Being elegant is not just about not making a misstep. Not just a way of carrying yourself, but guarding your actions and thoughts. Graceful people are usually seen as flexible without appearing aloof, and they care about other people and treat others with respect. Even if you are notorious for being indifferent, you can be graceful with a little hard work.
Part 1 of 3: Look Graceful

Step 1. Be comfortable with yourself
Graceful people are known to be in control of their bodies. They are less likely to trip over themselves or hit, or slam vases or coffee cups. They can carry themselves well and are comfortable with themselves. If you want to be graceful, then you have to learn to be aware of what your body is doing and its direction all the time. This may sound easy, but you'd be surprised how easy it is for people to get confused and not realize they're intruding on someone else's space or sitting in an awkward position.
You don't have to be a bodybuilder to be in control of your body or to feel good about yourself. But exercising, whether it's running or rock climbing, will help you feel connected to your body

Step 2. Maintain proper posture
If you want to be elegant, then you have to stand straight and straighten your back even when you are sitting. If you're tired or just want to relax for a while, you may feel the urge to slouch, but if you're in the habit of straightening your back, you'll have no problem maintaining proper posture. Even if the person you're talking to tends to bow, you don't need to follow them. Practice standing up straight and looking straight ahead instead of looking down if you're walking and you'll soon look more graceful.
Having the right posture will also make your body language look confident. Graceful people are also known to be confident because they are proud of what they have to bring into this world. Bowing down will make you look like you're trying to hide, even if that's not the point

Step 3. Breathe deeply and fully
Not only will this make you feel and look better, but it will improve your cognitive abilities. Be aware of how you are breathing and feel your body as you inhale and exhale. If you feel yourself becoming stressed or overwhelmed, take a moment to take deep breaths until you feel calm.
You may already know from yoga, that inhaling and exhaling, and focusing on the breath, will help you connect with your body and can make you more focused. This is a must if you want to be elegant

Step 4. Increase your flexibility
Having strong flexibility is part of controlling your body. Each day you should set aside time to practice stretching so that you feel relaxed and that it's not too difficult for you to go about your day. This is especially important before you exercise, or if you sit at a desk all day and need to rest your back and neck a bit. Take time to stretch, even if you're in front of the tv, and you'll be surprised at how much grace you feel.
Doing yoga will increase your flexibility greatly. Take a course for beginners and see the difference in just a few hours of practice a week

Step 5. Dress gracefully
Your clothes don't define you, but they can make you look more elegant. The most important thing is that you wear clothes that are clean, stylish, and fit well, and give you a nice, unified appearance. Your clothes don't have to be expensive; but must have a high taste, not too tacky, and pleasing to the eye.
- Don't wear clothes that restrict your movement. For example, high heels may look elegant, but they shouldn't be worn for long. Baggy pants that are too big will give a strange impression and don't show elegance. Wear clothes that make you feel confident and attractive, and style your hair the right way.
- Make sure your clothes are wrinkle-free, and check for stains after you eat.
- It also won't look elegant if your clothes are unbuttoned or shirts left unbuttoned, so check your clothes every few hours.
- If you want a more sophisticated style, a simple black dress will suffice. Also clothes with subtle colors such as brown, pink, or gray, can help you look more elegant.
- For accessories, a pearl necklace, simple stud earrings, or a silver bracelet do the trick. You don't want to go overboard with too many accessories, which will make you look less elegant.

Step 6. Put on makeup, if it suits you
Not all women are suitable for wearing makeup, and if you're a woman who doesn't like doing this, then don't feel any pressure to change. But if you wear makeup, you need to keep your makeup balanced and even, and not overly dramatic at the wrong time. For example, you can wear thick eyeliner, but maybe you don't want the eye shadow and mascara to be too thick. A little bit of lipstick, blush, and eyeshadow, and you're already looking pretty elegant.
- Make sure the foundation you use matches your skin tone.
- Remember that less makeup is better than too much makeup.
- If you use concealer or blush, make sure it's well blended.

