Spider solitaire is a card game played using two decks of cards (outside of other variations). Some common variations of spider solitaire use one, three, or even four decks, or only use one, two, or three symbols from each deck. But, regardless of the variation you use, the basic rules remain the same.
Method 1 of 4: Playing One Suit Spider Solitaire

Step 1. Merge and shuffle the two decks of cards
For this, do not remove any cards (except the joker). Just glance at all the cards and pretend that they are all the same. Otherwise you will need an additional deck.

Step 2. Pull out 10 decks of cards and stack them horizontally
Each card in each pile must be face down and neatly arranged vertically. The first four piles must consist of five cards, and the remaining six piles must consist of four cards.

Step 3. Draw new cards open and place them in each pile
Now the first four piles should have a total of six cards, and the remaining six piles have a total of five cards, each with the top card face down.

Step 4. Lay the rest of the deck aside, closed
This stack is called “stock” and will be drawn whenever you can no longer make a move on the cards on the table.

Step 5. Form the order of the cards from largest to smallest by doing the following:
- Move the exposed card to the card with the higher value regardless of the symbol. For example, a queen card with any symbol can be placed on top of a king card with any symbol, a 7 card of any symbol can be placed on top of an 8 card with any symbol, and so on.
- Place each new card slightly below the back card so you can see the value of the card underneath.
- You can move the card that is face up front or closest to you to another pile at will. But you can only move several exposed cards at once if they are in order from large to small. For example, K-Q-J-10-9 or 5-4-3 (with any symbol) can be moved together at once.

Step 6. Turn over the face card after it is not covered by another card
You can't leave any piles face down (and you certainly don't want to. Once you've cleared all the cards in one pile, you can fill that spot with any open card, be it single or multiple cards.
You can't use cards from the stock pile if you have an empty spot to fill. Simply take one (or more) cards from one pile to another and place them in the empty place

Step 7. Use cards from the stock pile when you can't move anymore
When you can't make any more moves with the cards on the table, use card stock. Pull open one card and place it into each of the 10 piles on the table, then continue the game.
When you have no more card stock and you can't do anything, it's a shame, the game is over. Playing one suit is actually still easier. Playing two suits or four suits will be more difficult than this

Step 8. If you manage to stack Kings to Aces consecutively, remove them from the game
Remove it open. When you've finally made eight stacks in a row, you've successfully completed the game.
- Be careful not to mix the finished pile with your deck of card stock.
- The game is successful if you have managed to make eight complete stacks consecutively from King to Ace, or when no more moves are possible.
Method 2 of 4: Playing Two-Suits Spider Solitaire

Step 1. Arrange and arrange the cards as you would the cards for the one-suit version
You will use the same number and format of cards, i.e. five piles on the right and six piles on the left (including exposed cards). The number of cards in each pile is also the same, along with the stock cards.
If you still don't quite memorize it, reread the rules in the one-suit version. That version is much easier and new players should always start from there

Step 2. Differentiate the colors
If in a one-suit you completely ignored the symbols, this time you'll need to group the cards by color. This means that diamonds and hearts are one color and can be ordered, while moringa and spades are another color.

Step 3. Move stacks of the same color
In the one suit version, you only need to sort the cards from large to small (eg 9-8-7). Here you can still create sequential stacks like that, but you can only move stacks of the same color. This means, you can place a 7 of hearts on top of an 8 of spades, but you cannot move both of them at the same time.
But, as per the rules, you can move a pile of 8 hearts and 7 hearts (or diamonds) at once. These rules make the game more difficult

Step 4. Remember that the other rules still apply
The rest of the rules of the game remain the same, regardless of which version you play. You can still use the stock when it's immobilized, flip the unlockable card, and you'll need to fill all the places before you can open the card stock.
- The format of the cards is also the same, both the number and the pile. If you missed the first method above, you may need to re-read it. And if it's really your first time playing Spider Solitaire, you'd better start with the much easier one-suit version.
- Again, the only difference in each version is how you move the open stack, not how you create it. So be careful when you move the red card over the black card, because you won't be able to move the black card for long.
Method 3 of 4: Playing Four-Suit Spider Solitaire

Step 1. Arrange and arrange the cards as usual
Four Suit Spider Soiltaire is the most difficult, but has the same format and rules. Use cards in the same number and arrangement, and make eight stacks in perfect order to complete the game.

Step 2. Distinguish the symbols
This time, you see each card symbol as it should. A diamond is a diamond, a spade is a spade, and so on. Just like the two suits version, you have to group the like. This means that you can only stack cards of the same symbol to complete one pile.

Step 3. Move the stack if it has the same symbol
You can make any order as long as it's from largest to smallest (9-8-7-6 and so on), but you can only move piles with the same symbols. The 6 hearts card that is above the 7 and 8 diamonds cannot be moved at all at once. However, if the stack consists of 6 hearts, 7 hearts, and 8 diamonds, the 6 and 7 can be moved at once.
Can you imagine how difficult this version is? When going to move cards here and there, you have to really consider them, which ones need to be moved and which ones shouldn't be moved. Generally, you want one perfect stack open. If your movement isn't meant to do that, you shouldn't be doing it

Step 4. Use strategy
The four-suit version is a very strategy-involved version (but that doesn't mean it completely ignores luck). In order to make your one stack neat and workable (which is the step to finishing the game), you have to be very careful.
- Aim for the high-value cards first. That is, move the Jack to the Queen first before you move the 10 over the Jack. If you move 10 to a Jack with a different symbol, it means both will be immovable.
- Move the King to an empty spot as soon as possible.
- Open a card from a nearly empty column or space. The sooner you clear it, the sooner you can put the King in its place, then complete one pile.
- While this doesn't need to be mentioned, try to make sure that each successive pile has the same symbol. This will make it easier for you to finish the game.
Method 4 of 4: Playing Spider Solitaire on Windows Computer

Step 1. Select the difficulty level
If it's your first time playing Spider Solitaire, you may need to start with one suit. This is not to be taken lightly, but two suits and four suits are much more difficult. Once you get used to the one suit, you can try a more difficult version.
Most of the determining factor of this game is luck. If you are given a bad sequence of card stock, you may not be able to finish the game. Play often so that you become an expert

Step 2. Take advantage of the “Hint” feature
Pressing “H” means asking for help from Windows. The shape of the rock is that the card you have to move will be bright. But don't just press it. Also think about why that move is the best.
Limit the use of hints in each game. Relying too much on clues will prevent you from solving the puzzles on your own

Step 3. Don't be afraid to use the “Undo” button
Especially if playing four suits, the undo button will be very useful for you. This button is like a peek button. If you don't know if you should move a card, take a look at what's underneath. If it doesn't work, put it back.
Just like the hint button, don't rely too much on it and only use it when you really need it

Step 4. Know how to calculate the score
In the Windows version, you will start with 500 points. Each move you make will deduct one point. Then, when you win, the points are multiplied by 100. Check to see if you can beat your own record each time you play.
- If you're having trouble moving the deck of cards with your hands, try playing on the computer. The rules are exactly the same, but you don't have to bother moving the cards with your hand.
- When playing Spider Solitaire, King is the highest card, and Ace is the lowest card.