Milet is a tall grass that has been cultivated as food for at least 3000 years. In Western countries, this one plant is known by bird owners as a special snack food for their pets and is also used by farmers who have realized its usefulness as a fast-growing emergency plant or a hardy and drought-resistant plant. Milets come in many varieties and are not difficult to grow, so take a look at the sections that interest you and learn more about this practical plant.
Method 1 of 2: Growing Mileets at Home

Step 1. Choose a millet variety
Millet seeds, or millet "spray", are often sold as bird food, but they are usually available in the market in many varieties and are not properly labeled. Although bird owners think these seeds can be planted successfully, or may even grow well when accidentally dropped in the yard, milet seeds or seedlings purchased from nurseries are usually labeled with the proper species name. By purchasing from the nursery, you can know more about the condition of the seeds; not only that, you can also be more helpful if you face problems when planting.
- "Ornamental millet" varieties such as Purple Majesty or Foxtail Highlander millet are recommended for small gardens because of their attractive appearance. This millet variety will still produce edible seeds and will attract birds and other animals.
- Some varieties of millet, such as golden milet, can grow to a height of 46-61 cm, while the more common varieties will require more growing space and reach a height of 1.5 m. The millet you plant will not reach its maximum height in cold climates.
- If you plan to eat millet or use it as bird feed, use organic millet seeds and do not apply pesticides.

Step 2. Plant the seeds indoors in early spring or outdoors in late spring
For best results, especially for ornamental millet, plant seeds indoors at least 6-8 weeks before the last frost of the year. Another way is to plant the seeds directly outdoors after the frost has passed and the soil temperature has reached above 10ºC. However, be aware that this method will not give your plants sufficient time to mature and produce seeds at the end of the growing season.

Step 3. Prepare the soil
You can buy special soil for planting seeds, or you can mix regular potting soil and compost in a balanced ratio. Soil from your garden may not be very effective to use, but you can try to plant millet in any type of soil that drains water quickly. Mix perlite or sand with the soil if your soil tends to clump or stays wet after watering.

Step 4. Plant the seeds under a thin layer of soil
Do not bury the millet seeds too deep, place them no more than 6 mm below the surface. Ideally, plant the seeds 5-7.5 cm apart from each other. If you don't have enough space, plant them close together and trim the smallest seedlings once they have started to germinate.

Step 5. Keep the seeds in a warm place away from direct light
Seedlings will emerge within a few days. Many millet varieties have adapted to warm climates and grow better when exposed to bright, indirect sunlight throughout the day with temperatures around 25ºC. If the millet you purchased already has planting instructions, follow the instructions.

Step 6. Know when it's time to water the seeds
Water the seeds immediately after planting to promote germination and growth. After that, water whenever the soil is dry or almost dry, but don't water if the soil still feels damp. Make sure the water flows well. Milet will not grow well if the seeds are submerged in water.

Step 7. Move the millet seedlings to an area with full sun as soon as the weather warms up
After the last frost and once the soil temperature reaches over 10ºC, remove the seedlings one at a time, taking care not to damage the roots, and transfer them to pots outdoors or plant them directly in the garden using the same soil in which the seedlings grew- the seed before. Try to plant the seeds at the same depth as before, do not bury the stems that were previously above the soil surface. Keep your milet in full sun unless it shows signs of drying or burning.
- The recommended pot size, or spacing between seedlings, varies greatly and depends on the type of millet.
- If the weather is too hot or the millet seedlings are too young, plant them outdoors in a partially shaded area and protected from the wind for a week or two before transplanting them to an area exposed to direct sunlight. This will help the seedlings to adapt slowly to outdoor conditions.

Step 8. Maintain as needed
Since milet consists of thousands of species and varieties, it is not practical to give specific instructions for each of these types of plants. In general, millet plants like soil that drains well and will grow better if the soil is not allowed to dry out completely. It is unlikely that milet will survive freezing temperatures, either as seed or as an adult plant, and most types of milet will thrive in warm weather. If your millet looks unhealthy, or if some of your plants have died, ask a botanist, or nursery staff, to identify your millet species and then ask for specific care advice.
- If your millet is rotting or looking slimy at the base of the roots, reduce watering.
- If your millet is drying or wilting, it may be a variety with short roots. Add compost to the soil to help trap moisture and provide a stronger support.

