You can go hiking or camping to enjoy nature in a fun way. However, if you travel in unfamiliar areas, you can lose track and get lost. While you should always carry a compass with you when you go hiking or camping, there are several ways to find your way without a compass. It's a good idea to study them before your next long trip just in case.
Method 1 of 5: Using the North Star at Night in the Northern Hemisphere
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 1 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 1](
Step 1. Find the constellation Big Dipper
The Big Dipper is made up of the seven brightest stars in the sky, and can be found in the high or low northern skies, depending on the season. The Big Dipper also rotates around the North Star. This is why this star is important when looking for direction in the northern hemisphere. As long as you are no less than 23.5 degrees north latitude, the constellation is always above the horizon. In this constellation four stars form the scoop, while the other three form the handle of the dipper.
For those of you who live in a four-season climate, remember the phrase “spring up, fall down” to find out where the sky is to look when looking for the Big Dipper constellation according to the season. In spring and summer, this constellation is high in the sky, while in autumn and winter, it is near the horizon
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 2 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 2](
Step 2. Use the pointer stars to find the North Star
Whatever the season, the two stars that make up the outer edge of the Big Dipper's bucket always point toward the North Star. If you draw a line from the pointing stars to the next brightest star, you'll find the North Star.
If you're having trouble finding the North Star, straighten your arms and spread your fingers. The distance between the top pointer star and the North Star should be the same as the distance between the thumb and middle finger
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 3 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 3](
Step 3. Find north
Unlike the Big Dipper, the North Star is always in the same place in the sky, and never shifts more than 1 degree from true north. This means that when you face the North Star in the sky, you are already facing north. Thus, your back is facing south, your right side is facing east, and your left side is facing west.
- This method is best used for finding direction when the night sky is clear. If the sky is cloudy or overcast, the Big Dipper will not be easy to find.
- If you're in an area where there are mountains, trees, or other objects blocking the view of the sky, the North Star will also be difficult to find.
Method 2 of 5: Using Two Sticks at Night in the Northern Hemisphere
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 4 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 4](
Step 1. Plant a stick in the ground
Try to find a stick that is about 60 cm long and stick it into the ground so that it stands up straight. You also need to find a stick that is as straight as possible. Once the stick is firmly planted in the ground, sit or squat next to the stick so that the top end is at eye level.
Use a tent pole if you can't find a stick that's long enough
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 5 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 5](
Step 2. Place the taller stick next to the first level
This second stick is about 90-120 cm high so that its tip is higher than the end of the first stick. From your sitting or squatting position, use the ends of the two levels to make a straight line with the bright stars in the sky. You may need to move the wand slightly so that it is aligned with the star.
You'll know the wands are arranged correctly if you can draw a line between the eyes, the tips of the wands, and the stars
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 6 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 6](
Step 3. Wait a few minutes
You need to wait for the star to “move”. Remember, the stars are not actually moving, but the earth is rotating. Patience is the key to the success of this method. You may need to wait 5 minutes to half an hour to notice movement. The way the stars "move" will help you find your direction in the Northern Hemisphere.
- If the star is moving up, it means you are facing east.
- If the star is moving down, it means you are facing west.
- If the star moves to the right, it means you are facing south.
- If the star moves to the left, it means you are facing north.
- In some cases, the star may appear to be moving in both directions. For example, a star might move up and to the right, which means you're facing southeast.
Method 3 of 5: Using the Crescent
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 7 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 7](
Step 1. Confirm whether you are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere
Depending on which hemisphere you are in, the crescent moon will help you find the direction south or north. The Northern Hemisphere is the part of the earth that is above the equator. In contrast, the Southern Hemisphere is the area of the earth below the equator.
- All of North America and Europe are in the Northern Hemisphere. The top half of South America, two-thirds of Africa, and most of Asia are also in the Northern Hemisphere.
- Australia, Antarctica, southern Africa and 90 percent of South America, as well as some offshore islands in Asia are in the Southern Hemisphere.
