Walking like an elegant woman does not mean walking like a princess a century ago. You can increase your femininity by improving your posture. Before walking, prepare your posture by straightening your back and relaxing your shoulders. As you walk, radiate confidence by stepping out wide and looking ahead.
Method 1 of 2: Maintaining Good Posture

Step 1. Imagine a thread running from the tailbone to the top of the head
Stand up straight with your eyes closed and imagine that there is a thread running along your spine starting from the tip of your tailbone to the top of your head like a puppet being moved on a string. Then, imagine the thread being pulled up so that your body is straight and upright.
Do this exercise whenever you need to improve your posture

Step 2. Keep your shoulders away from your ears and pull your shoulders back for a relaxed posture
Bring your arms back so that your shoulders don't lean forward. If you slouch a lot, get in the habit of pulling your shoulders back to keep your back straight and not arching forward. Also, don't bring your shoulders close to your neck. Keep the shoulders away from the ears so that the neck looks level and the collarbones are parallel to the floor so that the body feels relaxed.
Imagine that tape is glued over your upper back starting from your left shoulder to your right shoulder. Make sure the tape is completely straight and sticks to your back evenly as if you were measuring shoulder width

Step 3. Contract your abdominal muscles for more stability
Take a deep breath and then contract your abdominal muscles while exhaling. Instead of activating your abdominal muscles until you feel uncomfortable, you only need to tighten your abdominal muscles so that your stomach does not bulge. You seem fat if you don't activate your abdominal muscles.
Get in the habit of contracting your abdominal muscles when you stand for a long time

Step 4. Spread your feet apart with your knees slightly bent
When practicing walking, do not straighten your knees and bring your feet together. Even though your footsteps look more graceful, your body is unstable if you walk with your knees straight. Instead, place your feet on the floor just below your shoulders and allow your knees to bend slightly as you walk.
You can pass out if you walk with your knees locked because blood flow from your lower body to your heart is blocked

Step 5. Divide your weight evenly on the soles of your feet to keep your body stable
Transfer your weight to the balls of your feet by leaning slightly forward so that you don't rest on your heels as you walk. This will make it easier for you to keep your balance and move forward because your body is leaning forward.
Each time you stop walking for a long time, transfer your weight from one foot to the other or from heel to toe

Step 6. Let your arms hang relaxed at your sides to maintain balance
You don't have to think about how to move your arm. Relax your arms at your sides. Don't let your arms feel tense or uncomfortable when you walk because you're not looking elegant.
Swinging your arms across your chest while bending your elbows is not a graceful gait
Method 2 of 2: Walk With Confidence

Step 1. Step your feet wide enough with the same stride width
Show a relaxed and calm expression when walking towards a certain location. You may appear nervous and unpretentious if you walk with short strides and stiff movements. Step on your feet while maintaining balance so that you can walk comfortably.
Don't go too wide. When advancing your feet, try to keep the distance between the soles of the feet at least as wide as the soles of the feet

Step 2. Make sure you walk quietly while taking a regular step to look more graceful
Don't walk in a hurry when you reach your destination. Stepping confidently in a calm and orderly manner makes you look very graceful. Let your hips swing a little so that the body movement is more interesting.
Imitate the walk of the models by placing one foot in front of the other to make it easier for you to swing your hips

Step 3. Don't look down while walking
Make sure you walk with your head up and look ahead. You don't have to look in a certain direction, but don't look at your feet or the soles of your feet when you walk. Instead of appearing elegant, you will appear shy if you keep your eyes down.
When meeting someone, say hello while making eye contact

Step 4. Don't do any movement that makes you feel restless while walking
Relax your palms and fingers so that you look like an elegant woman. Maybe you want to curl your hair, bend your wrist, or crack your knuckles, but these moves make you less feminine. When walking, avoid bad habits and work to get rid of them.

Step 5. Wear high heels when traveling to make you appear more feminine
Footsteps look more attractive if you wear high heels of various models. If you're not used to wearing high heels and need to walk quite a distance, take the time to practice at home. Don't push yourself if you have trouble walking in high heels.