Peeling an apple, or removing the skin, is not difficult if you know what to do. However, the sharp knife or vegetable peeler needed to do this job can hurt your hands if not handled properly. Take the time to learn how to peel for the first time and always stop first, and readjust if you feel the grip slipping.
Method 1 of 3: Peeling Apples with a Knife

Step 1. Hold the apple with one hand
Hold the apple in your right hand, keeping it steady on your palm and fingers.

Step 2. Learn how to hold a knife that is short and sharp
Choose a sharp knife that is no longer than the width of the apple, especially one that is 5–10 cm long. Hold it in your right hand, with your fingers gripping the knife handle and the blunt back of the knife. Straighten the arm, with the knife stretched outward as if it were part of the arm.
This type of knife is often called a paring knife because of its use in this work

Step 3. Hold the knife firmly against the surface of the apple
Hold the blade firmly against the fruit by gently pushing it against the dull edge of the blade. Make sure the grip on the knife is firm, not wobbly, but don't pull or squeeze.
Some people start holding the knife at a distance of 2.5 cm from the top or bottom of the apple, at a point on the rounded part of the apple's surface

Step 4. Decide what way to aim the knife
The best way to hold a paring knife depends on its level of comfort and control. If you are unfamiliar with or uncomfortable with the use of the knife, or are using a larger knife than instructed above, point the knife away from the body to minimize the chance of injury if the knife slips. If you've practiced using a paring knife, and you know that if you're holding the knife firmly, you'll find yourself having more control over the knife if you point the knife at a slight inward angle.

Step 5. Peel the skin of the apple with a knife
Gently press the apple against the knife, until the skin is cut off and the knife is under the surface of the apple.

Step 6. Twist the apple to remove most of the skin
Gently twist the apple against the blade, holding the knife firmly in the same position or using less pressure to push it against the apple. Continue to rotate the apple as the knife removes the skin, twisting in a spiral pattern until all the peel is removed. Leave the ends of the apples flat.
If the knife slips into the skin again, put the knife back on the apple, on the unpeeled skin

Step 7. Remove the ends of the apples
The top and bottom of the apple are more difficult to peel, because of their uneven shape. Hold the apple against the cutting board, with your fingers rounded into “claws” so that the tips of your fingers are pressing against the apple, but the knuckles are the closest part of the finger to the knife. Gently press the knife against the tip of the apple until it feels stable on the inside of the apple, then push hard to cut the end of the apple.
Do not try to cut the ends of the apples if the apples slip on the cutting board. Stop and make sure that both the apples and the cutting board are dry, or try a different cutting board
Method 2 of 3: Peeling Apples with a Vegetable Peeler

Step 1. Cut off each end of the apple
This peeling method is usually much faster if you remove the uneven edges of the apple where the stem is, resulting in two parallel surfaces.. In preparation for cutting, hold the apple firmly against the cutting board with your right hand, fingers curling inward in a “claw” shape. This position will keep the tougher skin of the knuckles closer to the blade, reducing the chance of serious or painful injury when the blade slips.

Step 2. Identify the type of peeler used
There are two main types of vegetable peelers. A straight peeler, with a metal part extending straight from the handle like a knife, is meant to be pushed away from the body. The Y-shaped peeler has two “arms” that separate from the handle, with a metal blade extending between the arms. Both types of peelers work in a pulling motion. Some people tend to injure themselves more often with one type of peeler than another, so if you find a peeler difficult to control, try a different type of peeler.

Step 3. Try holding the peeler like holding a pencil
You may have a firmer grip on the peeler, especially a Y-shaped peeler, if you place your thumb and forefinger on opposite sides of the handle. Curl your other fingers around the handle of the peeler so you can hold it firmly.

Step 4. Hold the apple, with your fingers at the sides of the apple
Hold the apple firmly with your right hand, but place your fingers on the sides of the apple, not the edges of the apple. Leave a long strip of skin that appears to extend between the two ends of the apple, with the fingers and knuckles remaining near this path. Position the apples according to the type of peeler they have:
- If using a straight peeler, hold the apple so that the peeling skin remains flat, at an angle so that you can move your hand while holding the peeler straight against the apple without bending your arms in an uncomfortable way.
- If using a Y-shaped peeler, hold the apple so that the peeling strip is almost vertical, tilting it away from the body so that you can pull the peeler down on the peel.

Step 5. Use a vegetable peeler to scrape off these first strands of skin
Double check that the apple and fingers are in the position described above. Gently pull the vegetable peeler blade from one of the cut surfaces to the other, to remove the apple peel. Remember, push the vegetable peeler straight away from your body, but pull the Y-shaped peeler toward you.

Step 6. Twist the apple and repeat
Continue to peel the short skin strands until all the skin is removed. Consider holding the apples over a cutting board, bowl, sink, or trash can to catch the apple peels when you peel them.
Practice peeling gently with at least three or four apples before you try to peel quickly. While you're comfortable peeling faster, changing to a different type or size of peeler can cause injury if you don't slow down and get used to using the peeler first
Method 3 of 3: Using Apple Peel

Step 1. Make apple peel as a snack
Mix the apple peel with a pinch of cinnamon and sugar, adding a few drops of water to help the cinnamon stick. Arrange the apple peels on a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper. Bake at 120 degrees Celsius for about 2.5 hours, or until apple skins are crisp and curled.

Step 2. Make the apple peel into potpourri (a mixture of spices with flowers or in this article fruit peel)
Dry the apple peels for a few hours in a dehydrator, or in the oven on a minimum setting. Mix with spices, perfume, or other flavorful ingredients to create a potpourri mixture. Put these ingredients in bowls at home to cover bad odors or add this fragrance to a room.

Step 3. Add apple peel to homemade jam
Cut the apple peel into small pieces and add it to other fruit to make jam. If you have enough apple peels, apple seeds, or other leftover fruit, then you don't need to add pectin or reduce the amount of pectin you need to make jam.

Step 4. Make compost
If your cooking generates a lot of waste, consider composting. This compost can produce high-quality soil for your garden, and reduce the environmental impact. If you don't use compost for your own needs, check with your local government whether composting services are available or not.
Sharpen the knife before peeling to make this job smoother and easier
If your hand is injured, wash the injured area immediately to reduce the chance of infection
Things You Need
Sharp and short knife
- Vegetable peeler
- Any knife