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 8 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 8](
Step 2. Find the crescent moon
This method can only be used when the moon is in the waxing or waning phase, which only occurs 7 days a month. The crescent phase usually appears at the beginning and end of the month.
If you're not sure the crescent moon will appear at night, there are online calendars that tell you the phase of the moon for each month. You can simply enter “moon phases calendar” or “moon phases calendar” into the search engine in your browser
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 9 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 9](
Step 3. Draw a line from the “horn” of the moon towards the horizon
While looking at the moon, draw the line where the two horns meet up to the horizon. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, the meeting point on the horizon indicates north.
If you have trouble drawing a line from the moon to the horizon, use a stick as a guide
Method 4 of 5: Using an Analog Watch during the Day
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 10 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 10](
Step 1. Make sure your watch is accurate
To do this, you'll need to have an analog watch whose hands tell the time accurately. Make sure your watch is working properly, and that both hands are moving properly.
You won't be able to use this method if you're wearing a digital watch
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 11 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 11](
Step 2. Hold the watch so that it is parallel to the ground
It's also best if the watch is on a flat surface. You can remove the watch and place it in the palm of your hand. Hold it in front of you like using a compass.
Usually a watch is easier to hold if your free hand supports the hand holding the watch
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 12 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 12](
Step 3. Position the clock according to the location of your hemisphere
The way you find directions with your watch varies depending on where you are on the earth. If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, position your watch so the short hand is pointing at the sun. If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, point the "12" on your watch toward the sun.
- In the Northern Hemisphere, look for the direction the number “12” on the watch is pointing. The direction halfway between the number 12 and the short hand of the watch is south. Thus, the direction behind it is north.
- If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, look where the short hand of the watch is pointing at the number “12”. The direction indicated by the middle of the 12 and the short hand of the watch is north. Thus, the direction behind it is south.
- During daylight savings time (DST), which usually occurs in the spring to early fall, the direction of the sign will be slightly off. To make sure the direction found is accurate, speed up the short hand of the watch by an hour.
Method 5 of 5: Paying Attention to Nature during the Day
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 13 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 13](
Step 1. Evaluate the tree on the heaviest side
Trees are rarely symmetrical because usually one side grows more than the other. This is because trees need sunlight to grow, and parts that are often exposed to sunlight will appear heavier. In the Northern Hemisphere, the sun is usually in the southern part of the sky. So, the heavy part of the tree usually points towards the south. In the Southern Hemisphere, the heaviest part of the tree usually points north.
- So that you can accurately determine the heaviest side of the tree, go around the tree several times. If you only see from one side, the heavy part of the tree will be difficult to determine.
- This method is easiest to do on a single tree trunk in an open area. In the tree area, the trees compete for light. Therefore, the direction of tree growth will not be too obvious.
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 14 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 14](
Step 2. Notice the moss on the tree
Usually, moss grows on the side of the tree that is not exposed to the sun. In the Northern Hemisphere, moss usually grows on the north-facing side of trees. In the Southern Hemisphere, mosses usually grow on the south-facing side of trees.
You have to keep in mind other factors that cause the side of the tree to not get the sun and so overgrown with moss. Trees grow in the forest so that the sun's rays are covered by other trees, and trees growing on sloping ground will point in the wrong direction
![Find Direction Without a Compass Step 15 Find Direction Without a Compass Step 15](
Step 3. Find a giant barrel cactus in the desert
This cactus is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, and grows obliquely towards the south. This is because the north side of the plant is protected from the sun so it grows faster. If you find a giant barrel cactus, the direction it shows is south, and the opposite direction is north.
The giant barrel cactus usually grows to a height of about 90-270 cm, and has red, brown, or yellow spines. Old cacti sometimes have orange or yellow flowers
- Whatever method you use, practice until you become proficient. Repeat your chosen method several times and test the results using a compass. Thus, you can assess the accuracy of your assessment results.
- If you get lost on a small, remote road that forms a grid pattern, eventually it will meet a major road that will help you find your way.