch the bear's paw using a pin
Once you feel that there is enough bear filling, fold the edges of the fabric along the opening. Press the edges of the fabric to seal the opening and insert the filling back into the leg if needed. Use 2 to 3 pins to secure the two fabrics along the opening.

Step 7. Sew by hand along the area you have pinched to close the leg
Thread the thread into the needle. Use the same color you used for the hem and then tie a knot at the end of the thread. Insert the needle at a position about 0.5 cm from the clamped edge. Bring the needle out from the other side at a distance of 0.5 cm. Pull the needle all the way, pull the thread tight, and repeat. Continue sewing until the opening is tightly closed.
- Make a knot to lock the thread at the end of the hem and cut the remaining thread about 0.5 cm from the knot you made.
- Make sure you remove the needle when you are finished sewing.
Method 3 of 3: Decorating the Teddy Bear

Step 1. Draw the eyes, nose, and mouth on the fabric to easily create the face
If you have a fabric marker you can use, use it to draw the face of a teddy bear. Draw eyes, nose and mouth. You can make the doll look happy, sad, angry, or surprised.
For example, you could draw two circles with a dot in the middle and raised eyebrows for a surprised face, a big smile with teeth for a happy face, or straight lines for a neutral expression
Tip: Make sure the markers you use are permanent so they don't fade or disappear when the bear is washed.

Step 2. Sew 3 buttons for the eyes and nose
This will make your bear look cute and look like it's homemade. Thread the thread into the needle and sew two buttons on the face for the bear's eyes and one button on the nose. Out insert the needle into the fabric and through the holes in each button to secure it. Cut the thread as close to the button as possible.
- You can attach the buttons before sewing the two fabrics on the front and back of the bear. You will be able to make a knot at the back of the fabric so the button will be tighter.
- Try using two equal-sized buttons for the eyes and one larger button for the nose.

Step 3. Use glue for the eyes, nose and mouth if you don't want to draw or sew
Another way to attach parts of a bear's face is to use fabric glue or a hot glue gun. Choose buttons, plastic eyes, or fabric to make a bear face. Apply glue to the fabric where you will attach the buttons, plastic eyes, or fabric for the bear's face and press down. Allow the fabric glue to dry overnight or allow the hot glue to dry for 30 minutes. Do not move the bear until the glue is completely dry.
If you are using a hot glue gun, allow the gun to warm up for at least 10 minutes before using it. Be careful. Don't let the glue get on your skin because it could burn your skin

Step 4. Add embellishments to make the bear feel personal
For a special finishing touch, make a ribbon around the neck, put on a t-shirt, or write the bear's name on a small piece of cloth and stick it like a name tag. You can also add pictures, extra buttons, or paste patches.
- For example, you can attach 3 buttons vertically on a bear's belly to make it look like the buttons on a shirt.
- Or make a heart-shaped patch and stick it on the bear's chest where the heart is.