Step 7. Walk with purpose
Head straight, eyes forward, and walk at a natural brisk pace. Graceful people don't stoop or waste time; they know where they are going and they are proud to be there. If you look at the floor, you look lost and look insecure. Looking straight ahead will also make you make eye contact with other people, which will also make you look and feel more confident and graceful.
Of course, if you're walking next to someone who's walking slower, then you should also slow down to appreciate that person

Step 8. Sit gracefully
When you sit down, don't jump into the chair. Pull up a chair and sit down carefully. While you don't want to look like a royal sitting on a throne, you shouldn't slouch and continue to sit in an upright posture. Do not lean with your legs open, and sit with your legs closed or crossed. When you sit down, make sure you do it carefully, no matter how tired you are.
If you are sitting on the bus or on the train, try not to take up too much space. Selfish people will not look graceful
Part 2 of 3: Be Graceful

Step 1. Keep your cool
Graceful people are rarely seen scolding others, saying something they will regret, or throwing furniture through the window. They are calm and don't let other people bother them and they know when to stop when they feel angry. They also don't appear to be nagging and babbling or throwing insults at others. They tend to be calm and supportive when others need them.
It is said that graceful people are not perfect. If you are angry with someone, you should sincerely apologize

Step 2. Speak well
Graceful people tend to say things clearly, speak at the right volume, and don't talk too fast or too slow. Their language is clear and direct, has a large vocabulary, and expresses thoughts clearly. They tend to avoid using harsh words or using too much slang. While it's okay to pause while you're thinking about something, elegant people are less likely to stutter or say "uh" or "um" or "like" in every sentence. They have control over what they say and they believe what they say.
- Part of speaking well means thinking before you speak. If you plan what you are going to say before you say it, then you will be clear with your sentences.
- To speak well, you must master proper grammar. For example, you shouldn't say "He and I are going to the movies," instead, "we're going to the movies," and so on.

Step 3. Take an acting course
Graceful people are usually balanced and confident, both verbally and non-verbally. Learn some good body movements, and use them. You don't have to be an actor to take acting courses. You can use that to learn how to carry yourself in a more balanced and graceful way. Acting courses can also help you build confidence and learn how to speak in public, which graceful people usually excel at.
- You'll also learn how to interact with different types of people, which usually graceful people know how to do.
- If acting isn't your thing, you can try taking dance lessons or ballet lessons. It can help with your balance, coordination, and calm.

Step 4. Be polite
Graceful people are usually polite. they don't interrupt, they don't offend, and they don't say anything inappropriate, especially in front of people they don't know very well. They ask how others are doing, or offer a seat to a person who is standing, or avoid vulgarity or inappropriate behavior. They are also considerate of others and don't ask questions that are too personal or that make other people feel uncomfortable.
Good manners are also a big part of being polite. You shouldn't chew with your mouth open, hold the door open for other people, and stand up when you're introduced to new people, look people in the eye when you talk to them, stand in line, and pose as a seed if you want to look elegant

Step 5. Avoid bragging
It wouldn't look graceful to talk about how beautiful, stylish, or accomplished you are. Even graceful people are very modest, and proud of themselves without needing to spread the word about their accomplishments. You can talk about things you enjoy without making it sound like you're the best at those things, and you can mention hobbies or interests without mentioning medals, prizes, or world records. Graceful people don't seek approval from others and don't need to show off in order to feel happy and fulfilled.
If you brag a lot, people may not want to hang out with you. You should be grateful for all the advantages you have in this life instead of bragging about all your accomplishments. You may have done a lot already, but you don't need to pass it on if you want to handle good fortune and accomplishments gracefully

Step 6. Have a calm demeanor
Graceful people are known for their serenity. They carry themselves with dignity, courage and pride, so as not to fall, and to have confidence and purpose in their demeanor. Calm people rarely get lost, argue with others, or lose focus. If you want to be graceful, then you need to be calm physically and in your disposition. To be calm means to be balanced in all aspects of speech.
People who have composure also maintain their composure in difficult situations. They don't confuse or fight back against people who are rude, vulgar, or mean
Part 3 of 3: Treating Others Gracefully

Step 1. Be a caring person
Graceful people are always considerate of others. They make an effort to really listen and care about others and put themselves in their shoes. They often think about other people's feelings and try to make others feel better and make their day easier. They give their seats to tired looking people. They check on friends or people they know who are going through a tough time. They are not noisy and intrusive and ensure that they do not disturb others in public. If you want to be elegant, then being considerate is key.
To be a caring person, you need to practice empathy and think about what other people are thinking and going through. For example, if your friend just dumped her boyfriend, then maybe she just doesn't want to hear about your hot new date

