The thought of a sharp razor being moved near the genitals may seem scary. However, shaving the pubic area can give you a clean and slick look. This is one of the main parts of a man's routine grooming. You should always start the process by carefully trimming the pubic hair with a grooming clipper. After that, soak / wet the body with warm water for a few minutes, then apply shaving cream. Next, use a sharp razor to remove the hair in a smooth, even motion. The final step, apply aftershave (cream that is applied after shaving) that soothes after you shave.
Part 1 of 3: Trimming Short Pubic Hair Before Shaving

Step 1. Attach the shoe (guard) with the lowest size to the grooming clipper
You can also use a hair clipper, but grooming clippers are smaller and easier to move on sensitive areas. If you use the lowest shoe, the clipper will trim the body hair to about 3 millimeters.
- Never shave pubic hair without trimming it first. Coarse, frizzy hair can get caught in the razor and be painful when pulled out.
- If you just want to trim your pubic hair (not shaving), you can use a higher clipper if you like.
- You may want to skip the shoe for a shorter cut. However, this increases the risk of scratches, cuts, irritation, and infection.

Step 2. Run the clipper all over the hair around the pubic area
Stand straight, hold the clipper with your dominant hand, then use the other hand to grip the penis and scrotum as needed. Trim pubic hair in the direction of hair growth (above the penis usually downwards).
- You can also use your free hand to pull on the skin and tighten it while shaving. This makes it easier for you to do the trimming.
- This may be easier to do if you place one foot on the seat, the toilet cover, or the edge of the tub.

Step 3. Trim the hair on the penis and scrotum carefully
After trimming the hair around the pubic area, slowly move the clipper on the shaft of the penis (if necessary) to trim the hair there. Next, use your free hand to flatten the scrotum so it's easier to trim. After that, trim the hair in this area carefully.
- When trimming the hair in the scrotum area, try to tighten or even out the skin using your free hand. If this is not done, the loose scrotal skin can get caught in the clipper and cut into the blade.
- The hair on the erect penis will be easier to trim.

Step 4. Use scissors and a comb if there is no clipper
Start at the outer edge of the pubic area, then work the comb through a small section of hair. Do this in the opposite direction of hair growth and keep the comb always flush with the skin. Trim any hair sticking out of the comb's teeth using sharp scissors. After that, move on to another section and continue until it's finished.
- Do the same steps to trim the hair that grows on the scrotum and shaft of the penis.
- Sharp scissors will give better results, but use them carefully so you don't hurt your skin. The skin can become infected if it is injured.
- Do not use these scissors and combs for other purposes, and always clean with alcohol after use. This will reduce the risk of spreading STIs (sexually transmitted infections) or other infections.
Part 2 of 3: Shave Trimmed Pubic Hair

Step 1. Soak in warm water for about 5 minutes
The warm water will soften the skin and fur, which makes it easier for the razor to glide over the skin and cut the hair down to the base. You can also take a warm shower from the shower, although bathing will still give the best results.
- In some cases, soaking for more than 10 minutes can make the skin swell and make it more difficult to shave.
- Soak in the tub after you trim pubic hair using a grooming clipper.

Step 2. Massage the shaving cream on the pubic hair
You can apply a shaving gel or cream specifically designed for body hair, or use a regular shaving cream. Use your hands to massage the cream into your body hair for 1 to 2 minutes. This massage will soften the hair and lubricate the skin.
You can also use a shaving cream brush to apply the cream. However, to reduce the risk of STIs or other infections, do not use the brush on your face

Step 3. Shave the hair around the pubic using smooth and even strokes
Stand in the tub or some other place that supports one leg so you can easily access the groin area. Use your dominant hand to hold the razor clean and sharp, and use the other hand to adjust the genitals as needed so that you can access the pubic hair that surrounds the scrotum and penis. Move the razor across the bristles with even pressure in the direction of hair growth.
- Every 2-3 strokes, rinse the razor with clean water, and make sure that there are no hair flakes and cream remaining on the razor.
- If you're using a dull razor, you'll need to press harder against the skin, and this increases the risk of cuts or irritation. So, always use a new, sharp razor. Also, do not use the razor on the face and other areas of the body.

Step 4. Pull the skin tight for a shorter shave, but be careful of cuts and irritation
Use your free hand to pull the skin near your genitals for a smooth, short shave. However, this method also increases the risk of irritation, scratches, and cuts to the skin, which can lead to infection.
- Short shaving around the pubic area also increases the risk of spreading STIs. For example, you may not realize that you have caused an open sore in that area.
- Basically, if you don't mind having a little "beard" in the groin area, you don't have to shave there very short.

