"The Shuffle " is a dance move that originates from the " Melbourne Shuffle ", which is a type of dance for clubs and parties that began in the late '80s during the underground music party in Melbourne, Australia. The basis of the shuffle movement lies in speed heel-to-toe motion, which works best with electronic music. However, the more modern shuffle movement, popularized by the music video for the song “Party Rock Anthem” by “LMFAO” in 2009, is becoming more recognizable in today's clubs and culture. To dance the shuffle, you'll need to master the "T-Step" and "The Running Man" moves, and learn to move between them. See how in the following guide.
Method 1 of 3: "T-Step" Movement

Step 1. Stand with your legs extended about 30 centimeters apart
These were early stances for the T-Step movement.

Step 2. Lift your right leg up and slide your left foot in
Lift your right leg about 15 centimeters off the floor, lifting your knee up and in while positioning your calf and foot away from your body. When you lift your right foot, your left foot should slide inward, so that your toes are pointing inward, not outward. This should be done simultaneously while lifting your right leg.

Step 3. Place your right foot back down while you slide your left foot outwards
Place your right foot down and out, until your toe touches the floor. This is a fast movement, and you don't have to put your feet on the floor completely. While placing your right foot down, pull your left foot outward so that the toe of your left foot is facing out.

Step 4. Move at least five steps to the right
Practice doing a combination of your right and left leg movements. Continue to move to the right, in the direction of the toe, lifting and lowering the right leg while sliding the left foot in and out. Once you've mastered this technique, your right foot should be lifted as your left foot shifts inward, and down as your left foot slides outward.

Step 5. Move to the left
After moving at least five steps to the right, move to the left. When your right foot hits the floor one last time, turn your right foot into a shifting foot, and begin lifting and lowering your left foot as your right foot slides in and out.

Step 6. Continue shifting sideways
After moving at least five steps to the left, move back to the right, and repeat in both directions, until you master the shuffle (or if you need to rest). Even if the T-Step is purely a leg movement, you can also place your arms slightly away from your sides, moving them inward when your knees move inwards, and outwards when your knees move outwards.
Method 2 of 3: "The Running Man" Movement

Step 1. Stand with your left foot about 30 centimeters in front of your right
Your left foot should be flat on the floor, while your right foot should only slightly touch the floor with the tip.

Step 2. Lift your right leg
Lift your right leg up, and lift it about 15 centimeters in the air, with your knee slightly elevated as well. The position of your left foot should remain the same as before.

Step 3. Pull your left leg back. Pull your left leg back as far as it's length, while keeping your right leg elevated in the air

Step 4. Put your right foot back
Place your right foot down while lifting the back of your left foot so that only the tip is still touching the floor. This will make it easier for you to lift your left leg in the next movement.

Step 5. Lift your left leg
Now, repeat the same movement with the different leg. Move your left foot up. Raise your left leg about 15 centimeters in the air, with your knee slightly raised. Your right foot should stay in the same position.

Step 6. Pull your right leg back
Pull your right leg back as far as it's length while your left foot remains elevated in the air.

Step 7. Place your left foot
Place your left foot while lifting the back of your right foot so that only the tip is still touching the floor. This will make it easier for you to lift your right leg in the next movement.

Step 8. Keep swapping between the legs
Keep lifting one leg up, while moving the other leg back, until you master this insanely cool Running Man dance move.
Method 3 of 3: Combining Both Moves

Step 1. Move from T-Step to The Running Man
" To do a real shuffle, you'll need to combine T-Step and The Running Man moves. To do this, move to one side with a T-Step motion, then move to the other side in a Running Man motion. Take five steps to the left, then when lifting your left leg for the last time, rotate it 90 degrees forward or backward, then use that foot as the main leg for the Running Man movement.
Do the Running Man on the spot, or even in a circle, to show off your skills. Next, when you put your feet down, choose one of them to lift in the T-Step and do the shuffle. You can use this trick to alternate between the two moves

Step 2. Switch from The Running Man to the T-Step
" Start by doing The Running Man in place or in a circular motion, and rotate your body 90 degrees to the left or right, then start moving from left to right in a T-Step motion. You have to wait until both feet touch the floor when performing The Running Man movement, then lift one leg and use that foot as the raised leg in the T-Step movement, while moving in the direction of the foot.

Step 3. Alternate with the two shuffle movements
You can actually switch between T-Step and The Running Man moves, however you like. You can perform the T-Step movement only once or twice, twist your body, and then move directly to The Running Man movement. You can do The Running Man movement only two or three times, then go back to doing the T-Step movement for only a few steps, and go back to doing The Running Man movement.
You can also prioritize one of the moves. You can focus on doing the T-Step move and occasionally switch to The Running Man move, or vice versa. You don't have to do both movements with the same frequency

Step 4. Add a loop
If you want to make the shuffle more interesting, just do the loops when you do The Running Man or T-Step moves. To rotate while performing "The Running Man," simply perform the movement while slowly moving in a circle each time you place your feet on the floor. You can practice doing this movement slowly, as you become more comfortable doing the movement while rotating.
To rotate while performing the T-Step movement, simply place the shifting foot in the center of the circle while sliding the foot while rotating around the circle by rotating the leg you are lifting

Step 5. Add hand gestures
While your footwork is the most important thing in the shuffle, once you've mastered the footwork, you should pay attention to your arms as well. If you keep your arms by your sides while doing this move, you will look stiff like a robot. Instead, stretch your arms outward and move them both according to the motion of your legs.
- If you're doing the T-Step, move your arms outward while placing your previously raised leg, and move your arm inward as you lift your leg back up.
- If you do the "The Running Man" move, move your arms back and forth, much like the movement of your arms when running in a hip-hop style.