Friendship bracelets are an interesting accessory and easy to make! You can give it to a friend, or keep it to add to your jewelry collection. If you're good at making friendship bracelets, you can even sell your handiwork! Start with basic techniques, then spice up the bracelet look with braids, charms, and beads.
Method 1 of 3: Preparation Stage

Step 1. Choose a few strands of embroidery floss in different colors
You are the artist here. You are free to determine how many strands to use, as long as there are at least three strands. Choose a color combination that will produce a beautiful pattern. Unleash your creativity! If you only want to use one color, you can't create patterns.
You can make small bracelets with 4-6 strands of yarn, and 6-10 strands for larger bracelets. The more strands you choose, the wider the bracelet will be

Step 2. Measure and cut the first thread
Measure the thread slightly longer than the distance from the shoulder to the fingertips, then cut. This length should be enough to make a patterned bracelet on the wrist. Thread that is too long is better than too short because you can cut off the rest if you get the wrong size.

Step 3. Use the size of the first strand as a benchmark for other strands of yarn
Try to make a nice and even bracelet. Hold the pieces of yarn together with the rest of the yarn and cut them so they are the same length.

Step 4. Pass the first thread over the second to make a knot
To get it right, you'll need to make a "half-hitch" knot.
- First, move the first thread over the top of the second thread. Make sure you leave some of the first thread on the other side so that it forms a loop.
- Bring the first thread behind the second, then pull it through the loop.
- Hold the second thread tightly as you pull the first thread. When pulled, the knot will move up the second thread. If so, you're done working on the first node. Not too difficult, right?

Step 5. Repeat the same knot using the same yarn
Once you've made the second knot with the first and second yarn, you'll need to use the first yarn to make two knots in the third, then the fourth, and so on. Keep working until there are two knots in each yarn.
- Make sure you pull the thread exactly until you feel the resistance. Don't let yourself pull too tight! If some knots are tighter than others, the bracelet will appear full of bumps and uneven.
- Continue knitting the first yarn around each yarn in succession, moving from left to right, until you've knotted all the strands, and the first yarn is in the right end position.
Method 2 of 3: Continuing the Knot Pattern

Step 1. Start the process again with the thread on the left end
Congratulations, you have completed the first stage of making a bracelet! Let's continue. The thread on the far left will be the new first thread. Every other yarn will be on the right when you finish, and you'll start with a new color yarn each time. Repeat this double knot technique with the left end of the thread, moving from left to right until the thread is in the right end position.

Step 2. Continue until the bracelet is long enough for the wrist
You've worked hard to make a beautiful bracelet so make sure it's the right size! Wrap the bracelet around your wrist. Make sure there is enough extra space so that you (or the person wearing the bracelet) can slip two fingers behind the bracelet.

Step 3. Tie the ends of the two bracelets into a knot
Make sure the knot doesn't reduce the length needed to wear the bracelet.

Step 4. Cut off the excess thread
If there is enough thread left in the bracelet, cut it off with scissors.

Step 5. Tie the bracelet
Now that you've knotted both ends of the bracelet, just tie the strings together and you're done! If you want the bracelet to fit snugly, ask a friend to tie it around your wrist.
Method 3 of 3: Adding Simple Braids and Beads

Step 1. Add a simple braid
If you want to spice up your bracelet, try giving it a simple braid. The braid will be at one end of the bracelet so you will need to start the braid before knitting together the main design. Gather adjacent threads into 1-2 groups so you have 3 main strands for braiding the bracelet (left, center, right).

Step 2. Cross the right thread over the middle thread
Take whatever thread is now in the right position and cross it over the center thread. The right thread is now the middle thread. Next, take whatever thread is now on the left and cross it over the center thread so that it is now the center thread.
After that, just repeat! Continue this pattern: right over center, left over center, until you reach the desired length of the braid, about 2.5 cm or less

Step 3. Tie a knot before starting the main braid
Once you've reached the desired amount of simple braid, which is about 2.5 cm or less, tie a knot before starting to embroider the stripe pattern.

Step 4. Braid the other end of the bracelet
Once the striped pattern is long enough, finish the bracelet with a simple short braid.

Step 5. Include an amulet or bead at the end of the bracelet
If you feel like your bracelet needs an extra touch, slip some charms or interesting beads when braiding the bracelet. Tie it with a knot to secure it.
Finished! Give it to a close friend, or save it if the result is too pretty to pass on to someone else
- If you're tying in a double knot, make sure you do it on each knot. Tying two double knots in a row on the same strand on each thread will result in a bracelet that lays flat.
- If the bracelet starts to twist, iron it or use a paper clip to keep it straight. Move paper clips as you work. You can also use board clips.
- To help the thread move smoothly while making the bracelet, and to help prevent the thread from breaking if pulled too tightly, first coat the strands with wax. The trick, you can pull the thread on the used wax as if slicing it.
- If you make a lot of bracelets, try selling them for extra cash.
- If you make a reverse knot, the corners of the pattern will also be reversed. You can also use this to make arrow or zigzag pattern bracelets.
- Try to make all the bracelets in one session so you don't forget about your work progress. If you're worried about forgetting the color order, write it down.
- Choose colors carefully. You can use the recipient's favorite color, or choose a color that reflects something (e.g. red = love, yellow = joy, etc.)
- Don't tie the knot too tightly or loosely. If it is too tight, the thread may break or the pattern will not be visible. Loose knots will come off quickly.
- You can test the color match of the yarns by laying them loosely on top of each other.
- The embroidery thread is very thin. Be careful not to tie the knot in the wrong place. If so, don't worry; You can untangle the knot with tweezers or safety pins, but this process is quite difficult and it is not uncommon for the thread to unravel or break. Embroidery threads are very difficult to decipher.
- Don't tie the bracelet too tightly around your wrist, and make sure the blood is still flowing in your hand!
- Try not to get your hands caught in the knot or tangle the thread.