Step 5. Shave the penis and scrotum carefully and only do this if necessary
This is a very sensitive area and it is difficult to shave without causing cuts and scrapes. If you still want to shave, use your free hand to even out the area (bit by bit) and run the razor in a smooth, even motion. Apply as little pressure as possible.
Unless you really want to get a smooth, smooth look in the area, always use scissors to trim the hair in the penis and scrotum area

Step 6. Wash and dry the area, then apply a soothing lotion or cream
After shaving, wash the groin area with plenty of warm, clean water. After that, use a clean and soft towel to dry it. Next, apply an aftershave lotion or cream that's gentle, but doesn't contain alcohol and fragrance. This will reduce the chance of infection or irritation.
- To replace aftershave, you can also use aloe vera or baby oil.
- If you experience itching or a rash, soak in a hot tub for 5 to 10 minutes at least once a day, then pat the problem area dry, and apply aftershave after each bath. If necessary, go to the doctor or ask for recommendations for over-the-counter medications (such as hydrocortisone cream).
- Go to the doctor immediately if you have a severe rash, discharge, bleeding sores, and/or fever.
Part 3 of 3: Trying Other Options

Step 1. Use an over-the-counter hair remover that's specifically designed for the pubic area
Hair removal medications contain chemicals that can dissolve hair, and not all medications are safe for use in sensitive areas such as the pubic area. If the product says it's safe for the pubic area, apply the cream and wash it off afterward according to the directions given.
- The depilatory may produce smoother skin than shaving, but the hair will still grow in the same amount of time (usually a few days).
- If redness or swelling appears, you may be allergic to depilatory drugs. Stop using it and go to the doctor.

Step 2. Use a hair removal waxing service for long-lasting results
Waxing will remove the hair along with the roots so that new hair in the groin will grow again in a long time, which is about 1 to 2 weeks or more. However, this procedure is a bit painful, and you will have a hard time doing it yourself (in the groin area) at home. Go to a beauty salon that provides waxing services for sensitive areas.
To minimize the risk of infection, make sure the salon uses clean equipment and new wax for each customer

Step 3. Use laser hair removal which makes hair grow very slowly
Laser hair removal will destroy the follicles that make your skin smooth and silky for a few weeks or months after the procedure. However, laser treatment generally requires several sessions (up to 5 sessions) lasting an hour. This procedure should be performed in the clinic of a dermatologist (skin specialist) or other similar professional.
- While laser treatment works for most people, this method may not be as effective at removing pubic hair.
- The procedure may be a bit painful, but not as painful as in the waxing method.
- Your skin may be red or swollen after each treatment session. If necessary, ask how to solve this problem. You may be asked to take a bath or apply a soothing cream/lotion.

Step 4. Get an electrolysis treatment to permanently prevent hair from growing back
If you really want to permanently remove pubic hair, then electrolysis may be an option that is worth the time and money you spend. In this procedure, the professional will destroy the hair roots with a needle-like tool. You will need up to 25 treatment sessions to complete this procedure. The hair roots will be completely destroyed and cannot grow back.
- You may experience mild pain with each session. There is also a chance that the skin will also be red or irritated for a while, which should be applied to a soothing lotion or cream.
- This is probably the most expensive option as you will have to go through many treatment sessions at a dermatologist (or other similar professional) clinic.
If you want to use the razor again, be sure to dry it after shaving. If water is allowed to remain, the blades may corrode and develop bacteria. If dried, the razor will stay sharp and clean for a long time. When you're about to shave again, it's a good idea to sterilize the blades with a little rubbing alcohol, then rinse them with water before using them
- Don't do this to make your partner happy. If you want to shave the pubic area, do this for yourself, not someone else. You can ask your partner's opinion on this because some people don't like a clean, hairless pubic area and may even refuse it. However, it's all up to you, where and when you want to shave.
- Do not have sex immediately after shaving.
- Avoid shaving before exercising. Sweat can irritate the area, and friction when you run or perform other movements can also irritate the area.
- If you have a wound (of any kind), don't engage in sexual activity using your genitals until the wound has healed. If you (or your partner) have an STI, you can transmit the disease. In addition, any type of virus or bacteria (not just those associated with STIs) can infect the wound. Even if you've used a condom, it's possible that the wound can still irritate, which will result in scarring.
- Watch for lumps on the skin that are painful after you shave. Maybe it's an ingrown hair. Don't worry, but you should still see a doctor to prevent infection and make sure it's not an STI.