How to Tighten Buttocks Fast: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Tighten Buttocks Fast: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Tighten Buttocks Fast: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

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Who doesn't want to have a toned butt? Improving the appearance of the buttocks is actually quite simple because the buttocks are muscles by nature, so they can be targeted for training and tightened. A few key exercises will tone your buttocks fast – provided you also improve your diet. Try these steps, and a toned butt will be yours.


Part 1 of 3: Doing the Right Exercise

Tone Your Butt Fast Step 1
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 1

Step 1. Try the bridge posture

The bridge exercise is one of those exercises that targets the buttocks, and if you do it consistently, you'll get a toned butt in no time. Sometimes this exercise is called a hip lift. You should aim to do at least 15 repetitions of each exercise, twice a day.

  • One variation of this exercise is lying on your back with your knees bent. Keep your feet firmly on the floor. Now, push your hips up and contract your glutes. Then, lower your hips back to the floor. Do this exercise as much as you can.
  • Lie on your back on the floor with your left knee bent, and your right leg straight. Now, lift your right leg until it's in line with your left thigh. Push your hips up, while keeping your right leg elevated. Then, lower your body and legs back down. Now, switch positions and do the same exercise with the other leg.
  • For an advanced version, extend one leg into the air with each hip lift. First lift your hips, then extend your legs. Hold for 10 seconds, then lower your legs to their original position before lowering your hips.
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 2
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 2

Step 2. Use a barbell

Butt-tightening exercises combined with the use of a pair of barbells will show results quickly. Remember, the buttocks are muscles, so doing strength training is important. You can buy your own barbell or use the barbells provided at the training center.

  • Bend your knees, then grab a barbell. Hold the barbell with an overhand grip. This means that your palms face down toward the barbell as you hold it.
  • Now, straighten up while gripping the barbell, and then lower the barbell back down. Repeat. This is a simple exercise that requires you to bend your knees while holding weights, and it will help you get results faster.
  • Another weight training you can do to tone your buttocks involves using a pair of light weights. Stand on one leg, then lift the other leg behind you, while you bend your knee. Bend forward and lower your body as low as possible. Return to the starting position, and switch to the other leg.
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 3
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 3

Step 3. Try squats

Squats are one of the easiest ways to tone your buttocks, and they don't require any equipment. This toning exercise is the most common way to tone your buttocks fast.

  • To perform a squat, stand with your feet hip-width apart and lower your buttocks (as if to sit in a chair) until they form a 90-degree angle. Then, stand back up. The key to doing a proper squat is to make sure the pressure is directed backwards toward the heels, not forwards toward the toes. Both feet should touch the floor firmly. Again remember, when you are just starting out, doing 15 repetitions 2 times can be a good goal, you can increase the number of repetitions as you get stronger.
  • Another variation of this exercise is called the hold and pulse squat. In this exercise, once again stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lower your buttocks to a 90-degree angle, but while you're in a squat position, move your buttocks up and down just a little bit at a time. This is called pulsing (throbbing).
  • Squats while kicking back are even better. In this exercise, after performing a squat, pull your legs straight back while your arms are extended forward. Then do another squat, and switch to the other leg.
  • Do squats with jumps. After you do a squat, simply swing your arms over your head. Jump as high as you can.
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 4
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 4

Step 4. Perform lunges and plies

Like squats, lunges and plies are exercises that target the buttocks and are easy to learn and effective in no time.

  • To perform a lunge, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Toes point straight ahead. Step forward, bending your knees at the same time and trying not to cross your toes. Apply pressure with your heels to maintain your balance. Then, straighten yourself back up. Now, do it with the other leg.
  • To do the plié, remember this move is not just for ballerinas; This move is also great for a butt lift! Stand with your feet spread slightly wider than your shoulders and your toes facing out. Keeping your back straight and arms extended in front of you, lower yourself into a squat-like position, then use your buttocks to return to a standing position. Do this movement for one to two minutes.
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 5
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 5

Step 5. Try yoga or pilates

Yoga and Pilates poses will relax you and can increase flexibility, but many of them also target the buttocks. So if you add yoga or pilates to your daily routine, your butt will be toned in no time.

  • Try the hill pose (downward facing dog), then the three-legged dog pose. Place your hands and feet on the floor, and lift your buttocks toward the sky as far as you can. For the three-legged dog pose, raise your right leg in the air, while keeping your left foot and hands flat on the floor. Now do it with the other leg.
  • Hold each pose for five breaths. This type of exercise helps build long, lean muscles, ideal for women who don't want to look "bulky" but want to be toned.
  • Warrior pose (warrior) can also tighten the buttocks. To do this pose, stretch your arms straight above your head and lift your face toward the sky. Step your right foot forward and do a lunge, while the position of the left leg is straight behind and both palms touch the floor. Now, do it with the other leg.
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 6
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 6

Step 6. Add weights to your workout

If you add weight, even as little as 2 or 5 kg, to basic exercises for the buttocks, such as squats or lunges, you will quickly improve your results.

  • Don't swing the weights too fast. If you hold the position for at least 30 seconds, you will benefit more from the movement.
  • Experts recommend choosing the heaviest weight you can lift, even if it means you'll be doing fewer repetitions of the exercise. This way is faster to get results.
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 7
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 7

Step 7. Do a series of exercises with circuit training most days of the week

Circuit training is great for the buttocks because many of the exercises in regular circuit training target the buttocks from different angles. Circuit training involves many different types of exercise, and that means the buttocks will get a thorough workout.

