Learn how to draw a spider by following this easy tutorial.
Method 1 of 4: Cartoon Spider

Step 1. Draw a small circle for the spider's head and add a larger circle for the body

Step 2. Draw two rectangles in front of the head for the pedipalp

Step 3. Draw four zigzag lines on one side of the spider for the legs

Step 4. Draw the same zigzag line on the opposite side of the spider

Step 5. Draw two small circles for the spider's eyes

Step 6. Darken the outline of the spider's body

Step 7. Draw the spider's legs using zigzag lines as guides

Step 8. Create a hairy spider by sketching short small strokes on the head and body. Darken the spider's eyes

Step 9. Erase the unnecessary lines and color the image
Method 2 of 4: Simple Spider

Step 1. Draw a rectangle for the spider's body. Sketch a square shape with a soft tip for the head

Step 2. Draw four curved lines extending away from the spider's body. Leave a marker on the spider's legs using circles and small lines for guidance and then draw the details of the legs

Step 3. Repeat Step 2 for the opposite side of the spider's body

Step 4. Add details to the spider's body and head. Draw a spinner on the back of the spider's body

Step 5. Add detail to the spider's legs by thickening them to add volume and notice that the legs are separated into segments

Step 6. Copy the same steps you did for the leg, on the opposite leg

Step 7. Draw the spider's eye using small circles and a pedipalp by sketching the protrusion shape anterior to the head

Step 8. Erase the unnecessary lines and add random little doodles on the spider's belly

Step 9. Color the Image
Method 3 of 4: Tarantula

Step 1. Draw a semicircle for the stomach

Step 2. Draw a smaller half circle for the head

Step 3. Draw two ovals on the head for the mouth

Step 4. Draw a series of ovals for the pedipalp of the tarantula

Step 5. Draw the legs using a combination of lines and curves that extend from the body

Step 6. Add an oval on the tarantula's leg

Step 7. Based on the lines, draw the main parts of the tarantula

Step 8. Draw the eyes by placing eight dots on the head and adding hair all over the tarantula

Step 9. Erase unnecessary lines

Step 10. Color the tarantula
Method 4 of 4: Black Widow Spider

Step 1. Draw a large oval for the belly, followed by a smaller oval for the head

Step 2. Draw four pairs of line combinations for the legs

Step 3. Draw two triangles on the abdomen for the “hourglass” of the spider

Step 4. Draw eight dots for the eyes and two sharp lines for the mouth

Step 5. Based on the lines, draw the main parts of the spider