Step 2. Respect others
Graceful people are also known for being respectful of others around them and they always think about their actions. They don't make offensive comments, they don't insult other people, and they respect other people's privacy. They give compliments when needed and don't interrupt or put people down, in front of or behind them. However, they treat others with the respect they need and deserve.
Respectful people don't interrupt others when they are talking. They didn't talk on the phone while they were registering at the counter. They don't sit at a four-person table in a cafe all to themselves

Step 3. Be wise
Graceful people display wisdom in their daily interactions. They understand that it is important to choose timing and words carefully and know that it is necessary to convey important news in a kind and calculated manner. They know when to be cautious and know when it's time to share information privately, and they know that they shouldn't make thoughtless comments without knowing the person who's hearing them. Wisdom is key when it comes to being graceful.
A wise person will not make comments that would publicly humiliate others. For example, if your friend recently broke up with their partner, you might not want to comment about it in public

Step 4. Help others
If you want to be elegant, then you can't always put yourself first all the time. Graceful people are often selfless and happy to give their time to help others, whether you're helping a friend finish her writing or volunteering at the soup kitchen on Sundays. You shouldn't think that your time is so important that you don't have a few hours a week to listen to other people, to share things about yourself and your time, or to make the world a little better.
When you help others, you should do it out of kindness from your heart, not because you want something in return

Step 5. Don't hold grudges
Graceful people don't waste their time getting upset or filled with bitterness and hatred. They learn to forgive others and move forward, rather than letting anger overwhelm them. While you shouldn't allow other people to trample on your self-esteem, you must accept the fact that people make mistakes and you should forgive them if they apologize sincerely, and have a reason. Graceful people give credit to others and don't waste their time getting caught up in petty enmity. Also, holding a grudge will make you a more bitter and less happy person.
Along with not holding grudges, don't gossip about people you don't like. There's no reason to spread bad vibes, and it will probably get to the person and cause more drama

Step 6. Accept criticism graciously
One of the most challenging times is when you get criticized. Whether it's from your boss who wants you to improve your negotiating skills or from a friend who wants you not to be late in doing something, you must learn to accept criticism, and use it to improve yourself, if it is constructive. Don't be an unsportsmanlike or angry loser, and understand that people won't always give you credit. It's important to accept the bad along with the good and continue to be graceful no matter what.
Of course, if other people criticize just because they're being mean, you should ignore them. But if the person really wants to help you, you have to accept it so you can improve yourself
- Wear clean clothes. You don't need expensive clothes; just have a proper style and dress and hair.
- The trick to looking elegant is to move smoothly. You want to look as if every move is deliberate and considered, but not too slow or too fast. This will take practice.
- Keep clean by showering every day, and wearing perfume. (A good aura comes with a subtle perfume.)
- Forget about whether your body "should" be bigger, smaller, smoother, more hair, skin color, or whatever. Just accept the fact and it's pretty cool. (After all the bodies you're used to seeing in magazines aren't usually real.)
- Being graceful doesn't mean being rude or overly sweet.
- Try not to say "like" too much, as that makes an impression of immaturity.
- Try repeating the affirmation or focusing the word on yourself. Think of phrases like "I am refined, suave and graceful." "I walked into the room like this." Don't hesitate to dance a little or move your body as you say these words.
- Whenever you go down stairs, or are going down stairs, always appear as if you are walking up. Keep your shoulders open and your head looking forward. If you stumble, give a little smile and get out of the way smoothly; instead of laughing, people will be blown away by your recovery.
- How you are seen by others: the more you understand this the better you will progress.
- Watch what you eat. We're not talking about losing weight (elegant has nothing to do with weight, it's all about your personality). Eat vegetables and avoid foods that contain too much starch (bread, chips). Drink lots of water, and reduce stimulants (caffeine and nicotine).
- Being physically beautiful also means not looking ugly – if you have a lot of acne, use a facial cream. Acne will give the impression of being dirty or you are lazy to clean your face.
- You can dance, but don't make any sudden or disturbing movements.
- If you're a bit chubby, wear clothes that fit-but don't be too tight. It will make you more worth seeing
- Always be aware of the part of your body and what it is doing. You own this device and you control it, not your body parts.
- If you've ever read a Twilight novel, think about Alice Cullen. She has a very graceful movement at all times.