Spider veins are red or blue blood vessels in the shape of a cobweb that appear close to the surface of the skin on the feet or ankles. Sunburn, increasing age, and hormonal changes are all things that can cause spider veins. Learn about treatments and measures for spider vein removal that you can take to prevent new spider veins from appearing.
Method 1 of 3: Medical Treatment

Step 1. Perform sclerotherapy
In this medical procedure, a saline solution or cleanser is introduced into the blood vessels, which aims to damage the blood vessels and destroy them. Once destroyed, the blood vessels will no longer be visible under the skin. You can do one injection per inch of spider vein. The procedure is quick and usually quite painful – a pin prick is the only thing you feel.
- Side effects can include redness, stinging, swelling, and bruising. These effects usually go away quickly and will not prevent you from doing normal activities.
- The best time to undergo sclerotherapy is during winter, when your veins are most visible and easiest to protect. The tan caused by the sun makes spider veins more difficult to see and remove.
- This procedure can permanently remove existing spider veins, but new spider veins may grow over time. Other additional treatments may be needed to keep your legs free of spider veins.
- You can spend around IDR 4,000,000, 00 to IDR 13,000,000, 00, depending on the number of spider veins you have and the treatment needs of your legs.

Step 2. Consider getting a skin surface laser treatment
If you are sensitive to needles or have an allergy to the saline solution used in sclerotherapy, you may want to try a skin surface laser treatment. A strong beam of light is sent through the skin to the blood vessels, which then fade and disappear afterward.
- Laser treatment is often painful because of the high temperature generated by the laser. After the treatment, which usually lasts 20 minutes, a cooling device will be applied to the skin to relieve pain.
- Side effects can include redness and swelling, discoloration of the skin, and in extreme cases, scars or burns.
- People with certain skin colors and conditions should not undergo laser treatment, as it can permanently discolor the skin. Consult your doctor whether you are suitable for laser treatment.
Method 2 of 3: Preventing Spider Veins

Step 1. Don't block circulation to the feet
The veins in your legs have to work against gravity to bring blood back to your heart. Certain habits can make this process more difficult for the blood vessels, which can cause the blood vessels to become tense and enlarged, and will make them visible. Help circulation to your feet by practicing the following habits:
- Don't stay in the same position for a long time. Whether you're sitting at your desk all day or standing in front of a class for hours on end, being in the same position will hinder circulation. Find time to change your position by walking around the office or lifting your feet when changing classes.
- Don't cross your legs. This will cut off circulation and put unnecessary stress on the blood vessels. Sit with your feet flat on the floor so that circulation in your leg veins is not blocked.

Step 2. Wear comfortable shoes
Your feet are an important part of circulation, and if you wear shoes that squeeze or restrict blood circulation, this can lead to the appearance of spider veins.
- Avoid using high heels. High heels put extra pressure on your feet and make your blood vessels work harder to bring blood back to your heart. Wear low or flat heels.
- Avoid using strict bots. Especially knee-high boots, which can strain your feet and impede circulation.

Step 3. Use compression socks
Available at drugstores and other stores that sell medical supplies, compression socks provide extra help to your feet to help circulate blood and prevent your blood vessels from becoming strained.
- Compression socks are not like other fashion socks. Compression socks apply pressure to specific points to help your circulation.
- Strength recommendations of gradient compression socks should be adjusted by a professional but they provide more pressure than regular gradient compression socks and pantyhoses.
- Wear socks as often as possible, and not just when you're wearing a dress or skirt. Also use socks under pants.
- Compression socks can also help relieve swelling or pain that results from sclerotherapy or laser treatment.

Step 4. Take care of your skin
Keeping your skin healthy can protect the underlying blood vessels and reduce the chance that spider veins can be seen from the outside. Take care of your skin in the following ways:
- Use sunscreen. The sun's rays damage and weaken the skin, making blood vessels more visible. Use sunscreen on your face to prevent spider veins from appearing there, and don't forget your feet and ankles.
- Moisturize your skin. Keeping your skin from drying out will help improve skin elasticity and appearance, making spider veins less visible.
Method 3 of 3: Lifestyle Changes For Better Circulation

Step 1. Eliminate foods that make your body retain water
When your body retains excess water, it puts unnecessary pressure on your blood vessels, which can cause them to dilate and become visible. Reduce consumption of the following foods that can cause retention of water in the body:
- Foods with high salt content. Fried foods, canned soups and salty snacks can cause the body to retain water. Try reducing or eliminating the amount of salt you use on a daily basis when cooking and baking.
- Alcoholic beverages. A few beers or wine a week won't cause a problem, but drinking more than that can cause your body to retain water and block your blood vessels.

Step 2. Eat more fiber
Constipation is another form of pressure that can lead to overstretching of the blood vessels. Eating foods that are high in fiber helps your digestive system work properly and prevents this type of stress from building up.
- Eat enough fruits and vegetables. Avoid consuming juice, and eat fruit directly, because fruit will contain more fiber. Try making a smoothie mix with spinach, blueberries, and bananas.
- Eat seeds. Quinoa, oatmeal, oat bran, and other whole grains help relieve the pressure of constipation.
- Take a fiber supplement if your system seems to still need more fiber.

Step 3. Exercise every day
Regular exercise will keep you moving and improve blood circulation, and can help maintain a healthy weight, reducing pressure on the veins in your legs.
- Focus on leg exercises, such as running, swimming or cycling.
- Walking every day is a good form of exercise. Do it during your lunch break or before and after work.
- Some insurance companies will not cover the cost of treatment due to spider veins because it is often considered a cosmetic and elective surgery. However, if you can show signs and symptoms of a medical condition caused by spider veins, such as bleeding or swelling, your insurance company may reconsider.
- Varicose veins are similar to spider veins, but appear larger and can be painful. Varicose veins can be treated with radiofrequency treatment or surgery in addition to medications used to remove spider veins.