Nausea is annoying. Everything seemed to go awry, the voices seemed to disappear, the body shivered, and the smell of food… needless to say. There are many natural treatments for mild or severe nausea, so you can continue with your daily activities with great strength.
Method 1 of 4: Overcome Nausea with Relaxation

Step 1. Give your body what it needs
If you're feeling dizzy from nausea, try not to move much, even when your stomach feels like it's upside down-unless you have to throw up.
- The most important thing to do when dealing with dizziness is not to move your head.
- Get up slowly after each rest to avoid the sensation of your head spinning. Or if you have a headache, you can get through it more easily.

Step 2. Place a cold, wet compress on your forehead
While it won't relieve nausea or speed up the process, many people think that cold compresses can significantly reduce the pain of nausea. Lie down or tilt your head so the compress can rest on your forehead, and re-wet if needed. You can try moving the compress to other parts of your body to see if you feel less discomfort-try your neck and shoulders, arms, or stomach.

Step 3. Relax
Anxiety is known to make nausea worse, so try to stop thinking that your pain has thwarted many plans. Make sure you get enough sleep, and sleep during the day so you can rest. Don't think about whether you'll feel better or worse when you wake up, at least you won't feel nauseous during your sleep. Try deep breathing practices for mild nausea. Deep breathing creates different rhythmic patterns in your belly.
- Find a quiet place to sit.
- Inhale slowly through your nose, so that your chest and lower abdomen rise as you fill your lungs.
- Allow your stomach to expand completely. Then exhale slowly through your mouth.

Step 4. Surround yourself with pleasant scents
Research shows that inhaling the aroma of essential oils such as peppermint and ginger oil can help relieve nausea, but furthermore, the conclusions of this study are not very convincing. However, many people feel better when they inhale a pleasant aroma, whether from essential oil vapors or scented candles.
- Eliminate bad odors from your environment. Ask someone to take out the trash or clean the trash can, and don't sit in a hot room.
- Let the air flow by opening a window or pointing the fan at your face or body.

Step 5. Divert attention
Sometimes a walk and a breath of fresh air will make you feel better. The sooner you get out for a breath of fresh air after a bout of nausea, the easier it will be for you to cope. However, make sure you don't distract yourself with activities that make nausea worse. If the activity you are doing makes you feel worse, stop immediately.
- Try doing something fun and forget about nausea. You can watch a movie or chat with a friend. You can also play video games or listen to your favorite albums.
- Accept that you have to throw up and wait for relief afterward, because whatever's bothering your stomach is better expelled than held inside. Trying to prevent vomiting may actually be worse than just expelling it. Some people even deliberately stimulate vomiting in order to expel it quickly at the right time and location.
Method 2 of 4: Eating Food and Drinks to Relieve Nausea

Step 1. Eat regularly, both main meals and snacks
If you're feeling nauseous, food may be the last thing you want to think about. However, food must be at the top of the recovery effort. Hunger from not eating will only make you feel more nauseous, so temporarily ignore your dislike of food to feel better.
- Eat small meals throughout the day, or eat snacks to prevent stomach upset. Avoid overeating, and stop when you feel full.
- Avoid spicy or oily foods and processed foods such as chips, fried foods, donuts, pizza, and others. Such foods can make nausea worse.

Step 2. Follow the BRAT diet
BRAT stands for Banana (bananas), Rice (rice), Applesauce (apple sauce), and Toast (bread). This plain diet is recommended for people who suffer from stomach pain or diarrhea because plain food is easily digested and will not come out again. In addition to dealing with nausea, the BRAT diet will also shorten the duration of nausea and avoid unwanted reactions due to wrong food choices.
- The BRAT diet is not a diet for the long term.
- You should be able to slowly shift to your regular diet within 24-48 hours.
- You can add other plain, easily digestible foods (clear soup, crackers, etc.) to this diet.
- It is important to remember that if you are vomiting constantly, you should only drink clear liquids. The BRAT diet is only recommended after you can go about six hours without vomiting.