  • The key to getting a better butt shape is building muscle. A toned butt will only be wishful thinking if you have a lot of fat deposits. Circuit training usually involves some kind of resistance and strength training.
  • Circuit training also involves some cardio. This would be the perfect balance. If you only do toning exercises (like squats and lunges), you're much less likely to lose fat. To tone your buttocks, you have to get rid of unwanted fat, and that means you need a cardio workout. Other options for cardio are running, walking, and cycling.
  • Most sports in circuit training have at least three different exercises (or circuits). Each exercise usually requires you to do 10 -15 repetitions. You can rest between each circuit, then move on to the next.

Part 2 of 3: Eating the Right Food

Tone Your Butt Fast Step 8
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 8

Step 1. Stop eating low-nutrient foods completely

It will be difficult to tighten the buttocks quickly with just practice alone. If you eat bad foods, exercise won't do enough to counter the bad effects of those foods. Low-nutrient foods should be removed.

  • The problem with fast food is the amount of fat and calories in it, besides this type of food is abundant in sodium. Sodium makes you retain water, so this will make your butt look bigger and will make cellulite look worse.
  • The sodium in fast food will also make you feel tired, making it harder to get the energy to exercise, so eating fast food is doubly bad luck.
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 9
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 9

Step 2. Avoid simple carbohydrates

The problem with simple carbohydrates is that your body will turn them into stored fat if you don't burn them off immediately. So avoid eating a lot of simple carbohydrates, which have only 1 or 2 sugar molecules, so the body can burn them very quickly.

  • Examples of simple carbohydrates to avoid include foods to which molasses, corn syrup, and honey are added. Candy, soft drinks, jellies or jams, and fruit juices are examples of foods that contain simple carbohydrates.
  • Don't eat anything white. This is a good rule of thumb. White bread, refined sugar should be removed. These foods offer little nutritional value. And the fat will go straight to your butt (and belly and hips). This means there is no place for white pasta either.
  • Eat good complex carbohydrates, such as fresh green vegetables, oats, and brown rice. These foods also contain carbohydrates, but not much and not the kind of carbs that stick fat to your butt. The body takes longer to digest complex carbohydrates.
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 10
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 10

Step 3. Eat a healthy and balanced diet

This means you shouldn't starve yourself (remember once again that your butt is a muscle. This means your butt needs calories and protein). You should try to eat natural foods (not canned or boxed foods), and you should have a good balance of food.

  • Try to eat lean meats like fish and chicken. Other foods to choose from include tuna and egg whites. Both are good sources of protein.
  • Don't be tempted to devour shakes and protein bars. You may be surprised if you check the ingredient label on the package. Instead, get most of your calorie intake from the whole foods you find in the fresh foods section. Also avoid diet foods that contain artificial sweeteners.
  • Vegetables, nuts, fruit, and whole grains are good choices. Buy only what you will eat that day. This will help you to stay focused on non-perishable whole foods.
  • Limit consumption of dairy products. Do not drink fruit juices with added sugar or fizzy drinks. And read food labels. You'll be surprised to learn that added sugar has crept into your breads, salad dressings, cooking sauces, and fruit juices!
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 11
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 11

Step 4. Drink lots of water

Keeping your body hydrated throughout the day will make your butt look better (and your skin too).

  • For example, if you have cellulite, it won't look as obvious if you drink a lot of H2O. You should drink as much water as you can throughout the day.
  • This means caffeine and alcohol are not good drink choices because they both cause dehydration. So ditch the glass of wine you enjoy every night and those cups of coffee in the morning if you want a better butt look.

Part 3 of 3: Tighten the Buttocks with Daily Changes

Tone Your Butt Fast Step 12
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 12

Step 1. Tighten your buttocks all day long

If you don't have much time to exercise, you can still work your butt muscles. Try to be active throughout the day. Leading a sedentary lifestyle is very detrimental to your health, and it forces your body to store extra fat.

  • If you have a job where you have to sit at your desk, be sure to get up and walk around during breaks or during lunch.
  • Tighten your buttocks as you walk by deliberately contracting your glutes. To do this, keep your heels on the floor for as long as possible and when you lift them, roll the soles of your feet and push with your toes. Contract your glutes all day long! Do it consciously.
  • You can use a yoga ball as an office chair. That way you can work those muscles while you're sitting at your desk, taking the phone, or working on the computer! It will also improve your core muscles, as well as improve the appearance of your buttocks.
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 13
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 13

Step 2. Get up often

The buttocks can actually atrophy if you sit all day. Little things can make a big impact, but one of the things that can hurt the buttocks is the amount of time people spend sitting in the office before plopping down on the couch in front of the television at night.

  • If necessary just get rid of your office chair. Ask the office for a desk that you can use standing up. Thus you can perform the exercise while you are working simply standing.
  • Use the stairs, not the elevator. Park further away so you can walk more. Bike to work. Small steps like these become significant over time if you do them every day. Consistency is the key in this case. Walk the uphill path as often as possible.
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 14
Tone Your Butt Fast Step 14

Step 3. Monitor your progress

Don't guess how much you weigh, and don't hide your buttocks in baggy clothes. You must actively measure progress.

  • Take photos showing your progress each week. If you're having a bad day, take another look at the original photo to remind you why you wanted to change!
  • Keep a food diary. Many experts believe that keeping track of what you eat each day will help you be honest about what you put into your body.
  • Weigh yourself almost every day. If you stop weighing yourself, you may be tempted to let the little things slip by.


  • Don't just do one exercise for your buttocks every day. You will need to combine different types of exercises so that you can target your glutes from different angles.
  • Pause for three seconds between repetitions.
  • Many gyms hold classes that focus on specific body parts such as the abs, legs or arms. If you are a member of a gym, take advantage of these classes.


  • Be careful when lifting weights or using other heavy exercise equipment.
  • Always wear the right sports shoes when running, walking, or cycling.