Step 9. Harvest the seeds before they are ripe
If you want to collect millet seeds to feed your pets or to plant again the following year, you must harvest them before they are eaten by birds or other animals. The time it takes for millet to mature varies greatly and depends on the variety and climate, so when your plant is already in bloom, keep an eye on it and wait for the pods to appear. The millet pods will grow between the downy tips of the plant, and will eventually open to spread the seeds. Regularly break one of the pods from your plants to see if the seeds inside are brown or black. If they are brown or black, it is a sign that the pods are ready to be harvested. Collect the pods individually, or cut the stems completely.
Be aware that milet is an annual plant, which means it will die after producing seeds

Step 10. Learn how to use millet seeds
The millet pods can be left to dry for a week or two in a paper bag. Shake the bag to separate the seeds from the rest of the material (husk), then store them in a dark, dry place for planting the following year. An alternative step you can take is to treat your pet bird with small amounts of fresh or dried seeds. If you have enough millet seeds, you can boil it to make porridge.
The number of miles and other treats should not make up more than 10% of the total food for your pet bird
Method 2 of 2: Growing Milets as a Feed Plant

Step 1. Choose the millet variety that suits your needs
Milet is a general term for grasses that grow in the warm season, so there are many species, varieties, and hybrids to choose from. Some farmers cultivate milet as a forage grass or to attract wild animals, while farmers in India, Africa, or China grow milet to sell as human food. Make sure you choose a variety that is suitable for your growing purpose and with local soil and climatic conditions. The following are the common types of millet that can be found, but be aware that each type also has sub-types with different characteristics:
- pearl millet usually grown to produce bird or chicken feed in the Southwestern United States, or as human food in India and Africa.
- Foxtail Milet grows well in semi-arid conditions and has a fast growing time so it can be planted towards the end of the growing season.
- Proso Miles is a hardy millet breed with a short growing time. In the United States, cultivation is concentrated in Colorado, Nebraska, and South Dakota.
- finger millet can grow in higher elevations, or in wetter soil, than the other types, and is favored by some full-time growers because of its low cost and long storage time.

Step 2. Plant the millet in warm temperatures
Millet is sensitive to cold air and can only be planted if the soil temperature at a depth of 2.5 cm is consistently at a minimum of 18ºC to ensure germination can occur. Germination usually occurs three or four weeks after corn planting time and one to two weeks after sorghum planting time in your area.
Most milets will grow to maturity in between 60 and 70 days, and some take even less time if the surrounding climate is warm

Step 3. Prepare the nursery
Clean the nursery of all kinds of weeds and prepare it according to the type of soil. Plow the surface to break up hard soil. If your soil contains a lot of clay or eroding material, you should avoid plowing, or simply implement conservation plowing (leaving the previous year's crop residues in the soil).
Plant several varieties of milet in unplanted fields, although you may not get maximum yields if you don't apply nitrogen fertilizer

Step 4. Plant at a shallow depth
Standard milet planting depths range from 1.25 cm to 2.5 cm because millet seeds are not strong enough to reach the surface if planted too deep. You should plant at a depth of 2 cm for smaller seeds.
A seed drill with a small seed holder may be required for some varieties. Millet seeds can also be planted by hand in lines which are then covered with soil

Step 5. Adjust plant spacing based on millet variety and local conditions
Soil type, climate, and milet variety will all affect the planting density your field can support. Therefore, you should also seek recommendations from local farmers. In general, millet can produce good feed when grown at a density of 4.5–5.5 kg/ha, but supported hatcheries can reach 22–34 kg/ha when irrigated. Allow greater spacing between rows of milet when planted for cultivation instead of forage grass.

Step 6. Fertilize
Many varieties of milet can grow in poor soil, or even in crooked fields, but you should apply fertilizer for higher yields. Apply nitrogen fertilizer at 45–56 kg/ha after planting and 45–56 kg/ha after three or four weeks. Some soil types also require potassium, phosphate, magnesium, or sulfur. If you can't meet the recommended mineral levels for your milet, it's a good idea to follow the directions for sorghum.
Using a fertilizer drill can injure millet unless the fertilizer is completely phosphorus

Step 7. Prune the millet and leave it in the field if you are going to use it as hay
Foxtail millet, and likely many other varieties, will deteriorate rapidly if left alone after the growing season. Cover and pile up the milet, leaving it in the field until late fall or early winter to dry before you wrap the hay.

Step 8. Make sure all pest and weed control materials you use are millet safe
Milet is a type of grass, and can die easily when exposed to grass control herbicides. Some herbicides and insecticides may also be unsafe for use on forage grass, crops, or both. The types of diseases and insect pests that attack millet crops will vary greatly depending on the area of cultivation, and can be better dealt with through crop rotations and seed care. Learn as much as you can from local millet farmers or the local department of agriculture.

Step 9. Harvest before migrating birds begin to appear
Keep an eye on seed development and bird activity, as the harvest period can be very short between seed ripening and the appearance of large flocks of birds. Harvesting methods may vary depending on the millet variety and intended use, but make sure you cut it low enough so that the entire pod can be obtained.
Millet seeds should be stored in a place with an air moisture content of less than or equal to 13%
- Millet seeds can often be found in bird feed mixes, usually in red or white varieties.
- As with other plants, more specific guidelines for your millet variety and growing conditions will take precedence over more general guidelines.
- Plant foods can be dangerous to use on small or young plants. Use with caution, do not exceed 1/2 the recommended amount.
- Hybrid plants will produce seeds that are of different, or inconsistent, quality compared to the parent plant. To ensure you get a good harvest each year, buy new hybrid seeds.