Step 3. Use ginger
Research shows that 1 gram of ginger, more or less, can reduce nausea effectively. Consume 1 gram of ginger at a time, up to 4 grams per day. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor first-the dosage for pregnant women ranges from 650 mg to 1 gram, but should not exceed 1 gram. There are many ways to include ginger in the diet, but none can dose it high enough.
- Natural ginger candy.
- Ginger tea is made by brewing grated fresh ginger in boiling water.
- Buy and drink ginger ale.
- Not everyone will react to ginger. Part of the world's population will not feel the benefits of ginger for some unknown reasons.

Step 4. Use peppermint
Although there is no scientific agreement, there is some research showing that peppermint is effective in relieving nausea. Peppermint has long been used to treat digestive problems such as heartburn and difficulty digesting food, and to help stop stomach cramps that cause vomiting. Peppermints like Mentos or Tic-Tac should only be eaten occasionally, as sugary sweets can make nausea worse. Sugar-free peppermint gum is a better choice, but be careful; Chewing will take a lot of air into the stomach and can cause bloating, making the sensation of nausea worse. If you are still dealing with nausea with fluids, the best option for you is peppermint tea.

Step 5. Drink enough fluids
Drinking 8-10 glasses of clear fluids daily is important for your overall health, and becomes even more important when you are sick. If your nausea is accompanied by vomiting, take special care to ensure that you are properly hydrated.
- Sports drinks can help, if modified. Vomiting can drain fluids and electrolytes like potassium and sodium from your body. Sports drinks contain both of these electrolytes, so they seem to be the best choice for your body. However, sports drinks are actually much more concentrated than necessary to deal with dehydration, contain far more sugar than needed, and useless chemicals like artificial coloring to help with marketing, so they may not necessarily be good for you. However, you can dilute a regular sports drink in the following way:
- Mix half or quarter of your preferred sports drink with water.
- Or, mix an equal amount of a sports drink and water. This will help if you insist on drinking water, but the sweetness makes it more palatable.

Step 6. Drink non-carbonated soda to help soothe the stomach
Although high in sugar content, non-carbonated soda is useful for relieving stomach upset. To make it, put the soda in a container like Tupperware, shake it, remove the air, cover, shake, until no more carbon dioxide remains.
- Cola has long been used as an anti-nausea drug, even before it was used as a soft drink.
- Ginger ale containing natural ginger is also an anti-nausea elixir.

Step 7. Stay away from harmful drinks
While fluids are essential, there are certain types of drinks that will make your nausea worse. Examples are alcoholic beverages, caffeinated beverages, and carbonated soft drinks. This type of drink is not useful for dealing with nausea, because it can cause further stomach problems. If your nausea is accompanied by diarrhea, avoid milk and other dairy products until you are fully recovered. The lactose in dairy products is difficult to digest, and will make or prolong the duration of diarrhea.
Method 3 of 4: Take Medication to Treat Nausea

Step 1. Treat nausea with over-the-counter medications
If you believe that your nausea is temporary and not a symptom of another health problem, you can take a variety of over-the-counter anti-nausea medications. Try to determine the cause of your nausea-whether it's a stomach ache or motion sickness-before buying over-the-counter medications. Usually anti-nausea drugs are sold according to the type of nausea itself.
- For example, nausea due to stomach pain or gastroenteritis can be treated with Pepto-Bismol, Maalox, or Mylanta.
- Nausea due to motion sickness will feel better after taking Antimo.

Step 2. See a doctor for prescription medication if needed
Some medical procedures, such as surgery or cancer treatment, can cause severe nausea that requires stronger drugs that can only be obtained by prescription. Nausea can also be a symptom of various medical problems, such as chronic kidney disease or peptic ulcers. There are many different classes of medications that can be used to treat nausea, and your doctor will be able to match the cause of your nausea with the right medication.
- For example, Zofran (ondansetron) is commonly used to treat nausea caused by chemotherapy and radiation.
- Phenergan (promethazine) is prescribed for use after surgery and for motion sickness, and scopolamine is used for motion sickness only.
- Domperidone (sold under the brand name Motilium in the UK) is used to treat severe stomach pain, and is sometimes used as part of the treatment for Parkinson's disease.

