How to Identify Hickory Trees: 13 Steps

How to Identify Hickory Trees: 13 Steps
How to Identify Hickory Trees: 13 Steps

Table of contents:


Hickory – which belongs to the walnut family – is a type of canopy tree that lives in eastern North America, although other hickory species have been found in Europe, Africa and Asia. Hickory trees produce hard, strong, and shock-resistant wood. This wood is generally used to make tool handles, furniture, and architectural decorative elements. In addition, many types of hickory are used to prepare food. Hickory wood can also be useful in survival situations. This guide will help you to identify any hickory tree so you can work on everything you need.


Part 1 of 2: Hickory or Not?

Identify Hickory Trees Step 1
Identify Hickory Trees Step 1

Step 1. Look at the leaves

The features that distinguish hickory leaves from the leaves of other trees are:

  • There are several long and narrow leaves growing on each branch.
  • Leaf size. Depending on the species, hickory leaves may measure between 2 inches (5.08 cm) to 8 inches (20.32 cm) in length.
  • Serrated ends. Some may have sharp teeth, while others are more rounded.
Identify Hickory Trees Step 2
Identify Hickory Trees Step 2

Step 2. Look at the shape of the branch

Hickory leaves grow from a special branch or the so-called spine. Hickory spine features include:

  • It has 5 to 17 leaves.
  • The leaves grow together in pairs on opposite sides, parallel to the branch, with a single leaf extending from the tip.
  • Leaves appear larger near the tip of the spine.
Identify Hickory Trees Step 3
Identify Hickory Trees Step 3

Step 3. Look at the skin

Hickory trees have bark that forms wrinkles in a vertical pattern. These wrinkles may be shallow or deep, far apart or close together, but are always vertical. In addition, some of the hickory bark rises at the ends as the tree matures and will peel off from top to bottom eventually.

Identify Hickory Trees Step 4
Identify Hickory Trees Step 4

Step 4. Look at the seeds

Hickory seeds have a tough outer shell or husk. This skin starts at the green but will harden and turn dark to light brown with a stripe around the center. The thickness of the skin may vary depending on the species, but the filling will be white or light brown and about the size of a gum.

Identify Hickory Trees Step 5
Identify Hickory Trees Step 5

Step 5. See the gist

The essence of a tree is the main column of its branches. All hickory trees have a hard, brownish, 5-sided core. Look at the end of the branch where you cut it from the tree. If you see the 5 sides or the center of the brown star-shaped, then this branch already gives 2 characteristics of a hickory tree. To see if the core is firm, cut the branch into small pieces and cut it in half along the length of the branch. If the branch is hard with no center that looks like a sponge or honeycomb, then the core is hard.

Part 2 of 2: Identifying the Hickory Type

Identify Hickory Trees Step 6
Identify Hickory Trees Step 6

Step 1. Get to know the Southern shagbark hickory (Carya caronlinae septentrionalis)

This tree grows on limestone soil. The leaves are serrated and sharp-tipped and grow as many as 5 sheets in one spine. The branches are thick and brown, the bark is scaly and rises at the ends giving it a rough appearance. The fruit, which can grow to between 1.2 inches (3 cm) and 2 inches (5 cm) long, is oval and round and covered by a thick, dark skin. The fruit has a sweet flesh.

Identify Hickory Trees Step 7
Identify Hickory Trees Step 7

Step 2. Get to know the Bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis)

This species grows in moist forests also known as riverside steam. The leaves, which grow as many as 9 pieces on the spine, are broad and smooth at the edges. Bitternut hickory berries grow to between 0.8 inches (2 cm) and 1.6 inches (4 cm) long, and are covered by a thin, dark brown skin. Bitter essence, as the name of the plant. Bitternut twigs are thin and green and have unique yellow shoots. The branches are light grayish brown and do not split deep enough to peel.

Identify Hickory Trees Step 8
Identify Hickory Trees Step 8

Step 3. Get to know the hickory Pignut (Carya glabra)

This tree grows on a wide ridge. The leaves consist of 5 sharp tips, serrated edges, dark green, and shiny on the short spine. Pignut skin is thin and light brown, and the fruit is round. The fruit grows 1 inch (2.5 cm) long by 0.8 inch (2 cm) wide. The color is light brown. The branches are thin and dark purple to light green in color. The branches are scaly and well hidden, but do not peel off at the ends.

Identify Hickory Trees Step 9
Identify Hickory Trees Step 9

Step 4. Get to know the Kingnut (shellbark) hickory (Carya lapisniosa)

This tree grows in moist forests, at its base. The foliage is medium green and waxy, and grows at least as many as 9 leaves on the spine. The length is between 1.8 inches (4.5 cm) and 2.6 inches (6.5 cm), while the width is 1.5 inches (3.8 cm). The fruit of this tree is the largest of all hickory species, and is covered by a thick bark with a dark brown tint. This tree produces a sweet core. The branches are thick with round bubbles. The branches form long, narrow vertical scales, which peel off from the top and bottom.

Identify Hickory Trees Step 10
Identify Hickory Trees Step 10

Step 5. Recognize the red hickory (Carya ovalis)

This tree grows on the slopes and edges of the forest. The leaves are green and red, thin and tapering, and grow as many as 5 or more at the spine. The margins of the leaves are finely serrated, as opposed to the sharp teeth of the pignut and southern shagbark. Red hickory seeds are 1 inch (2.5 cm) to 1.2 inches (3 cm) long and 0.8 inches (2 cm) wide. These seeds are round, light brown in color and thin-skinned, and have a sweet taste. His skin is dark brown and thin. The branches are rough and so tapered that they intersect vertically and narrowly, but the branches are not scaly or peeling.

Identify Hickory Trees Step 11
Identify Hickory Trees Step 11

Step 6. Get to know the Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata)

This tree grows in different environments, although it thrives in areas with good water catchment. The leaves are light green, short and round, with a pointed tip, and grow as many as 5 or 7 pieces on the spine. The fruit of this tree is 1.2 inches (3 cm) to 2 inches (5 cm) long, is light brown, thin-skinned, and sweet tasting, and is covered by a thick black-brown skin. As the name suggests, this tree is known for its thick, scaly branches that give it a rugged appearance.

Identify Hickory Trees Step 12
Identify Hickory Trees Step 12

Step 7. Get to know hickory Sand (Carya palida)

This tree has light green leaves, narrow, pointed and has a smooth edge. The fruit is the smallest of the hickory species, averaging only 0.5 inches (13 mm) to 1.45 inches (37 mm) in length, with thin skin and brightly colored flesh. The fruit is round and covered with fine hairs. The flesh is sweet. The branches are smooth and form dense narrow grooves.

Identify Hickory Trees Step 13
Identify Hickory Trees Step 13

Step 8. Get to know the Mockernut hickory (Carya tomentosa)

This tree grows on dry land, on slopes, and suburbs. The leaves are waxy, medium green, broad and round, and grow as many as 7 leaves on the spine. The edges are finely serrated with blunt teeth. The fruit is small, only about 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) to 2 inches (5 cm) long, and has a thick, dark brown skin. The branches have deep, close vertical grooves. The branches can also groove to the ends and peel off when the tree is mature.


  • Do not try to open the fruit with your teeth. Use a small stone or vise.
  • Once you've identified a tree as a hickory, don't be afraid to try the fruit. No hickory fruit is toxic, although it is not recommended that you consume large quantities of a single species of bitter hickory fruit.
