5 Ways to Make Paper Trees for Kids

5 Ways to Make Paper Trees for Kids
5 Ways to Make Paper Trees for Kids

Table of contents:


There are many different types of trees that you can make out of paper. You can make a Christmas tree, or even a life-size tree for you to hang on the wall! Whatever you want to make, wikiHow can help you. Begin with step 1 below, or read the selection above to help determine the tree selection you want to make.


Method 1 of 5: Creating an Upright Tree

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 1
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 1

Step 1. Make two tree trunks

On cardboard, draw two branching tree trunks, then cut them out. Ask an adult to help you cut the cardboard, as this step can be difficult and dangerous.

Make sure the trunk is drawn wide at the base, just like the tree's roots are on the ground. That way, your tree is easy to establish

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 2
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 2

Step 2. Cut the center line

Cut a line across the top of one of the trunks (at the starting point of the branch), until it's slightly more than half the length of the trunk. Then, on the other tree trunk, make the same cuts starting from the bottom half way up.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 3
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 3

Step 3. Bring the two tree trunks together

Now you can insert one tree trunk into another. Trunks cut from below should be able to tuck into trunks cut from above. Now, your tree can be upheld!

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 4
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 4

Step 4. Create the leaves

Make the leaves using colored paper towels cut into small squares. Apply glue to the center of the paper towel, then attach it to one of the tree trunks. Stick it on until your tree looks perfect. You can make a tree with thick leaves!

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 5
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 5

Step 5. Decorate and enjoy

When you're done gluing the leaves, you can complete the look of the tree by adding other decorations. Try to draw a squirrel and cut it as a decoration on the tree, or make a bird's nest from a bottle brush.

Method 2 of 5: Making a Tree on the Wall

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 6
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 6

Step 1. Create a tree trunk

Squeeze brown paper bags and attach them to the wall as tree trunks and branches. You can make the tree as big or small as you want! Ask an adult for help if you want to make a large tree. Use the ladder to reach the tallest stem.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 7
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 7

Step 2. Make the leaves

Then, make tree leaves. You can trace your hand onto colorful paper and then cut it out. Imagine a leaf color that matches the current season. What color do the leaves look like in the dry season? rainy season? Make lots of leaves for your tree!

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 8
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 8

Step 3. Glue the leaves to the tree

Glue the leaf to the stem or the wall next to it. Ask an adult to help you reach the tallest part of the tree.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 9
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 9

Step 4. Attach the other decorations

You can also add other decorations to the tree! Try sticking pictures of birds and squirrels to a tree, or sticking pictures of flowers growing under a tree.

Method 3 of 5: Making a Christmas Tree

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 10
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 10

Step 1. Make a Christmas tree cone

Roll and glue the green construction paper so that it forms a cone as tall as your desired Christmas tree.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 11
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 11

Step 2. Cut a sheet of paper as a branch

Cut long sheets of green construction paper 5-7.5 cm wide. Cut the bottom of the sheet of paper, leaving the top about 1 cm intact as the tip of the tree branch.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 12
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 12

Step 3. Glue the tree branches

Start at the base of the tree, attaching the sheet of paper by unfolding it down around the tree, and working your way up one row at a time.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 13
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 13

Step 4. Widely open the tree branch

After gluing the entire sheet of paper, unfold the tasseled sheet of paper (especially under the tree) to make your Christmas tree appear more bushy.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 14
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 14

Step 5. Decorate your tree

You can use glitter ornaments, beads, paper balls, bottle brushes, and just about any material to decorate your tree. Don't forget to make a Christmas tree top decoration!

Method 4 of 5: Creating a Palm Tree

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 15
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 15

Step 1. Prepare some old newspapers

Prepare 4 to 8 sheets of old newspapers.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 16
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 16

Step 2. Roll up the newspaper sheet

Start by rolling the newspaper around the pencil, then remove the pencil after several layers of rolling.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 17
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 17

Step 3. Add newspaper sheets

When the paper is only about 5 cm left, place a sheet of newspaper over the remaining section, and continue to roll it back until there is about 5 cm remaining. Don't roll it too tightly, you'll find out why in a moment.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 18
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 18

Step 4. Repeat again

Repeat step 3 until all of the newspaper sheets have been rolled up.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 19
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 19

Step 5. Cut the paper roll

Cut the roll of paper into four equal parts 15 cm long from one end (you can tear it or use scissors to cut).

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 20
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 20

Step 6. Pull the end of the piece up

Hold the roll of paper with your left hand, then pull the end of the paper strip up from the center. Stop once the tree reaches your desired height. Paper tree up to 2.4-2.7 m high.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 21
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 21

Step 7. Color the leaves if you want

You can use green spray paint to color the tree if you want.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 22
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 22

Step 8. Create the trunk

Use brown paper to line the base of the tree, then glue it.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 23
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 23

Step 9. Finish your tree

If you want to make a tree that looks thicker (like pineapple bushes), once everything is combined, you can strengthen the roots of the tree by crumpled up old newspaper and dyeing it brown.

Method 5 of 5: Making a Real Tree

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 24
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 24

Step 1. Prepare dry tree trunks

Prepare 4-7 tree trunks that have been cleaned of leaves, each 5-10 cm long.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 25
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 25

Step 2. Color the tree trunk

Paint the trunk in silver, gold, red, or whatever color you like. Use spray paint so you can color it more easily, or ask an adult for help.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 26
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 26

Step 3. Prepare a large flower pot or vase

Prepare a pot or flower vase that is sturdy enough to accommodate the tree trunk you prepared.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 27
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 27

Step 4. Tie a ribbon-shaped knot around the vase

Prepare colored string or sweet gift ribbon, then tie it around the mouth of the vase so that it looks more beautiful.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 28
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 28

Step 5. Fill the flower vase

Fill pots or flower vases with pebbles or pebbles. Rocks or gravel will be the ballast that holds the tree trunk.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 29
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 29

Step 6. Insert your tree trunk

Place the tree trunk in the pot and tuck it between the river stones or gravel at the bottom.

Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 30
Make a Paper Tree for Kids Step 30

Step 7. Decorate your tree

You can hang hand ornaments, paper leaves, greeting cards, or wishes on tree trunks.


  • If you can't pull the roll up, you have rolled it too tightly.
  • To give it a special effect, cast a spell before lighting the tree.


  • Keep paper trees away from fire, as they are highly flammable.
  • If you are making a tree with children, be sure to use child-safe scissors.