Step 3. Take all medications as directed
Read the labels on over-the-counter medications carefully to find out what the recommended dosage is and follow them carefully. Prescription drugs also come with instructions on the packaging, but you must follow your doctor's instructions. Your doctor may change your dose slightly based on his knowledge of your medical history.
Very strong drugs may have serious side effects if taken without following the directions. For example, an overdose of Zofran can cause temporary blindness, hypotension and fainting, as well as severe constipation
Method 4 of 4: Determining the Cause of Nausea

Step 1. Are you sick?
One of the main causes of nausea is pain. Flu, stomach ache, or other ailments are some of the main causes of nausea.
- This might be a good time to check if you have a fever. Although not all illnesses cause fever, this test can help pinpoint the cause of nausea.
- Did you eat wrong? Food poisoning is a common cause. Ask your family members or housemates-if they all have a stomach ache after last night's meal, the nausea could be due to food poisoning.
- If your nausea problem persists for more than a few days, you may have a gastrointestinal problem that is more than just a "stomach ache." There are many medical reasons that cause nausea, from simple to severe. Maybe you need to see a doctor. Severe, long-lasting nausea can even be a reason to go to the ER (as discussed in more detail below).

Step 2. Consider a food allergy or food intolerance
If you experience frequent nausea, keep a journal for a few weeks to see if you can spot a pattern that points to a cause for nausea. If you suspect a food intolerance or other reaction, avoid or limit these foods and consult a doctor.
- Lactose intolerance is a common cause of nausea. The ability to digest milk properly in adulthood is limited to people of European descent, and even so, many of them are also lactose intolerant. Use over-the-counter medications such as Lactaid or Dairy Ease to help you digest dairy products. Or choose dairy products that are processed with enzymes, such as yogurt and cheese.
- Sensitivity to food or allergies are other causes. If you notice nausea occurring right after eating strawberries or foods containing strawberries, this could be an indicator of the problem.
- Food sensitivity and intolerance can only be diagnosed by a doctor or a qualified medical specialist.
- Today many people are following the trend of self-identifying as having "gluten intolerance" and the like without any medical examination at all. Watch out for such trends. There are some people who do react badly to gluten. But sometimes the "cure" is a placebo effect or feeling better on their own after a while, and then they assume the "cure" is a change in diet when it's not really clear whether it's a change in diet or the fact that their body is recovering on its own.

Step 3. Make sure that the medicines you are taking are not causing nausea
Before taking a new medication to treat nausea, you must first determine whether the cause is not one of the drugs you are taking. Many types of drugs can cause nausea and vomiting, such as codeine or hydrocodone. If you continue to experience nausea, talk to your doctor to see if any of the medications you are taking have this side effect. The doctor may suggest another medication or reduce the dose.

Step 4. Consider motion sickness nausea
Some people feel nauseous when they get on a plane, boat, or car. Nausea can also be caused by several things, such as riding a Ferris wheel or other rides at a playground. Motion sickness can be avoided by choosing a seat that usually moves only slightly-the front seat of the car or the airplane seat by the window.
- Try to get some fresh air, either by lowering the window, or taking a few minutes to walk outside.
- Do not smoke.
- Avoid oily or spicy foods.
- Try to keep your head as still as possible to deal with motion sickness.
- Antihistamines such as Dramamine or Antimo are over-the-counter options that can effectively treat motion sickness. These medications should be taken about 30 minutes to 1 hour before leaving, but they can cause drowsiness.
- Scopolamine is a prescription drug used to treat severe nausea.
- Some people feel better with ginger or products made from ginger. Ginger drink (naturally flavored), ginger root, or ginger candy can help with nausea.
- Avoid starting the trip on an empty or too full stomach.

Step 5. Know that the "morning sickness" of pregnancy will pass
Although it often occurs in the morning, nausea that accompanies early pregnancy (and sometimes until several months later) can strike at any time. In most cases, the nausea will go away after the first trimester, so stick with it and wait for the nausea to go away on its own. And if you're still feeling nauseous a few months later, giving birth will solve the problem.
- Eating crackers, especially savory ones, will help you feel better, but avoid heavy meals. It is better for you to eat snacks every 1-2 hours.
- Ginger products such as ginger tea have been shown to help with nausea due to pregnancy.

Step 6. Restore body hydration to overcome the effects of hangovers
If you drank a lot of alcohol the night before, you'll need to get your fluids back before you can feel better. There are products available over the counter-such as Alka-Seltzer-that are formulated to speed up the recovery process from the effects of alcoholic beverages.

Step 7. Meet the body's fluid needs to treat gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines)
Germs or the stomach flu can cause mild to severe nausea and vomiting, and are usually accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever. Vomiting and diarrhea can dehydrate you, so make sure you're getting enough fluids with plenty of water and sports drinks. If you have trouble swallowing water, try taking small sips, rather than swallowing it right away.
- Signs of dehydration include dark urine, lightheadedness and dry mouth.
- Seek medical help if you are unable to maintain fluid in the stomach.

Step 8. Check if you are dehydrated
Ironically, one of the symptoms of dehydration is nausea, especially in cases of overheating and other situations where a person loses fluids.
- Don't drink too fast. Take small sips of water, or suck on ice chips so they don't trigger a gag response and make things worse.
- The fluids you drink should ideally not be ice cold; plain cold water or lukewarm water is the best choice. Drinking fluids that are too cold can cause stomach cramps and vomiting, especially if you are overheated.

Step 9. Know when to see a doctor
There are many serious problems that can also cause nausea, such as hepatitis, ketoacidosis, serious head injuries, food poisoning, inflammation of the pancreas, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis and others. Call your doctor if you:
- Unable to retain ingested food or liquid without spitting it out again
- Vomiting 3 or more times a day
- Nausea for more than 48 hours
- Feeling weak
- Fever
- Stomach ache
- Not urinating for 8 hours or more

Step 10. Seek emergency help if needed
In most cases, nausea is not a reason to go to the ER. However, if you observe any of the following symptoms, you may need to seek emergency help:
- Chest pain
- Stomach pain or severe cramps
- Blurred vision or fainting
- Feeling confused and confused
- High fever and stiff neck
- Severe headache
- Vomiting containing blood or resembling coffee grounds
- If you can't sleep because of nausea, try lying on your side with your knees bent, like a fetal position.
- Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
- Take dried ginger capsules (available at drugstores) to avoid motion sickness and the nausea that comes with it. These capsules are very efficacious, and do not cause any harmful side effects.
- Place a hot water bottle on your stomach.
- Hot/warm shower.
- Pour the lemon juice into the ice mold and once it's done, suck it in your mouth, you'll feel better.
- Do not think about it. Nausea can also occur when you clean the house with harsh products, such as bleach and other cleaning products. Not thinking about it would really help.
- Sit with your head propped up and your feet raised. This will stop the nausea until you wake up again.
- Avoid loud noises and bright lights. Rest in a dark, quiet room with a breath of fresh air if possible.
- Follow the urge to vomit, it means that there is something that should not be in your body. But if you're in an impossible situation, like in a car and can't just stop, yawning will help.
- You should also see a doctor if your nausea is accompanied by a fever, especially if you are elderly.
- Nausea that occurs repeatedly or over a long period of time can be a symptom of a variety of medical problems, from the flu and food poisoning to intestinal disorders and tumors. If you feel nauseous for no apparent reason, you should see a doctor. Even if you know the reason-such as motion sickness or seasickness-you should still see your doctor if the nausea doesn't go away after a day or two.
- If your nausea is due to pregnancy, avoid prescriptions that involve drugs or alcohol, or anything that might harm the fetus.